A study by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction has revealed that London has Europe’s highest concentration of cocaine in sewage followed by Amsterdam. Londoners flush about 13.5 pounds of cocaine down the toilet every day. Amsterdam flushes about 13 ounces of cannabis each day.
The results show that London waste water has more cocaine (.026 ounces per 1000 people per day) than any other city. Amsterdam beats other cities when it comes to weed (.016 ounces per 1000 people per day) and MDMA (150.5 ounces). Antwerp tops the chart for amphetamine, flushing with .007 ounces, and Oslo tops in meth with .008 ounces.
Amsterdam’s MDMA and cannabis consumption peaked on Monday and Tuesday, and decreased through the week and the weekend. Throughout major cities, cocaine and MDMA was used mostly over the weekend, while methamphetamines and weed were consistent through the weekdays.
The study of sewage water in 50 major cities was aimed at measuring the level of drugs that people excrete in urine. The EMCDDA said waste water analysis is a “rapidly developing scientific discipline with the potential for monitoring real-time population-level trends in illicit drug use”.
Cocaine make you just THAT paranoid…whoosh.