A video posted online has shown police officers in Texas, United States manhandling a man in own locality who they claimed resisted arrest.
The man has been identified as Jonathan Miller, Councilman for Prairie View City in Waller County; the same city where activist, Sandra Bland was arrested and later died in jail in July this year.
In the video, Miller is seen being tased while on his knees. A police body camera recorded part of the incident and a friend of Miller who was a witness to the incident also filmed the rest.
According to KHOU, the Prairie View police pulled up outside Miller’s home as three of his fraternity brothers were preparing to practice a step routine dance for a homecoming event. The police claimed the people in the area were suspects of dealing in drugs.
“There’s been drug activity, little girls and little guys in the car doing whatever, so when we see this, we come to investigate,” one of the officers reportedly told said.
It said one of the officers involved in this latest reckless conduct was the person who transported Sandra Bland to a county jail following her aggressive traffic arrest.
It was narrated that a female officer first approached a parked car in front of Miller’s house and ordered that the men in the car get out. They complied and the officer is said to have inspected their IDs. The men were said to be friends of Miller who he has invited for the dance event. Later, the female officer was joined by a male officer.
The video then showed Miller approach the officers, telling them that the men are his friends and that he invited them for an event. That was when the male officer steeped in and escalated the situation.
“I’m not trying to be combative or anything,” Miller is heard saying in the video, as he raises his hand to speak with the female officer.
The male officer immediately orders Miller to leave the area, and then grabs him when he declines. Miller asks not to be touched.
“Go over here before you go to jail for interfering,” he said.
Miller moves several yards away and stops, telling the officer, “I live here.”
“I’m telling you one more time, man,” the male officer said. “Go over there before you go to jail.”
When Miller declined to move back farther, the officer orders him to turn around and put his hands behind his back to be arrested. Miller turned but held his hands firmly at his sides, and the officer forces him to his knees.
Both officers then repeatedly order him to put his hands behind his back again, warning he’ll be tased if he doesn’t comply.
“Officer, I haven’t done anything wrong,” Miller said, kneeling with his back to male officer.
“OK, he’s going to have to tase you,” the female officer said. “You’re not doing like you’re supposed to.”
The officer then fired his taser at Miller’s back. Miller yelled in pain and falls forward, repeating, “I live here.”
The video has sparked an outraged in the city. The city’s Police department was forced to comment on the issue after coming under pressure from residents.
The city’s police chief, Chief Larry Johnson told local media “We’re not only going to see if any policies were violated, but also see if there are some deficiencies in our training. We will also see if there are ways we could do better.”
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