There is a saying: that you can run, but you cannot hide. Since Hillary Clinton began her presidential campaign, known and anonymous sources have expressed grave concerns about her physical wellbeing, worrying about her ability to serve as the leader of the United States.
Clinton’s main contestant for the elections, Donald Trump repeatedly questions her fitness as an appropriate contender for presidency. In August 2016, Trump told his supporters at a rally that Clinton lacks the mental and physical stamina to serve as president and fight Islamic State militants.
Also, not long ago, Dr Drew Pinsky, a media personality and specialist in diagnosis, publicly stated that he was “gravely concerned” with Clinton’s health after analyzing her available public medical records. When Dr Drew said this about Clinton, CNN canceled his six-year-old show “Dr Drew On Call,” which is aired on CNN’s spin-off network, HLN. In a statement, CNN executive vice president Ken Jautz said he and Pinsky have mutually agreed to air the final episode of his show on September 22, but gave no specific reason for the cancellation. Yet, many believe the show was canceled as a result of Dr Drew’s public comment on Clinton’s health status. Dr Drew himself has admitted that ever since he made the comment, he has faced harassment and death threats from unknown sources.
Again, after Dr Drew’s show was canceled by CNN, an anonymous medical professor, currently teaching at a very reputable medical school in the United States, released a 10 minute YouTube video claiming to have analyzed Clinton’s brain scans. The anonymous professor disputed Clinton’s medical records. She showed a slow motion clip, revealing how Clinton is suffering from a severe ailment known as vascular dementia. In fact, the professor said Clinton was diagnosed with the disease in 2013, when she was serving as Secretary of State. She stated that Clinton is in her final year, and may die any moment from now, since vascular dementia is progressive and has a 3-5 year life expectancy. She added that he chose to stay anonymous because of the harassment and threats Dr Drew experienced, simply because of his comment on Clinton’s health.
However, as the media and all those supporting Clinton have tried, and still trying, to suppress concerns of her physical fitness, what happed during the just-ended 9/11 ceremony was clear for everybody to see: that there is something fundamentally wrong with Clinton’s health status. The cameras capture it. As you can see in the video below, Clinton appeared to be feeling dizzy. She had to support herself with a barricade, in front of where the ceremony was taking place. She was helped by secret service agents to stand, while waiting for her car to arrive. As the agents tried to walk Clinton to the car, she appeared to have stopped, collapsing in the process. She was then quickly ushered into the car as the drive drove off quickly to avoid more attention.
But the incident was captured. Minutes after she was drove off, the video started circulating online. People started asking questions about her health status. People started speculating that she might not be able to contest the elections.
From what we gathered, top officials of the Democratic Party, who are immediately connected to each other, looked for the way out, trying to diffuse the rumors on social media – that their candidate might not be able to make it in the elections.
After considering all options on Sunday night, regarding what to put out on Clinton’s health, they decided to press on Clinton’s personal doctor, Lisa Bardack, to release a statement including a diagnosis of pneumonia on Sept. 9.
Dr Lisa, of course, issued the statement claiming her client was diagnosed with pneumonia, and that she had been given antibiotics. Dr Lisa said Clinton had become dehydrated at the ceremony, leading to her collapse.
“Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies. On Friday, during follow-up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia,” Dr Lisa’s statement said.
Clinton’s campaign official later told reporters that she has cancelled a campaign trip to California on Sept. 12, due to the illness.
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