Our advocacy for marijuana is based purely on medical grounds. We don’t support people abusing the plant. Before you take marijuana, it should be on a concrete reason. The plant should serve a specific and important purpose for you – health wise.
For those in the United States who are fortunate to have access to marijuana, we recommend you consult a health expert who knows about the efficacy of the plant before taking it. We are starting this educative campaign, and will report on views of various health experts who are familiar with marijuana. We are doing this because we certainly know marijuana will soon be accepted nationwide in the United States, and most likely, around western nations across the world.
Currently, Canada is said to be moving closer to allowing the use of marijuana. New regulations on the plant are expected to take effect this summer. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has confirmed that a new marijuana law is ready to take effect in the country.
But before this is done, health experts are providing significant education to the Canadian public regarding how best they can make use of medical marijuana. The medical director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at George Washington University, Mikhail Kogan recently told Canadian Press in an interview that taking marijuana up the butt is actually much more effective than smoking it. Dr Kogan revealed rectal administration of the plant allows it to function effectively in the body, but because people nowadays are not comfortable with such administration of drugs, it mostly becomes difficult convincing people to attempt this method.
“Rectally is actually a lot more preferred because of the volume of absorption. You can put a lot more and it gets absorbed a lot better, but not everybody is open to this way of administration,” he said.
Dr Kogan is not the only health expert recommending Canadians take marijuana via the rectum. A dispensary based in the province of British Columbia, Kootenays Medicine Tree, has also said suppositories are a good option for people who are seriously ill; they can take large doses that activate quickly and don’t give patients a high.
Health experts supporting marijuana are recommending the rectal administration of marijuana due to some reports suggesting smoking marijuana can have adverse health effects. The Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse (CCSA) recently reported “Smoking cannabis may be even more harmful to a person’s airways and lungs than smoking tobacco, since cannabis smoking often involves unfiltered smoke, larger puffs, deeper inhalation, and longer breath holding.”
Although the CCSA report needs further studies, it is necessary we find another option to be able to use the plant without any adverse side effects. Therefore, health experts are recommending this method.
According to observers, Canadians would probably find it difficult to follow this recommendation. However, this isn’t new to the United States.
Vaginal marijuana suppositories that are meant to reduce menstrual pain are said to be on sale in some states where medical marijuana laws have passed in the United States.
As marijuana increasingly becomes popular in the United States, so too does its popularity in Canada. A study conducted recently revealed almost half of Canadians have used marijuana at least once in their lifetime.
In the United States, the number of Americans using marijuana is rising at an unprecedented rate. In 2016, a poll published by the American research company Gallup Incorporated revealed the percentage of American adults who smoke marijuana has nearly doubled in three years.
In 2013, Gallup poll revealed that 7 percent of American adults smoke marijuana, but the same poll in 2016 found the figure had increased to 13 percent. Marijuana advocates say the sharp rise in marijuana use in the country is due to successes in educating the American public about medicinal and other beneficial values of the plant. People are responding to the education and are ridding their former negative perceptions about the plant.
This article (Medical Medical Marijuana via the Rectum is Safer, More Powerful than Smoking It) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
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Anyone have a DIY receipe for this? What do you need to do to make an effective cannabis suppository?