The enhanced interrogation procedures implemented against prisoners in Guantanamo that are currently under scrutiny, have drawn more fire from an unexpected Canadian source. Skinny Puppy, a Vancouver, BC band, and who is known for being one of the first to establish the ‘industrialist’ genre of music, is suing the American military for the use of their music during interrogation procedures.
According to a former employee of Guantanamo and who is a fan of the band, informed them that their music was being used to torture prisoners and extend their ‘capture shock’ as a means of gaining information. The employee, Cevin Key, reached out to the band after he decided to write a book about his employment with the institution.
Skinny Puppy has reportedly invoiced the military complex for use of their music to the tune of $666,000. Up until this time, representatives of Guantanamo have denied receiving the invoice and have declined to comment on the use of the band’s music as a device of torture.
Related Articles:
List of Songs the CIA Used to Torture Muslim Prisoners
The Playlist Used By The CIA To Torture Detainees
this will be interesting, i think it will be a case of do as I say not as I do. the government only enforces laws for every one else, not them. its like no law they pass down ever applies to them.
Cevin Key is a member of the group Skinny Puppy (NOT an employee of Guantanamo). The employee got ahold of him, to let Skinny Puppy know their music was being used.
Cevin Key is a MEMBER of the band Skinny Puppy NOT the employee of Guantanamo.
However, I do think its really cool of Ogre and cEvin Key, of Skinny Puppy to charge the Gov’t the amount of $666k.
Cevin Key is in Skinny Puppy, not the employee’s name.
Cevin Key is *IN* Skinny Puppy, please proofread your story before publishing. (Paragraph 2)
umm… your article needs a little correction – Cevin Key is one of the members of the band Skinny Puppy, not a Gitmo employee >.>
Umm… you’ve got an error in your article: Cevin Key is one of the members of the band Skinny Puppy, not a Gitmo employee.
The band have been based out of Los Angeles for he past 20 years, by the way.
Industrial not Industrialist
Isn’t this a months old news? I read about it several months ago, and now it props up everywhere again… Maybe they send a second check when the first one was ignored…
SKINNY PUPPY!! :P…wow this is Totally Ironic!!…cause as torcherous as alot of their music actually is to the human ear (unless your into Goth-Industrial), Skinny Puppy has been Anti-Torcher/Anti-Animal Crualty Activists for decades… just check out their music video “Testure” from their ‘Viva Sect Six’ album ….. . . . . ……… . . . . . . …..i’ve had friends that have been to some Puppy shows… Ohgr’s known to go into these political rants sometimes 😛
You should get your facts right before publishing stuff.
1. They are suing the US Government.
2. they don’t give ** about royalties, they mainly want to stop them from using their music to torture prisoners, they’ve been fighting against torture through their music.
3. The amount is symbolic, they don’t want money out of it, really.
4. Cevin Key is a member of the band, as others said before me.