Written by John Vibes at trueactivist.com

A vast majority of the people who he interviewed, even police officers that were called the scene, stated that it was fairly obvious that the building was demolished. After they gave their answers, Tuskin informed them that the footage was in fact from World Trade Center Building 7, the building that collapsed, but was not hit by a plane.
Despite the fact that building 7 appeared to be demolished and was not on fire as the other buildings were, there are many people who are not even aware that it fell on that day, and many others who think that it is simply a conspiracy theory.
There is so much evidence that has come to light since the collapse of the world trade centers that it is now quite clear that there was a massive cover-up involved in this situation. There were also many members of the establishment, employees of the CIA, FBI, NSA and other organizations who caught on to the cover up while it was happening. These whistleblowers successfully exposed the cover up beyond a reasonable doubt, but their stories were largely ignored by the mainstream media. The testimony of people like Sibel Edmonds, Richard Andrew Grove, William Bergman, Coleen Rowley, J. Michael Springmann, Robert Wright, Indira Singh and Barry Jennings totally blows the official government account out of the water.
Among the piles of scientific and anecdotal evidence, there are now over 1300 architects and engineers who have signed a petition demanding of Congress a truly independent investigation. This independent investigation is necessary because the 9/11 commission was a total puppet committee, who just pushed the story that the pentagon ordered them to.
The wars that are happening around the world, the police state that is expanding in the western world and general lack of privacy and peace worldwide is justified by the official story of the world trade center attacks on 9/11. Almost every specific point of the general story contradicts all evidence and eye witness accounts. The 9/11 commission, which was developed to investigate the issue was a setup. How do we know this? Most of the people who sat on the 9/11 commission have since come forward admitting that they were not allowed to look into most of the evidence and that they were tightly controlled by the pentagon. One commissioner John Farmer has even come out and wrote a book called “The Ground Truth” in which he reveals the details of how the 9/11 commission report was basically written by the government. This means that a kangaroo court was responsible for investigating the crime of the century, isn’t this a good enough reason to support a legitimate investigation?
Tuskin’s Building 7 Challenge can be viewed below, but you can put your friends, family and neighbors to the challenge as well!
A tough task informing the uninformed mainstream population from a grass roots awareness campaign. Perhaps social media is the best way forward as even buying advertising space on mainstream media would be blocked.
My question is what would have been the motive for taking out bld 7? I am aware that FBI had an office there investigating major fraud such as enron. Who insured this building? Any other research facts out there?
Donald Rumsfeld magically lost 2.3 trillion dollars from the pentagon on 9/10/2001 the evidence was likely in WTC 7 and the wing of the pentagon, the rest was just for show….. and people wonder how ISIS became so well armed and funded
Watching the video I’m left asking “does anyone smart attend the University of Florida?” They are all sleeping robots
A tough task informing the uninformed mainstream population from a grass roots awareness campaign. Perhaps social media is the best way forward as even buying advertising space on mainstream media would be blocked.
My question is what would have been the motive for taking out bld 7? I am aware that FBI had an office there investigating major fraud such as enron. Who insured this building? Any other research facts out there?
Biggest tool ever this guy needs a better hobby
Under bldg 7 was most of the countries gold.
The US gold that backed out money was under bldg 7
When I watched the event live that morning I recall footage of firemen leaving building 7 and one clearly shouts out “get back,its gonna blow ” and the camera moves away.I have not seen this footage since…………….
2.3 trillion lost from the pentagon budget on 9-10
then something happened the next day and everyone forgot……
blamed Osama – no fucks given
entered the top 5 secures airspace on the planet – no fucks given
killed Osama – no fucks given
died half way to US – no fucks given
u see no one in east actually cares except you little cowards fussing around about stuff pretty obvious!
Why doesn’t anybody mention the gaping 20 storey high hole in the side of building 7, and the creaking noises of a building ready to collapse, reported by one of the firemen?
I absolutely am convinced that what happened that day was a conspiracy,along with US government complicity. But why use building 7 as proof of a conspiracy when the reason it collapsed has always being so easily and convincingly explained? for me at least.
Even the BBC reporter who told us that building 7 had collapsed, in hindsight,could easily have just made a mistake in the confusion of the events, after hearing,or being told that building 7 was due to collapse.
There are so many other more convincing reasons for not believing the official version of what happened on 9/11.