When your answer to every failure of government is more government, your probably a Bernie Sanders supporter. Recently, in an interview with ABC News, Bernie Sanders admitted that his tax rates will “hit everybody” in the United States, not just the fat cats on Wall Street – the 1%.
One of the major criticisms Sanders has received dating back to last fall is despite promising to raise taxes, he has never released any actual figures – something you might think critically important. Even as recently as this week Sanders continues to say “we are going to figure that out” or “were going to come up with that” The primary season is almost over, Sanders is behind on his nomination bid and still has no idea what his own policy is going to look like?
Sanders maintains everyone in society has to pay more if the United States is ever going to “join with the rest of the of the industrial world.” That if we are going to offer paid family leave, paid maturity/paternity leave, paid medical leave and free college education, that “yeah” the new tax hikes “will hit everybody.”
In addition to this, Sanders also plans to increase Social Security and Medicare expenditure so that senior citizens can have more money to live on. This of course can not be accomplished without an increase in Social Security tax (6.2% Payroll Tax) & Medicare (2.9% Payroll Tax) baseline rates as they stand today. How much – Sanders ‘doesn’t know’.
Despite the fact that the baby boomers and elderly are literally bankrupting these system, Sanders maintains an increase in these taxes are necessary ‘to adjust the standard of living cost’ and ‘soaring prescription drug prices for the elderly’. Every person, in every income class, across at every age, will each have their taxes raised the same percentage. Since businesses and employers pay matching amounts on payroll taxes, it is a two for one deal for the government. Whatever percentage they increase these payroll taxes, the government makes double.
Sanders whole campaign is truly amazing to me – in terms of how many people support what he is actually saying. Sanders is saying that the United States Federal Government is not powerful enough, that the US government needs more money to spend, that the government needs more authority and power in order to to do this and will tax everyone more to accomplish it. Doesn’t that trouble any of his supporters? It’s Unbelievable he has even gotten this far.
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What an uneducated article.. baby boomers bankrupting the system? Are you ignorant or actually just stupid. Social Security fund is money paid in for the future. It was not intended to be used in the regular congressional budget to buy things like 1.5 trillion dollars worth of shit jets or to provide tax breaks for walmart and other big corporations to outsource our jobs.. anonhq, you have lost a follower..
The baby boomers are not just the consumers who pay taxes, more importantly they are the ones who have made policy and law in this country the last several decades, id est the ones spending money they don’t own, accumulating debt and ruining the global economy. The baby boomers don’t need any more money from society, they need to be cut off and removed from power before they spend even more.
You Sanders supporters are just as belligerent and close minded as Trump supporters. Must be an American thing in general.
Did whoever wrote this bullshit even bother watching the video they shared? This is an anti-Trump video if anything. Bernie Sanders is talking about giving mothers a chance to stay home and take care of their newborn children, giving seniors a way to actually live and afford their medical and living expenses beyond $14,000 a year — what is wrong with that? He’s actually talking about helping the nation as a whole to become a better nation instead of just a few people here and there to become more wealthy. He’s talking about creating jobs instead of shipping them overseas…how is any of this a bad thing?
What’s wrong with that is that we are already 18trillion dollars in debt. How can we keep spending more money that we don’t have. Listen nobody wants to watch people suffer. But you can’t just throw money at people recklessly. That only makes the problem worse. I believe bernie’s ideas will only hurt those he’s trying t help by destroying the economy around them. Simply saying you want to help people isn’t a enough. You need to provide a viable solution to their problems. Not just tell them you’re going to redistribute more wealth.
ho is this you sound rediculous as well as selfish you don’t deserve to live in America we as a people have to take care there people as family if not then we as a whole will crumble i work very hard for the right to call myself American we are going to have to pay our fair share but we must also demand that our government officials be held accountable for their actions or lack of
I have now lost some of the respect I once held for Anonymous. A group composed of hackers should probably do a little more fact-checking before posting an article like this.
First, here’s Sanders’ tax plan that you claim he hasn’t released.
Now that I’ve put the lie to your claim, maybe some of your readers can inform themselves properly. Yes the single payer health care system that is proposed would require a 6.2% tax rate on employers but only a 2.2% rate on employees. However, that is offset by savings on insurance premiums and copays. The average household would save approximately $5000 a year. Increases on social security would paid for by increasing the cap to $250,000 but not increasing the rate so most Americans would see no change in the social security tax. Tuition-free public college would be paid for by a small tax on Wall Street speculation.
There’s more to learn if you’re willing to look at the facts. Just check the link above or Google Bernie’s tax plan yourself.
Obama also promised we would save money “The Affordable Care Act”, yet the majority of Americans now pay higher premiums and deductibles and the people who still cant afford it are fined yearly by the IRS for not signing up. Just cause a politician says it and puts it in a nice presentation doesn’t make it true.
Many Bernie Sanders supporters are ignorant, believing that Sanders is only going to ‘tax the rich’. As you say, I am right, I want them to understand he will tax everybody; every person who receives a pay check in this country will also have to pay more money. Call me what you want, arguing our government actually needs more money is ludicrous – at least to me.
you reply yet you say nothing of substance, “here is a well laid out plan and how it works” your response? umm but…well obama said this and that didn’t work…god damn you’re stupid.
Corporate shill much?
This article is below the dignity of Anonymous. The only logical choice is Bernard Sanders. This article makes it appear that anonymous was infiltrated.
Infiltrated by people who wont just tell you what you want to hear, who do not have a liberal bias? Who think that the US government needs to cut spending, not expand it? Must blow your mind
You must be kidding, if you think socialism is really all that bad, how about you stop using your employment insurance, how about you give up your retirement pension, let’s close down every welfare office, let’s get rid of workplace compensation for on the job injuries, let’s get rid of all the government funded after school programs, let’s make everyone pay for their own stay at a mental hospital, then try and tell me socialism is bad. This is a stupid article, I’ve read bernies plan for tax increases, yes there is a small increase a cross the board, but the corporations are getting a 15% or more increase, which is where most of the money for these added social programs will come from. Maybe you should do some research on socialism, or bernies platform before you go bashing both with no just reason, and incorrect information
Yes they should cut funding, but they should start with the extremely bloated military budget, we spend billions a day fighting countries that never posed a threat to us until we stormed the beaches, and claimed their resources for ourselves
You talk about loading up incentives and benefits to the working class just like Greece did. It failed horribly there, also look at what is happening to Venezuela right now.
Sure Denmark and Sweden have a very nice thing going on there, but they are very small, homogeneous countries. Sweden isn’t the miracle cure to society people make it out to be. It is prone to fail. There is a good saying I remember hearing about socialism i have always loved. It goes, “Socialism is great! Until you run out of other peoples money.”
And yes cut defense spending we both agree on
they need to cut spending on military and corporate wellfare yes, not on things that actually will benefit everybody.
This was a very poor article that seems to be fresh out of the establishment press…. you have lost a good deal of my confidence because you posted this article with very little actual research done.
I just read your post. Did you hear that AOC just endorsed Bernie Sanders as the Democratic presidential candidate. I really didn’t think Bernie would keep campaigning after his heart attack. Wild times we live in.