An incredible video released by Ruptly shows millions of tons of radioactive soil and debris, contained in black bags, being placed at a temporary storage facility at Tomioka, Fukushima. The drone footage clearly shows how carelessly the hazardous waste, which spans over an exceedingly large area, has been stored: The bags are stacked up in piles, and are less than roughly 100 yards from the shoreline of the pacific ocean. A storm or even just heavy rain could result in the nuclear waste being leached out into the ocean, which could possibly damage and mutate the DNA of any living organisms it comes into contact with, potentially creating a variety of problems. TEPCO, the company which manages this facility, has long been mired in a laundry-list of accidents and… “accidents”.
CoNN: Incompetent or malicious? On a side-note, it’s funny that a radioactive drone was found on the Japan PM’s rooftop. Me thinks a drone-ban is coming, which would have prevented the investigation of such places, and the revelation of these incidents… That’s just in addition to the Japanese anti-whistle-blowing law.
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Why is there no explanation as to how it’s known this is nuclear waste
Because it’s not…articles like these make people so scared of nuclear yet it’s one of the cleanest sources of energy.