Written by: Tiobe
On the surface of things, the United States and Israel seem perfect allies. U.S. President Harry Truman acknowledged the modern state of Israel the same day it was created in 1948. The United States gives Israel $3.1 billion annually. In a region of the world that very generally does not espouse great love for the U.S., Israel has been its little darling.
So it may come as something of a surprise to learn the U.S-Israel relationship has not been unmarred: Israel fighter jets and a torpedo boat fired on the USS Liberty, an American spy ship posted in the Mediterranean Sea June 8, 1967. In this unprovoked attack on its ally, Israel killed 34 U.S. Naval personnel and injured 121 more.
The attack took place smack dab in the middle of the “Six-Day War,” and Israel attributed the matter to mistaken identity, allegedly believing the ship to be Egyptian. Israeli officials apologized for the incident, and paid $6.7 million reparations to survivors and families of the lost, as well as $6 million for the loss of the vessel itself.
The 2007 National Security Agency (NSA) declassification of documents pertaining to the attack on USS Liberty, along with accounts from survivors of the incident, seem to suggest Israeli pilots knew full well they were firing on an American vessel.
Despite declassifying the pertinent documents, the NSA has taken the position that it is not that agency’s role to prove or disprove anything incriminating Israel in this way.
“I don’t believe that for a minute! You just don’t shoot at a ship at sea without identifying it, making sure of your target!” proclaims veteran Marine staff sergeant and USS Liberty survivor Bryce Lockwood in a Chicago Tribune interview.
Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara allegedly said at the time “President Johnson is not going to go to war or embarrass an American ally over a few sailors.”
Despite all the intelligence around the attack, and the outrage of survivors, there was never a formal domestic investigation into the attack on the USS Liberty, and now that most of the Israeli officials involved at the time are deceased, it is unlikely one will be forthcoming.
Really interested in reading more
I watched the full Documentary and I am 100% certain Israel knew exactly that they were attacking an American ship, There was an American Flag flying on the ship and 2 times they identified the ship as American before attacking it, there original intentions were to Trick Americans into believing it was Egypt that attack the USS liberty to draw is into their war.
If people are surprise & think that this attack was a cover up by our government,, wait until the real truth of 9/11 is Exposed.
Just so everyone knows,the attack on the USS Liberty was orchestrated by President Johnson and his croonies,to get the United States involved in the war on the side of Israel. The USS Liberty was supposed to have been sunk by the Isralies and blamed on the Egyptian Air Force. Problem is the Liberty and her crew were stubborn and lymped its way to Cyprus. Foiling the plans of the traitors in Washington D.C.
Cody – You have it exactly right. According to the DVD TerrorStorm from Netflix, which got its info from the FOIA release in the 90s, President Johnson planted the Liberty 14 miles off the Israeli coast pretending for intelligence gathering. One of the attacking Israeli pilots was interviewed and said that he radioed that it was a clearly marked American ship. He was told to attack or face court martial or worse.
Still waiting for 9/11 truth to get exposed….. Filthy rich Zionists are behind some of the biggest lies in our lives!
We saw already with the Mossad’s spy/ assassinations operations across the world, the inflitration of Israel in foreign governement and all the atrocities committed by their governement in Palestine that Israel was basically allowed to do whatever they want without anyone doing anything, worst with our own governements covering up for them and bending to their every wishes, what would it take for the world to finally wake up and do something ?