Lauri Love is wanted in the United States and faces up to 99 years in prison for his action in #OpLastResort – an Anonymous operation which made the US government a target after their treatment of Aaron Swartz. Love is accused of hacking into US Army, NASA, the Missile Defense Agency, the Federal Reserve, The EPA and several other government agencies from 2012 – 2013.
Lauri is currently being held in a British prison, facing extradition to the United States for sentencing. Activists and fellow countrymen alike are trying to persuade their government to ignore international pressure and keep him in Britain. Lauri is said to suffer from depression and Aspergers syndrome, a form of autism. Mental health experts as well as his family have stated in court that if Love Love was extradited, it is likely he might attempt to take his own life – just like Aaron Shwartz.
To avoid extradition, prosecutors are demanding that Love hand over any and all information that he obtained. Before he was arrested, Love was able to lock his computer and conceal the information. From the time he was first arrested through to his first trial last April 12th, Love has refused to hand over his encryption keys and passwords.
His next hearing is scheduled today – June 29, 2016. Activists are organizing a rally on his behalf and urging everyone to show up the Westminster Courts in London and show your support from him through his struggle. After tomorrows hearing, organizers have planned a carnival/party including speakers, live music and entertainment.
Read More About Lauri Love’s Story: http://anonhq.com/?s=lauri+love
Learn more about Aaron Schwartz and why Anonymous fought to honor his life…..
**Special thanks to moderator @jdm of AnonHQ online chat-rooms for making everyone aware of the rally for Lauri Love**
Sources: Telegraph, Daily Mail
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mean while the n s a f b i hack the public 24/7. i guess if you dont work for uncle sam. its called hacking.
So the people on mtvs catfish should be charged with one count everytime they log into their fake facebook accounts right