In 1995, India embarked on the program to eradicate the country of polio. In 2000, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, along with the World Bank, UNICEF, World Health Organization and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (called the vaccine alliance GAVI) convinced the Indian government to spend some $8 billion of their scarce funds, to vaccinate Indian children.
January 12, 2012, marked a significant milestone for India – it was the first anniversary of the last reported wild polio case from India. A 2.3-million strong team of polio volunteers and 150,000 supervisors worked day and night to reach over 200 million households to ensure that nearly 170 million children (below 5 years) were repeatedly immunized with live oral polio vaccine (OPV). In 2014, WHO declared the country free of polio acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) or polio-free.
‘Polio-free’ facts
The OPV caused Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis (NPAFP) in thousands of children but the pro-vaccine media, governments and contractors of public health failed to observe the rise of a lethal disease. AFP is a polio-like condition – twice as deadly as polio – in which a patient suffers from paralysis that results in floppy limbs due to reduced muscle tone.
While AFP is symptomatic of polio, it can be caused by other diseases such as the Guillain Barre Syndrome and nerve lesions as well—the primary cause fuelling the argument that India is not really free of wild polio virus. Independent studies show that children identified with NPAFP were at more than twice the risk of dying than those with wild polio infection.
The risk of polio coming into India from endemic or re-infected countries is very high. The threat of resurgence of polio is real in India with its low standards of sanitation and hygiene. Further, rise in cases of NPAFP, which shows polio-like symptoms, stokes fears that polio is back in a different form.
WHO data indicates NPAFP cases have been increasing steadily since 2003, when the number was at 8,000. In 2004, 12,000 cases of NPAFP were reported in the country, increasing dramatically to 25,000 in 2005. In 2007, the number crossed 40,000 and in 2011, the year India reported its last polio case — nearly 61,000 children were detected to be suffering from NPAFP.
Government surveillance data shows that as India was being proclaimed polio-free, the country actually became the nation with the world’s highest rate of NPAFP incidence. In the 13 months preceding the big announcement in 2014, India reported 53,563 cases of NPAFP at a national rate of 12 per 100,000 children — way above the global benchmark set by WHO of 2 per 100,000. In 2015, a year after India was declared polio free, 18,000 cases have already been reported.
Crimes against humanity?
India has provided the evidence to indicate that NPAFP is a disease associated with OPV. The OPV contains live polio virus, so when administered artificially, it is a means of causing a polio infection.
Two doctors from Delhi’s St Stephens Hospital, Neetu Vashisht and Jacob Puliyel, who compiled data from the national polio surveillance project, recently found a link between the increase in dosage of polio vaccination and the increasing cases of NPAFP.
“Most experts will tell you the cases of NPAFP have increased because of better surveillance. This is bunkum. As per global benchmarks, as polio incidence comes down, the rate of NPAFP should also reduce. Instead, AFP cases have been increasing steadily. In 2010, the government reduced the number of pulse polio doses from 10 to 6. What we found was that between 2010-2013, the number of AFP cases also came down. Our paper argues that other kinds of polio are being caused by the excessive administration of polio dosages. Another proof is that states like Kerala and Goa, where dosages were less, AFP cases was also less. Majority of NPAFP cases are reported from Bihar and UP, where several immunization rounds are held to reach universal coverage. These are figures the government does not want to admit,” said Puliyel.
The Gates-Rockefeller-WHO polio vaccination program in Pakistan killed an estimated 10,000 and crippled tens of thousands more. In 2011, The Express Tribune published a story which stated: “A government inquiry has found that polio vaccines for infants funded by the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization (GAVI) are causing deaths and disabilities in regional countries including Pakistan. The Prime Minister’s Inspection Commission has recommended that Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani immediately suspend the administration of all types of vaccines funded by the GAVI.”
In 2009, Dr Aamir Shahzad of the Department of Structural Biology and Biomolecular Chemistry at the University of Vienna, wrote, “OPV has lost its effectiveness in providing herd immunity. It seems that children are getting polio from OPV, and it also seems that OPV is proving to be ineffective in stopping polio transmission from another source. Therefore, the whole world—and especially developing countries—should shift from OPV to IPV.”
Perhaps by calling AFP as Non-Polio, GAVI defined polio as eradicated in India. “We speculate that repeatedly giving polio virus vaccine is probably causing a strange shift… and there is some other polio-like disease which is beginning to exist,” Puliyel told The Wall Street Journal.
Doubts galore
Children developing vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) is a serious side effect of the OPV they had received to protect them from the wild polio virus. Even if the numbers are less and the occurrence is rare, why was the polio vaccine not tested for side effects beforehand or is not banned immediately? Why is GAVI not responding to the NPAFP threat? Is the alliance waiting for the disease to become epidemic to then make an expensive vaccine to cure a condition risen due to their ‘successful’ previous vaccine campaign?
WHO acknowledges that routine immunization with OPV must cease after the eradication of polio virus because of the danger of outbreaks of circulating vaccine-derived polio virus (VDPV) and the risk of VAPP. Then why did WHO and UNICEF administer the dangerous OPV in Philippines where there was not a single case of polio reported since 1993?
Did UNICEF begin vaccinating Syrian children with OPV before any cases of polio were reported? Yes. In November of 2012 through January 2013, a mass OPV campaign targeted 2.5 million Syrian children under the age of 5. The first polio outbreak in the country since 1999 occurred in November 2013.
In 2013, UNICEF purchased 1.35 billion doses of the OPV, and used the polio outbreaks among the Syrian refugee children and the typhoon tragedy in the Philippines to increase that number to 1.7 billion doses by the end of the year. The vaccine is administered free of charge, as taxpayers from countries supporting the United Nations fund the purchase of these vaccines. Could this be why the Big Pharma is taking years to stop producing this vaccine?
In a report published in The Lancet in 2004, it was revealed that in the countries where UNICEF was working, deaths of children under the age of 5 actually increased. Is it a coincidence that this is the same age group UNICEF targets with their vaccine programs?
Is Gates innocent?
We don’t know whether he is financially benefiting from such programs or no, but the fact is for their vaccine crimes, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their vaccine empire are facing a pending lawsuit, due to an investigation being carried out by the Supreme Court of India.
This Article (Did Bill Gates Funded Vaccine Program Cause More Patients & Benefit The Big Pharma? [Investigative]) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
Your article states “The Gates-Rockefeller-WHO polio vaccination program in Pakistan killed an estimated 10,000 and crippled tens of thousands more” with a highlighted link that’s supposed to go to the source for the info but nothing in the article it links to says anything about 10,000 deaths. Do you have a genuine source or is that just made up bollox?
The side effects in this case were unexpected, but this program was well-intentioned. Also, you can’t have big pharma get involved in a global program like this for free, unfortunately. They still operate for profit. Bill Gates foundation put up huge funding to get this program in place to help the global community. Having said that, eradicating any disease via immunization is a good thing. New viruses will always pop up, some as a result of eradicating the last one, but it in no way means we stop protecting people when we have the means to do so. For the most part the sources for this article reference anti-vaccine sites that have been discredited by the scientific and medical community. New action for WHO and the Gates foundation; Eradicate the new virus.
Bill Gates OPENLY stated in a TED talk 4 years ago that he intends to utilize vaccines to reduce the population: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vzFeiKH1jQ
Then he said it AGAIN on CNN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjj4Iq-rsNg
Why isn’t anyone paying attention to this stuff?!
Reducing population in future is good intention but putting viruses on child is totally outlaw by the way I suspect bill & melina foundation only targeting for their economy.
Why on earth did they use the oral vaccine. Back in the beginning, when there was a choice between the oral live, and the injection, the injections worked, quite well. I remember that the live oral was opposed quite strongly, out of fear it could have bad consequences.Clearly they were correct. For my generation, we were pretty much polio free. This was a huge miscalculation. Sad!
I don’t understand the mentality that believes just bc a pharmaceutical company waves their magic wand, all the other crap in there is hocus pocus good for you and suddenly not toxic.
Not to mention no vegan, Jew, Muslim or pro-lifer should ever be vaccinated bc they use fetal tissue, pork products and now are bleeding out horseshoe crabs (can we say unclean under Muslim and Jewish dietary law?) For their blue, antiseptic type blood for vaccines.