Written by TechAnon
There’s been an undeniable overload of information released by Edward Snowden since his rendition of “The Transported Man” back in May 2013. As we are now in 2015 the faucet of documents is still turned on. As if the NSA hasn’t already been pants’d enough, the last few months proves, yet again, that enough is never enough.
Project Auroragold. The government sanctioned (and funded) project to hack and monitor any and all available cell networks. As of May 2012, about 70 percent of cellphone networks worldwide (about 700 of an estimated 985) had been hacked or at least deemed accessible by the NSA along with over 1200 email “selectors”. I wonder how many more they’ve gotten into as of today? In the name of National Security, that is. Of course they can’t be limited to our own citizens and companies. We need to watch everyone. Maybe this is why one of the prime targets being monitored under AURORAGOLD is the trade group, GSM or the GSMA, which represents the interests of more than 800 major cellphone, software, and internet companies from 220 countries and is headquartered in London. Of course, in monitoring GSMA, the NSA has placed itself into direct conflict with the mission of the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) the U.S. government agency responsible for recommending cybersecurity standards in the United States. I wonder if anyone in the NSA cares?

Are you shocked? Surprised? Rolling your eyes? just fed up and bored with the whole NSA government crap already? No matter where your opinions might fall in this constantly unfolding adventure, you need to stay on top of things even if you read them and toss them. How else would you come to find that one of the “plans” the NSA has concocted is how they are going to purposely introduce flaws into communication systems so that they can be accessed more readily? Riddle me this… if there’s a flaw in a system whom do you think is gonna find it? Sure it could be a great tactic for the “good guys” but, are there any of them left? What if… (thinking outside the box) the anonymous inhabitants of the world that possess fantastic hacking skills would work their way into said systems using these flaws….and then fix them before leaving. Wouldn’t THAT just piss off the government?
There are far too many details and plans involved in this particular project to outline in the space allotted here. If you have the desire, the drive or even the smallest amount of curiosity about the full on details of this project we urge you to follow the links listed below and read, read, read. If you want the “fit it in a jam jar” version here you go.
Always believe that security is an illusion, do not be caught off guard.
You’re being watched and listened to even if it’s just part of the flow of information.
There ARE anonymous out there trying to do good. The real question; is there enough to counteract the alternative?
I fucking love you guys. Reading the news everyday literally just sick and horrible news everyday, at least there is alot of good people out there, sadly just you guys and a couple others.
If I could learn what you do and how you do it my life would be sorted. I would love to help in anyway but sadly I have no knowledge in hacking