All Americans entering Venezuela now require VISAs, while two men in particular were singled out for special treatment: George W Bush and Dick Cheney have been banned from entering Venezuela by President Nicolas Maduro for being “terrorists” that had committed war crimes. It would seem that other American politicians have also been banned for similar reasons.
Aimed at imposing repercussions on people who had “violated human rights and bombed villages as in Iraq, Syria and Vietnam”, Venezuela is perhaps the only country that has imposed such measures on the men that are allegedly responsible for over 1.4 million Iraqi deaths (and counting).
“Former US President George W. Bush, former Vice President Dick Cheney, and Republican Congress members Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Robert Menendez, and Marco Rubio will be denied visas into the country, labeling Bush and Cheney as “terrorists.””
“In order to protect our country…I have decided to implement a system of compulsory visas for all Americans entering Venezuela,” the president said in a speech.
Venezuela will also restrict the number of US military personnel stationed at the American embassy to Venezuela.
The president also says that several Americans were arrested in Venezuela for “espionage activities”. The claim is not as bold as it would seem, however, as the US has been known to fund NGOs, provocateurs and revolutionary leaders that cater to their own interests.
“We have captured some US citizens in undercover activities, espionage, trying to win over people in towns along the Venezuelan coast,” he states.
While it is true that any person could make up false accusations or “conspiracy theories” against the US government in order to justify their own actions, America’s track-record speaks for itself and many leaders of countries have been proven correct (albeit after they had been removed from power and/or after being killed. Please refer to the case of Gadhafi’s Libya, where interest in bombing Libya quickly tapered off after he was removed, but interest in repairing the shattered country or bombing the Islamic extremists that had taken over remains to this day at nil).
In February, the president of Venezuela accused the US of trying to overthrow the new government, his words falling on deaf ears however as it was ignored by much of the mainstream media.
“The northern imperial power has entered a dangerous phase of desperation, going to talk to the continent’s governments to announce the overthrow of my government. And I accuse Vice President Joe Biden of this,” said the Venezuelan leader.
Original article: http://www.trueactivist.com/venezuela-officially-declares-bush-and-cheney-terrorists-ban-them-from-country/
This bastard killed 41 university students in 2014 february so I don`t know WTF is he doing….
do you have a source for that claim? (not trying to be a dick, just really picky when it comes to information)
but, really, ”the men that are allegedly responsible for over 1.4 million Iraqi deaths (and counting).” i think that really does call, for being branded as Terrorists. Not even Bin Laden (assuming he wasn’t some fictional figurehead) had killed that many. The devil himself couldn’t do as much damage as Bush did to Iraq
proof plox, or gtfo. 1.4 million<34? Your math is just awesome
Maduro has murdered more than 34, he runs a communist government that routinely kills dissidents and labels them “American Provocateurs” but reality is Venezuela is dying the slow death of communism and the people are pissed because they are starving and dying due to a lack of basic goods.
the only difference between terrorism and tyranny is terrorism is performed by a non-state actor. If Maduro has the US military budget you can best bet the death toll would be in the hundreds of millions as government enforced communism is incompatible with any form of freedom. for proof just look at the Holodomer, or sociopathic racist Che Gueverra’s revolutionaries.
the fuck are you talking, why don’t you guys do something better and hack some emials from the mofo of the president of Venezuela and finally release all the plans this son of a bitch has for this country, the narco-state that rule this beautiful country, Don’t you fucking see this is a dictatorship.? IDIOTS..!
do a favor as you talk all the trash that may be or not be truth about the u.s, do the same with venezuela..!
Interesting, you are being very specific about your charges against Venezuela but seem to lack the proof that he has done even one of these things…. Yet Anonymous should just follow your orders like a dog?
Just Watch Jon Pilger’s The War On Democracy documentary my friend so you can understand what’s the reality of my beautiful country. Excuse my bad english. Viva Venezuela! Viva Chavez! Viva Maduro! Viva la Revolución! Viva Palestina! Vivan los pueblos libres!
Fala sério esse MADURO é um terrorrista, idiota será que ele acredita realmente que algum Norte Americano e em particular um Ex Presidente vai meamo querer visitar a merda da Venezuela? ?? É um retardado mesmo!!!!
les habla un Venezolano y todo lo que quiere el pais del Norte son nuestras reservas de petroleo las mas grandes del mundo… por eso han hecho todo para poder quitar a maduro y a chavez en el 2002 se lo quisieron hacer pero el pueblo lo defendio en mi pais los que salen a protestar no pacificamente son los de clase media, clase media alta y alta las personas humilde los que aun siguen con la revolucion salen diariamente a trabajar a sacar el pais del aprieto en que nos tienen esas empresas que no quieren trabajar. se los dice un venezolano de a pie no un venezolano de carros y camionetas de grandes precios… en venezuela dicen que violan los derechos por defender las instituciones publicas de personas que intenta quemar y matar los “supuestos estudiantes que de eso no tienen nada”, como se les llama eso en EEUU sera que las protestas haya no aplican la ley? o en cualquier pais? en venezuela no se proiven las protestas siempre y cuando sean pacificas y sin violencia…
Venezuela has been under a blockade from the US for several yaers due to the president did not agree to sell cheap oil.
Banned merchandise are esp the 3 most lucrative exports venezuela has.
Jade, Pearls and oil.
Also venezuela brushed up their economy by simply removing 3 zeros from the worth of their money.. erhmm, usa didnt like that oil price went up 300% ( still fucking super cheap)
sometimes i wonder when the A-bomb will fall. I sure do know where it will fall, but not from where..
Venezuela routinely murders it citizens for expressing opinions (kind of the hallmark of communism), I refuse to trade with them either.
i think the rest of the world should ban this individuals as well 🙂
“Venezuela esta al borde de un abismo; y estará allí hasta que el presidente sepa lo que hace. y no me refiero al bloqueo de visa a Bush, sino a la falta de esfuerzo para aprovechar los recursos que posee Venezuela”