There have been many secret societies over time. Some have barely rated a mention history, yet have given rise to some of the greatest dictators in twentieth century history. The Conspiracy of Equals is one such society. Founded in the ferment of Revolutionary France, the Conspiracy of Equals was the invention of two Jacobins, Filippo Buonarroti (a freemason from 1786) and Francois Babeuf. Together the two men formed a secret society to promote radical agenda and oppose the new conservative government. [1]
At one point boasting more than 200 members, the Conspiracy felt ready to strike out at the government, after preparing their small but committed elite of revolutionaries. Unbeknownst to them, informers alerted officials, and Babeuf along with one other member were executed, and Buonarroti severed a long jail sentence.
Filippo Buonarroti
The Conspiracy of Equals became recognized for what it was only after the publication of Buonarroti’s publication of his 1828 book Conspiration pour l’Egalite. It went on to become the liberal revolutionaries bible throughout Europe. Presenting a model of revolution by elite takeover, both Stalin in the Bolshevik Revolution, and the Nazi power seizure in 1933 echoed the sentiments of the Conspiracy’s original plan.[2]
[1] Dr. Roberts, J, M. The Mythology of the Secret Societies, Secker & Warburg, 1972, 230.
[2] Greer, J, M. The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies, London: HarperElement, 2006, 136.
It was have been nice had you printed a more in depth article. Your post amounted to little more than a teaser. I will research this subject, so if you meant to pique my curiosity, you succeeded. I have a question for you on another subject: Are you really “Anonymous”? Or are you a fake site set up to deflect those who seek info of the type that Anonymous would offer? I’m neither a spammer nor a troll.
Did you read the article? It tells you where to get the information. Its a book. That’s where you can find out more about it.
Yes, “Anonymous” is what we are. I am also someone who loves history. As for the article, it was a quick one to pique you interest in hope of you investigating and drawing your own conclusions. Thanks for your comment @freddavis