By anonews.co
Hillary Clinton is a career criminal who has been breaking the law since her work on the Watergate committee.
But her use of a home email server to transmit classified documents was a step too far, which is why the FBI has a large-scale criminal investigation open on her. Top figures in the intelligence community have expressed outrage about this shameful mishandling of documents, which put our agents’ lives at risk.
Now, the FBI has made a huge announcement: They will be interviewing Hillary “in the next weeks:
This is a big deal, and long overdue!
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is likely to interview Hillary Clinton in the next few weeks about her use of a private email server while she was U.S. secretary of state and have already interviewed some of her aides, CNN reported on Thursday.
The nine-month investigation into whether laws were broken as a result of the server kept in her New York home has overshadowed Clinton’s campaign to become the Democratic Party’s candidate in November’s presidential election.
With only a few states left to vote in primary elections, she retains a commanding lead over her rival, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
More than 2,000 emails sent and received by Clinton while working as President Barack Obama’s top diplomat include classified information, which the government bans from being handled outside secure, government-controlled channels.
Clinton has said she did not send or receive any information that was marked as classified and has accused the State Department and other government agencies of “over-classifying” her emails after a judge ordered them released to the public. She has said she expects to be exonerated by the FBI, a point her campaign staff echoed on Thursday.
Article Excerpt: [thepoliticalinsider]
It’s sad that you are regurgitating information rather than bringing to light new information that might lend itself to giving you some credibility. This is old news, is all over all of the networks on a regular basis, and no one believes that she is going to be charged before November where she gets one last chance to get out of jail free like she and Bill did previously during their first term in the White House.
Come on mate, this old news is still news, might not have shed any light in your eyes but has on mine and many others lol
Yeah, I think Trump is anonymous when he’s not Twattering. Boring.
sorry Alunis….don’t be too sure …She has a lot of power but also a lot of enemies…..hopefully, she WILL BE INDICTED…..and as to old news….its all GOOD NEWS to ears that enjoy the truth.
The Rule of Law is DEAD. The FIX is IN. The Hildebeest WINS !!!
Yeah, this is very old news.. and unfortunately its not gonna stop her, so.. Maybe work on your clickbait material. Im not a fan of you guys hacking the blm movement page neither. This organization is going to shit.
So what you are saying is that somebody who broke the law shouldnt be tried for it because she is a poitician? This has been going on long enough just because your famous or well known doesnt mean you should have almost no chance of going of prison. This is being reignited because if it is not and she becomes president nothing will happen.
DUH! This website has NOTHING to do with the hacker group ANONYMOUS. They have a published story that explains ANONHQ is a for profit news organization. Think for ten seconds and you’ll realize, to actually stay anonymous, it would be impossible to sell merchandise, like t-shirts. The money could be traced and banks don’t deal with anonymous entities. Additionally, hackers don’t have headquarters, silly guy.
ALL military e-mails carry a classification. If a person with access to intelligence receives an e-mail that in not/does not carry a classification they are REQUIRED to give it one this is protocol. If she is claiming to have some with no classification and she did not give them ones, she was breaking the law. If she was using a private server (with or without it being ) she was breaking the law. In these cases she WAS ( if nothing important was in the e-mails they would release ALL of them to the public) hurting our country and perhaps our security. Is this the kind of person you want to run the country???????
cant agree you any more.
You sir are a fucking genius.
That’s the greedy democrat delegates fault. They don’t want a revolutionary president. They want the same money hungry, corporate benefiting president. That’s why they refused to go with the popular vote and support Sanders. How does your vote make a big impact if the delegates don’t vote with the popular vote? Sanders can win against Trump. They just want someone who will line their pockets. Thus, Hillary is in the lead. Nothing but American greed…
Rather coocoo and obvious than indecently-corrupt.
She has been preemptively pardoned by her former boss. The voters want to hear about the real issues, like how great it would be to have a biological female as a president. #haglivesmatter
The FBI continues to investigate, but released a statement saying they have found no criminal intent. Previous reports stated nothing was classified at the time it was sent.
5/8/2016: Just for the record, this same information was in the Washington Post seven or eight days ago. Sorry, but this is not exactly “breaking” news by any means.
They never said it was “breaking news.” The fact of the matter is, she’s either too stupid to know and follow the law, or she just doesn’t give a shit about the security of our country or our fellow americans. I hope they charge her with treason and neglegent homicide over what happened in benghazi. She’s been skating by at the expense of so many people for so long, she thinks she’s untouchable. Hell, maybe she is. All I know is I would rather have ANYONE besides her running this ship. She’s a transparent reckless fake. I hope to see her indicted soon. Clearly most people don’t realize the magnatude of the atrocities that really went down in benghazi. Because if they did, im sure they would be as horrified and outraged as i am. the brutality and torture those people suffered is a crime against HUMANITY! Not just the USA. And it could have been prevented. Someone needs to be held responsible. For the sake of justice. Hillary Clinton is not the person for the job. She’s clearly not about the people. She’s about power and will sacrifice who and whatever she must to claw her way to the top. It’s disgusting
Yes! Couldn’t have said it better myself. That old hag needs to be locked up.
Sick jerk! You people are all nuts republicans pulled money away from Embasies The Ambasador was told not to go to that outpost,the area was very dangerous and the closest help was 4 HOURS AWAY. HE WENT ANYWAY AND TOOK THREE MEN WITH HIM,AND THEY WERE ATTACKED, THEN HE CALLS FOR HELP. HELP WAS FOUR HOURS AWAY! THERE WAS NO WAY THEY COULD GET THERE,as they were already under attack. He took the chance and he caused the lives of three others!
I bet you find a Trump sticker on the back of their cars
Stop wasting your own time and go read a Donald Duck!
This article socks balls. And the authors/publishers know why this is not even close to the truth.
The subject is not that difficult to understand. And is btw, already old news. This woman is just a pawn, in a much larger, more dangerous game. Although most people don’t like the idea, that she would become the next presidnet of the U.S. of A. This will not change the outcome. Because her supporters behind the curtains, have put a lot of effort into making sure, that their agenda will go as planned. This started a long time ago. And is still active, as we speak. So, why be naive and think this would be the case. Nobody realy knows for sure, how the game is realy played.
When reading an article about things you can’t even begin to understand. The world will not change, for the better of us all. This article proves nothing. It’s just a speculation. Giving you the idea, that there’s something big going on. While in fact, the world is slowly heading towards it’s destiny.
When looking to the right, you can’t see what’s going on, to the lef. Stop looking into one direction and start scanning your horizon.
Assassinate her, if she gets in,
The liberal Obama and Hillary crowd could care less about American workers. Look at what they did to the working men and women of West Va. Plus the railroads mining equipt.cos. that have laid off thousands..
Christopher that was a bad remark . That would be against all our nation has fought for. We have a right to disagree but not to promote violence.
If anybody hurts Hillary I am going to report them to the ASPCA.
Clinton’s legal troubles are only beginning with emails. An even bigger issue is election fraud by manipulating voting machines. Take a look at this: http://electionnightmares.com/
I have followed this witch hunt for some time now. I am not sure what has been done that would break the law. It has been mentioned that both Colin Powell and Rice did that same thing. It was a mistake by their staffs for doing so. The Secretary of State of the United States of America have many people around them so the chances that they do this themselves even on their private email account makes no sense. We are not talking about Nude Pictures!!!!!
It is sad to see old news instead of #ANONHQ being on the front end of the news. I was pretty sure you guys said many weeks ago you had information about this case that would be enough to put her behind bars. All lies, nothing ever happened and nothing ever will. Bring out all the information you have againts her, so she can be prosecuted or just shut up.