By Claire Bernish at theantimedia.org
United States — Adolf Hitler rose to power during a period of similar social tumult as that which has currently garnered Donald Trump such fervent support, according to Noam Chomsky. In a recent interview with Aaron Williams for Alternet, Chomsky explained how fear, alone, does not sufficiently explain Trump’s surprising popularity:
“Fear, along with the breakdown of society during the neoliberal period. People feel isolated, helpless, victim of powerful forces they do not understand and cannot influence.”
Governmental control over the lives of the U.S.’ populace has increased tremendously in recent time. With few avenues for effective protest — as in the example of Texas and other states, which have passed laws prohibiting localities to ban fracking — there is no shock such outsiders as Bernie Sanders and Trump have amassed throngs of devotees.
In fact, as Chomsky cautioned, the current social atmosphere that led to Donald Trump’s rise may actually beworse than the build-up to fascism in the early twentieth century:
“It’s interesting to compare the situation in the ‘30s, which I’m old enough to remember. Objectively, poverty and suffering were far greater. But even among poor working people and the unemployed, there was a sense of hope that is lacking now, in large part because of the growth of a militant labor movement and also the existence of political organizations outside the mainstream.”
Both Jeremy Corbyn in the U.K. and Sanders in the U.S. have conveyed signs of empathy toward traditional labor movements, Chomsky noted, calling the Vermont senator “an honest and decent New Deal Democrat.”
He added, tellingly, “The fact that they are regarded as ‘extreme’ is a comment on the shift to the right of the whole political spectrum during the neoliberal period.”
This article (Chomsky: Trump Rising in Polls for Same Reasons Germany Embraced Hitler) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Claire Bernish andtheAntiMedia.org. Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific. Image credit: Andrew Rusk. If you spot a typo, email [email protected].
It is obvious Anonymous has no fucking clue what they’re talking about.
National Socialism more commonly known as Nazism or Naziism is the ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and Nazi state.
The term “National Socialism” arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of “socialism”, as an alternative to both internationalist Marxist socialism and free market capitalism.
I say to appease the Liberals that want to let these nutty Muslims in let the ones that are so called vetted ( Ha- Ha ) stake land in the middle of the desert , they like the desert , lets say , well we’ll have to change the name from Death Valley to Pleasant Sands . If we have to at a later date connect a wall around them to the Mexican wall .
Nob Ed… We are legion…..
Really? Socialism =/= Nazism, Communism or Marxism.
The one who has no idea what they are talking about is you. The Nazi ideology we know is a social system. Socialism is a economic system. Socialism has nothing to do with taking away your guns or your freedom of speech or killing all the Jews/Muslims/blacks/insert-label-heres.
Socialism basically says nobody should be earning trillions of dollars off the backs of people who cant feed themselves. If you think that’s wrong, and support our current alternative, then you have no right to complain about anything that goes wrong in this country, because it’s exactly the bi-product of your thinking.
Therein lies the problem. We are not, have not, nor should we ever be, a socialist nation. We are a free-market capitalist nation. If you don’t like that, leave.
You and people that think like you need to leave!
There is no developed country that still adheres to free market principals strictly,even our own. We are all on the socialism spectrum
Its more than obvious that you need to pickup a fucking history book. Hitler was a facist, who hated Marxism Socialists and believed that (true) Socialism originated as an Aryan ideal. In his exact words “Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.” He believed the Bolsheviks (self proclaimed social-democrats) were the reason why Germany was being held back as an international power.
The ideals of the Nazi party held right-wing conservative views (the patriotism, reduced regulation of markets, extensive national defense, etc.) but included government-run programs for the people of the country, which falls in the left-wing socialist category. You can see the socialist part in programs like the Hitler Youth, League of German Girls, State-run post offices and banks, and some others.
The idea itself created a welfare state of extremely patriotic people ready to hand over anyone that wasn’t of “pure blood” because they believed Hitlers fear tactics that it was “the fault of the Jews” that the country was in ruin.
I’d say Chomsky was spot on, and Anon knows exactly what the fuck they’re talking about.
Absolutely right explained, Hitler got voted what you would today explain as from the LEFT and RIGHT wingers.
He promised wealth, health, power, by going against FED, against paper money, for jobs, for income, for houses & ground for everyone, fairness, engineering, industry & nature, military, family, and finally he said, once germany was a holy empire…so he feeded also rassist, with jews, slavs, and other groups.
And he was the first who did that with a huge backed up media campaign, Cinema, TV, Radio and print…
Basically like every politican today does…
See in western, Muslims are the jew terrorists, the slavs are the illegal hispanics, and the others are the poor lazy ones and later also the sick ones.
The social part you can line up to, more cash and fun for everyone, combined with a high security. Oh and if you do not know, hitler build hunting parks, and tried even to create a hunter society
Hitler may or may not have been a Socialist. But he claimed to be in numerous quotes.
According to Chomsky, everyone is Hitler.
Bravo, Tsurani. You obviously are the one who does not know anything.
National Socialism (or “Nationalsozialismus”) is an ideology based on the principle of Social Darwinism (“Sozialdarwinismus”) and fascism (“Faschismus”). This has no single relation to Socialism – except from misusing the word. Furthermore the ideology is rooted in antisemitism and Germanic esoteric culture.
Greetings from the Federal Republic of Germany. We know our history – better educate yourself, too. Otherwise you will just continue making a fool out of yourself by uttering gibberish.
His ancestors are also from Germany. So no wonder!
I am enlightened by the understanding we share that fascism is bad. Hitler did implement a government unlike anything we ever witnessed. National Socialism in and of itself is part of why gun confiscation took place, and how the Nazi government had every address of every Patriotic individual willing to stand up, and fight in an Armed Resistance against the Nazi Scum of the Earth! They called it Universal Gun Registration…the same proposal that is being supported by Democratic Socialists today, when it is truly a National Socialist policy due to the force required to be implemented by a government against their our own people. You are beautiful! Love yourself, arm yourself, and defend yourself because you love who you are, and the life that you have on this Earth!
Captain Bones
A Patriotic Peaceful Loving Sovereign American Citizen of the Sovereign State of Michigan.
Our own people, supporting armed federal agents to violate Consent and Due Process of the governed….that is fascism. When laws are being passed and overturned due to our resistance in America, with the threat of firearms confiscation through The Safe Act in New York. That is Fascism through the form of National Socialist Universal Gun Registration, otherwise known to Americans as Universal Background Checks.
´Sovereign State of Michigan´
You ammosexuals are so hilarious. Guess no slaughter without laughter!
I retested to vote at 51 yo for the first time just to vote against Trump. trump scares me more than ever!
He scares the hell out of me. I can,t believe that this baffoon has attracted so many americans. I want a president that I feel proud to lead this great nation and have other leaders respect. He is not the one to lead anything. He can,t even respect other peoples opinions. Very sad for our country to even entertain this bigot.
Why is it that I look up to Adolf Hitler and Kim Jong Un, despite being an Anarchist with no racism or sexism in me? I doubt I’ll find an answer soon. Anyways, I feel Hitler was actually trying to do what he believed was right, while Donald Trump seems like he just wants Fame, Profit, and Power. Hitler was reluctant to become leader of the Nazi Party, while Donald Trump is no doubt “running” for a position of great “power”. I wonder who won the election, that BS is all predetermined, be it directly, or indirectly.
The real irony here is that Islamism has to be those being targeted for genocide.
If this were not sickness on the part of whomever is responsible for this piece of garbage it might be laughable.
Let us compare:
Death to all infidels, kill, kill, kill.
Pedophilia. Allah ! A sick depraved genocida, pedophilic, sex slave, murdering, spokesman of God ?
Free sex of all captured women, “sell into slavery what you Muslim brother Don ‘t want”, Depravity.
” Brother Muslim beat your wife if she won’t service you anytime you want”
“Brother take that minor daughter of your brother, screw when it pleases you.”
” Brother always lie to the infidel and never, no never befriend or socialize with them”
“Brother see that your female children have their female parts sliced off, sewn up so that they will be pure for marriage”
“Brother rape all the whores you want, any, any non-Muslim woman is a whore, enjoy yourself” , deptavity.
“Brother kill that bitch wife of your if she gets screwed by a brother, don’t believe the bitch if she says , the brother was the
defiler, know that women are liars, inferior, primary residents of hell”.
Define irony: the one socialist candidate (sanders for the know nots) isn’t being compared to the biggest socialist in history (Hitler)