Banker, Klaus Masuch, is seen in the video below at a press conference in Ireland – pretending to empathize with the anger and frustration of the common person, he decided to tell a story about a conversation he had with a local taxi driver. He claimed that he was pleased with the level of understanding of the economic crisis by the average person, and told the taxi story to show that he was similar to and understood the average Irish taxpayer. However, one brave journalist finally had enough of the banker’s pretense. Annoyed, Vincent Browne simply asked why taxpayers had to pay for debts that were taken out by foreign financial institutions. The rest of the panel immediately came to the banker’s defense, who seemed unwilling and unable to answer Browne’s questions. Noticeably agitated and nervous, the banker fidgeted while attempting to distract from the question with several generally unrelated statements. He then pretended that he had answered the question. Though fairly relentless, Browne never does get an answer to his question; the panel simply moved on.
The absence of any response to a REAL concern of the ACTUAL average Irish tax-payer seems to prove Klaus’s earlier statement more true than he had anticipated; in fact, perhaps the average person understands a fair bit more about the economic crisis than was pleasing to him.
Bankers In My Opinion Are Nothing But Thieving robbing,Morally Bankrupted, Pack Of Bastards. They should be made to pay back their loans. After all look at what they do to people who don’t.
Denis heape I absolutely agree with you, except I will go one step further and ask is the difference between my credit card and a mafia loan? the answer of course is they are similar in the loan sharing respect,
the mafia response to non payment is a beating, the bank response is to use the law to give me the beating
I think he was removed, because Isreal is preparing for the final slaughter in this genocide.
Probably a large bomb, fire , or accident that will finish them off. Like we seen last summer, the world will watch on and their leaders will support it. Even give them the rockets and weapons to do it with.
The world ignores this newly declared, “Jewish State” they call themselves. Only one race, one religion and one set of ideals. Ironically, Hitler’s dream come true.
Now we are justifying dropping bombs on yet more women and children in Syria & Iraq because they are establishing an ‘Islamic State’ and convincing us that it’s wrong? For all we know the people put them in control to keep us out. We know for sure they are Islamic there and it’s not our land.
I see the growing threat of radicalized Jihadists for sure. But it was never a problem until we invaded Iraq in Desert Storm. We unseated Saddam and caused a chain reaction of upset people who are angry about loosing their homes, families and way of life.
Things were orderly before and I can admit violent and unfair even. Dictators, no human rights and hunger. It’s wrong to us, but it’s been the norm there for thousands of years. Maybe someday they will ask us to help them find a better way and when they do we should act immediately for humanity But we see much more ungodly acts in Africa and we send no drones or bombs to help, instead s few Christian missionaries and some rations.
To summarize, we ignore African nations and others when they ask for help, but jump into action without any consent to bomb an oil producing nation. If an oil nation sneezes wrongly, we are there to remove the ‘dictatorship’ from power. Then, after we trash the place and take what we came for, we go back home to discover that a new threat has taken over. Convince the people to go back again.
Without the distraction of oil, we could really do some incredible things for humanity and defend a basic ideal we all share. To live.
Have you read the Koran?? The overall statement in that book is to slowly but surely move into western country’s, breed and spread and convert as many as possible until we are all Muslims and yes this also happened before Irak. Only solution for peace in our time is to quit all religions….only evil has sprung from that crap. Cheers.
Have you read the koran?
i somehow doubt it. Seeing as you like summarising so much why dont you summarise the bible. They’re old books written when times where very diferent from now.. thats all. You cant summarise the mindset of that many nations. dont be stupid.
Christianity never did that….Ask a Cherokee, Ask a Lakota, ask a Navajo native American.
By god, you’re right! Christianity’s strategy was to slaughter or forcibly convert the indigenous peoples of the counties they invaded.
I agree with this 100% religion is probably one of the things in this world that spreads all the ignorance
What you just said here will be ignored by most as they let all this happen we as humanity sit back and let all this take place we watch corrupted news on TV and we won’t move a finger when a “catastrophe” happens aka bombings.
Syria was beautiful the people there had amazing life’s there was no homeless people in Syria when the Syrian government made money of oil they shared the profits with all the people living in Syria ,
Wow, you have got to admit, even that journalist has known much more information about the problem of the Ireland’s economic crisis than the banker himself. But it seems that the banker was unwillingly to answer the question. I don’t blame the person getting mad about the economic problem, after all, the taxpayers’ money these days are being taken away from by foreign institutions and yet we still have this so-called “requirement” that takes away billions of dollars from the country itself.
Did you miss the part where the journalist’s question is immediately answered by the bankder? I didn’t. He said that the Irish govt. decided that it would be a greater bourdon on the people if they did not provide a bailout.
That is the power the Irish people have given their govt., and because of this they have only themselves to blame.
If no association to the Irish people, how can this be their burden? That’s like someone charging me rent for a house they do not own, because the next town over needs their financial support for irresponsibly handling their financial affairs….and then saying that it will affect the quality of life in your home if you don’t. Sounds like pecuniary banking extortion to me. Hell, I don’t even live anywhere near Ireland and I can read through that cleverly worded statement.
Most if not all Government by pass their people who put them there and do exactly what they want…They don’t give a flying fuck about what we think they have their own agenda
Can I please have the name of this extraordinary journalist!?
Vincent Browne
Vincent Browne hosts a nightly current affairs tv show on Irish television http://www.tv3.ie
He is well known for constantly repeating his questioning of politicans until they answer the question he has asked them. He has had many outbursts during his programme – look him up on YouTube. Many political figures will no longer appear on the show and even the current Prime Minister of Ireland has refused to be interviewed by him.
Congratulations to this tough journalist