A barking Black Labrador approached a Germantown police officer, Jeff Gonzalez. Unlike other cops, Jeff neither loses his cool nor shoots ‘John Boy’, the dog, down. Instead, he responds to John’s wagging tail, gets out in the freezing weather, follows John’s direction and saves his owner, Krystal, a heart patient slumped over in a chair outside her home’s front door.
“He stood there and barked a little bit, then I rolled down my window and called to him. Then he wagged his tail and got more friendly until I got out of my car. And then he ran a little bit,” Jeff said. John Boy was seemingly trying to get Jeff’s attention in an effort to help his owner. “Yeah, he sure did. He pointed me in the right direction,” he added.
John Boy led the officer to a house where his owner was unresponsive. “To be honest with you, I thought she was dead. And when I went up, she was very cold to the touch; her lips were blue. But I was able to determine she was breathing and had a pulse. I called for assistance, and my partner was close. So together we got her in the house,” Jeff remarked.
Thanks to John and Jeff, Krystal is now stable and recovering in a local hospital. This unlikely duo transformed potential tears of sadness into tears of joy.
Krystal: how could i thank you??
Jeff: *wink* *wink* *wink*
if you know what i mean..
good to see we still have some good cops
Alot of respect for this cop. Glad to see there are good cops out there still. Keep up the great work.