By Jake Anderson at theantimedia.org
It can be argued that police departments across the country practice a form of legal extortion, in which victimless misdemeanors and infractions are punished with excessively punitive citations. The generation of state and city revenue via Kafkaesque civil and municipal violations is perhaps most apparent in the application of parking tickets, whereby inscrutable, sometimes illegible street signs make well-intentioned motorists increasingly susceptible to fines.
In the city of Los Angeles alone, fine revenue has increased 50% since 2003 and is expected to reach $180 million by 2018. In recent years, many online social media movements have surged in response to this transparently fraudulent urban taxation, with many citizens demanding their local city governments take action against cops filling their ticket “quotas.”
A new bill introduced by Representative Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri may soon push the movement forward. In the wake of the Department of Justice report regarding the police brutality and resulting riots in Ferguson, Missouri, Cleaver wants such unjust ‘policing for profit’ tactics to be considered federal civil liberty violations.
Calling the bill The Fair Justice Act, Cleaver wants any police officer charged with enforcing criminal or traffic laws for the sole purpose of raising revenue to face prison time— for up to five years!
“The time has come to end the practice of using law enforcement as a cash register, a practice that has impacted too many Americans and has disproportionately affected minority and low-income communities,” Representative Cleaver said. “No American should have to face arbitrary police enforcement whose sole purpose is to raise revenue for a town, city, or state.”
This echoes President Barack Obama’s comments following the release of the DOJ report on Ferguson.
“What we saw was that the Ferguson Police Department, in conjunction with the municipality, saw traffic stops, arrests, tickets as a revenue generator, as opposed to serving the community,” the President said. “And that it systematically was biased against African Americans.”
Do you think such a maneuver can withstand the grinding inequities of our legal system? Considering the recent difficulties in getting district attorneys to even prosecute cases of clear police brutality, it’s hard to be optimistic ‘policing for profit’ tickets will be yielding disciplinary action any time soon. But perhaps lawmakers like Cleaver can at least help bring the issue into the limelight.
This article (Cops Who Write Bull$hit Tickets May Soon Face Prison Time) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under aCreative Commons license with attribution to Jake Anderson andtheAntiMedia.org. Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, email [email protected].
So instead of eliminating quotas you wanna jail the cops who are doing what the city forces them to? wtf?
All cops are criminals. Read my post as to why. They all need to either quit or be sent straight to jail. Learn the truth.
Here are important facts that I verified personally on the phone on 12 November 2015 with both the local Law Enforcement and the F.B.I.
The following information is vital to your human rights and personal freedom. AND illustrates why cops and FBI agents ARE criminals.
1. When Law Enforcement officers graduate from the police academy they are given the title of “Deputy”. Over time their rank-designation increases in the following order: field training officer, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, major, and commander. Some titles are different in different counties and states.
2. The same is true for FBI agents who start their official career as “special agent” and then move up to “supervisory special agent”; and the designations stop there.
3, For both Law Enforcement [Police, Policy Enforcers] and FBI, those title names such as for example SERGEANT Smith or SPECIAL AGENT Johnson are given to them by people in their office and these are merely designations and not truly, registered names.
4. In order to conduct business under any official name such as SUBWAY SANDWICHES, BURGER KING, WALMART, or the name on your Drivers License or Birth Certificate, those names must be officially registered with the Secretary of State. Because if you have a claim or law suit against them or anyone, then there exists an officially registered entity against which to file a claim.
5. Police and FBI never register those fictitious title names with the Secretary of State. Therefore it is illegal for those humans who are walking around under ASSUMED title names such as SPECIAL AGENT Johnson or CORPORAL Miller to conduct any kind of business because they are doing so without a commercial license.
6. Therefore all Police Officers and FBI agents are committing commecial fraud whenever they attempt to conduct official business with your CORPORATE FICTION. Your all capital name that is on your DRIVERS LICENSE and SOCIAL SECURITY CARD is a corporate fiction for which you the human being are responsible and that is registered with the STATE.
7. If you ask a Police Officer [Police Officer] or an FBI agent for their name they will not tell you the name that is on their drivers license or Birth Certificate. Yet those are the only names under which they can conduct legal commerce, such as hand out a citation, or a warrant or a record of an incident. On any form you will only see their Badge Number and unregistered fake title name.
7. In common law only two types of communication are official: Human being to Human being and CORPORATION to CORPORATION. A corporation that is not registered cannot legally conduct official business. And all humans have been officially registered by the STATE via the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH.
The lesson here for your human rights is this:
1. Never give your NAME to someone who is posing as a CORPORATE FICTION when that title name is not registered with the secretary of state to conduct business.
2. All POLICE and FBI are conducting criminal activity by posing as commercial agents when in fact they are not registered as such.
3. If law enforcement or FBI attempts to communicate with you in an official capacity against your will then you first ask for their name. If they say or allude that their name is SERGEANT or SPECIAL AGENT such and such, then ask if that name is registered with the secretary of state. They must say NO to that question.
3a. They don’t want to give you their real name because they have no real claim against you personally as they are acting not on behalf of their own COMMERCIAL name but on the behalf of some other entity.
3b. If you go into WENDYS to order a burger, the employee behind the counter is there working under their own name. So if they poison your food or ask you to sign a fraudulent contract, then you can sue that person. If you slip and fall in WENDYS you can sue WENDYS if WENDYS was at fault.
4. If they say NO when you ask them if their name is registered then tell them that they are conducting commercial fraud and you are under duress and are going to leave now because an impostor is attempting to commit a crime against you and you leave saying “no further business can be conducted here.”
5. If they will not permit you to leave under force or threat of arrest, then have them call a supervisor to the scene and file COMMERCIAL FRAUD and FELONY ASSAULT [with a DEADLY WEAPON if they are armed] charges against them.
Ronald Farnham