As the new-age of technology rises, engineers never cease to amaze. Now, we have engineers working on developing solar powered drones in order to continuously stay in the air for weeks at a time. The reason for creating such advanced drones, is to completely monitor the movements of not only individual people, but to monitor whole populations. This is informed by NSA Whistleblower, Edward Snowden.
The United States government has been pursuing the drones more persistently for some time:
“The goal is to deploy solar-powered drones that can loiter in the air for a few weeks without coming down. Once you can do that, and you put any typical signals collection device on the bottom of it to monitor, unblinking, the emanations of, for example, the different network address of every laptop, smartphone, and iPod, you know not just where a particular device is in what city, but you know what apartment each device lives in, where it goes at any particular time, and by what route,” – Snowden explains the reasoning behind constant drones flying in the sky.
When we see this extensive surveillance, which extends into several cities, the security agencies will be able to eventually harness the ability to track the movements of not just one person specifically, but everyone at any given time.
As the government preys upon our necessity to stay connected, governments are able to reduce our dignity. We are becoming ‘tagged animals,’ however, we pay for our tags while the tags are sneaked into our back pockets through mobile technology
The former NSA contractor has dedicated an article within a new book by author Jeremy Scahill, as well as the staff of The Intercept, entitled The Assassination Complex. The book is based on the leading of Drone Papers during October 2015. These papers have revealed the inside operations of the US Drone operations inside of Somalia, Yemen and Afghanistan; the papers also included the mechanism of the ability to target suspects that have been slated for assassination.
It was in this piece of writing that Snowden informed the public of the biggest leaks in recent years, which included Drone Papers, Chelsea Manning’s Revelations in 2010, as well as his own work. All of this happened while the United States has been labeled as the “Uncontested Hyper Power.”
The article also goes on, stating that the American political system is still in constant search for justification to utilize the country’s unchallenged military machine.
According to Edward Snowden, the United States leadership’s greatest horror is actually being accused of being known as weak during the face of the modern challenges.
Sources: RT, The Intercept, Google
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