Have you or a friend ever thought of quitting your job and sitting around your pad, smoking weed all day?
What if you were actually paid to do that—not only with free cannabis, but $3,000 a month?
Sounds like a stoner fantasy, no? Like something your pothead friend might bring up after too many hits of that top-shelf stuff?
But this is no dream—American Marijuana, which was founded in 2014 and bills itself as one of “the most trusted medical marijuana resources online,” is currently hiring to fill the position of a “Cannabis Product Reviewer.”
The job role is simple—you smoke, and then you write up some “honest and reliable insights on various cannabis products,” the job listing reads. Importantly, the company notes:
“This job is 100% for real and it’s an important job that includes more than just getting paid to smoke weed. If you think that’s the entire scope of the job, then this might not be for you.”
Instead, as American Marijuana explains:
“Every month, the lucky applicant will be shipped a box containing different brands and varieties of cannabis products every month.
These products range from weed strains, vapes, edibles to CBD oils.
The applicant will then test the products in person and write about their experience with the product from unboxing to everything they’ll be doing with the product.”
And yes, there is some labor involved—although making and watching unboxing videos on YouTube has become a hobby for many people in recent years.
Continuing, American Marijuana says:
“The applicant will have to write about their honest reviews and opinions of the product in the form of a blog.
Moreover, they must also be comfortable in front of the camera since the job includes unboxing videos and explainer videos of how each cannabis product performs and differs from other, more notable products in the category.”
Candidates can apply HERE. Just send in your CV and resume, a headshot or video, some links to your social media accounts, and list of six strains of cannabis that you’re acquainted with. They don’t just want any random person off the streets!
Another requirement is that you must live in a state in the U.S. or Canada where medical cannabis is legal—so if you’re living in a state that’s still stuck in the MJ prohibition era, don’t expect to connect with your plug who hangs around the corner near the liquor store and get paid to write about his dirt-weed.
The company also requires that applicants are 18 or older and should be “physically fit and healthy in general.”
As the site explains:
“If you think you got the guts to smoke weed every day (plays Snoop Dogg song) and get paid doing it, you might just be the guy we need. But DO NOT expect us to hire you just because you can smoke because we’re looking for a guy who also has extensive knowledge of marijuana to educate our readers.”
By Elias Marat | Creative Commons | TheMindUnleashed.com
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So this whole article is fake in order to get people to give you a $1? Wow, how pathetic.
Where / How can I apply???
I am interested
Hi. There’s no ending to the pot story & getting $3K a month to smoke & write about it. I was interested in this article. How or where do I find the sign up sheet??
Thanks for reply if I get one!
~ Jill