![firefox delete button](https://anonhq.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/firefox-delete-button.jpg)
Written by: Anon.Dos
In this fast moving world of technology, the web has been a vital source of information. FireFox started ten years ago in a mono culture society of technology. Back then internet was limited to the usage of military and big firms. People like us believed that internet should not be available to a particular use of people, because it was more than that; a field of imagination and in one of those early years of web Firefox was making its mark. After ten years of development and hard work Firefox is celebrating by giving its users Firefox version 33.1.
As we all know Firefox has a wide range of applications that no other browser can offer. And they are great when it comes to securing your Firebox browser by many applications and using privacy mode. But all of which needs planning ahead, what if a person forgets to use that method or secure browsing and goes on to Twitter from work place. Or possibly wants to buy something for his wife but does not want to be seen by his co-workers; then he has to go to the tool menu and then dig all the way to erase history.
But now Firefox has come up with a better solution. They decided to provide Firefox with a Forget button on the main toolbar. So if a person forgets to enter private mode and wants to delete five minutes, two hours or even twenty four hours of their history can do so by simply clicking on that red forget button.
And to top it all, Firefox has added DuckDuckGo Search support in its browser. DuckDuckGo is a search engine that allows anonymous search. It does not keep any records of the user, does not want to access the cookies and logs no IP addresses. DuckDuckGo search feature was available in Firefox previously but only via add on. But now it is a default option among the others search providers in the search bars drop down menu.
Since Google introduced Chrome with its customizable interface and Web App Store, people have hurdled away from Firefox leaving its market facing down for years. But with this security update there is a chance for stepping back in the market game. Even if they don’t make it up to the mark as they expect their stock trend to be; with this update Firefox sure has given users a chance to consider Firefox once again.
Link: Protect your PC and mobile devices from hackers & governments and surf anonymously
I think I started using Firefox when it came out, about 10 years ago, and been using it ever since. This security update will surely be good news for those who does not enjoy anyone spying/prying on their activities. I am one such person.
Frankly, I hate it when people say “I have nothing to hide”. These people are the ones you should stay away from, the very least, not tell them ANYTHING important as they don’t seem to be able to keep a simple secret.
I have been useing Firefox For around 10 years, and More Recently FireFox Developer Edition, Have never found a more Reliable Browser.
And its not bought what u have to hide, Its bought your right to hide it.
I will Secure a Recipe To the fullest Extent of my Knowledge [A] Bc i can
and [B] Bc i want to. No law written should say i have to share what i know
bc u want to know it. Maybe if they just ASKED for my Apple Pie Recipe i would
be More then happy to share. … Sorry for the rant, lol
Incorrect facts in the article tho. 10 years ago = 2005, (2004 if you go with the article), internet was NOT limited to military and big companies in 2004/2005. Was the author of this article born in the 2000s? I had adsl in 2004 ffs.