Cruel Note left to Humiliate Woman in Handicap Parking Space


Former athlete Julie McGovern was s left a cruel note on McGovern’s car calling her a “faker” because she appeared to be perfectly healthy and used a disabled parking area.

What the stranger didn’t know was that McGovern suffers from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, a somewhat debilitating and chronic disease. The former athlete has decided to share her story in hopes to stop people from making assumptions based on appearances, and to spread information of her illness.


In a Facebook post titled “Today My Fear Came True,” she details her first realisations that something was wrong. Feeling extremely tired all the time after physical activities during her freshman year of college, she was soon diagnosed with Mononucleosis.

“I thought my excessive fatigue, sore throat, headache, and over all sickness was due to being a freshman living in the dorms. It is not uncommon to get sick in that environment. However, my symptoms progressed and I went to the Dr. As soon as I learned about the mono, I immediately stopped these activities.”

But several months later, McGovern’s symptoms began worsening with fainting and migraine episodes, a racing heart, and feeling nauseous. She was debilitated to the point that walking to her mailbox was impossible. Misdiagnosed with anxiety upon a return to the doctor, she found someone who would take her predicament seriously.

“I finally found a doctor who changed my life with a few simple words, ‘I believe you.’ Together he and I began the journey to find out why my quality of life had decreased in such drastic ways. After many tests, I was diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) My physician believed because of the mono and my continued activity, the mono destroyed my autonomic system, which controls all things in the body that are automatic. This illness effects literally every organ in the body.”

A disabled parking permit was granted by her doctor because her symptoms are unpredictable, though she regularly checks to see no one is around when she uses it. She has made several comments since, on her Facebook page. Huff Post News also reported on the taunting by the stranger’s message.

“This person doesn’t know me or my struggles. They don’t know what this illness has taken from m. They don’t see the countless nights I cry myself to sleep, soaking my pillow with tears, pleading praying for God to heal me. They don’t see the weakness, the pain, the symptoms that are very real, but only I can feel. They don’t understand, and until it happens to them they never will.”

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    • Some disabled people are overweight because their disability makes exercise nearly impossible. How about not assuming anyone is a faker? You will be wrong a couple times maybe, but you won’t be a horrible person to someone who is suffering once!

  1. More overly sensitive Bulls**t. Why are people so whiney these days. Tear that crap up and move on with your life. I don’t need some long ass article cause someone’s feelings got hurt. Enough pc police crap.

  2. I constantly live in fear of people attacking me saying that I’m a faker. I don’t know why, I shouldn’t let peoples views affect me but when it comes to this, it hurts a lot and I know many other people who agree.

    It took me years to accept that I had to use a walking aid and within months of first using a cane a guy in the street grabbed it off me and threw it into the canal because I was to young to need it. It took me ages to get home and it was incredibly painful.

    I now have to use crutches to walk and might face a wheelchair not to far into my future. I’ve lost 3 canes from people in the street, currently none have touched my crutches but I’m always nervous someone will.

  3. Just saying, some of you are assholes. Keep your shit to yourself. Quit trying to look cool by bringing other people down. Some people actually suffer everyday from things you can’t see physically. So if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.


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