According to “The ISIS Twitter Census,” some 46,000 Twitter accounts were belonging to ISIS in 2014 before Anonymous started their online war against ISIS taking down their social media account which were used as a recruitement tool. As we now know, the Twitter team had suspended thousands of ISIS-linked accounts between September and December of 2014. These accounts used by ISIS were all located within their ‘owned’ territories – Syria, Iraq and other, smaller territories. The following is a general breakdown of the report:
Among the 46,000 Twitter accounts, 73% tweeted in Arabic, 18% tweeted in English and the remaining 9% tweeted in various other languages. Every Twitter account associated with ISIS, most of which were created in 2014, had at least 1000 followers and were FAR more active than other Twitter users. The ISIS-associated Twitter accounts mainly tweet about their ‘achievements’, their activities and shared extreme videos, which according to Twitter, “harms the public interest.” Furthermore, as per the Twitter census, ISIS does not recruit people via Twitter, rather they recruit people with applications like Skype or Kik. The main purpose for the ISIS accounts appears to be to gain attention and support, and to spread their own ‘news updates’.
Twitter is continuing to suspend the accounts which they claim, “violate their terms of service.” The Twitter team is using hashtags to find and weed out these accounts, things like ‘#IslamicState’ and ‘#CyberCaliphate’ are high on their radar. As previously reported, ISIS also published an online threat message to Twitter about the suspension of their accounts. The good news? The Twitter team is not going at it alone, Anonymous has been aiding in the fight and has taken over thousands of ISIS-associated accounts, according to the census.
Continuing on, the census states that 69% of ISIS users are running Android smartphones, 30% percent use iPhones and 1% use Blackberries. Below you will find some of the profile pictures primarily being used on the ISIS-related accounts. As you can see, they are very fond of using unique profile pictures like the ISIS flag, an image of Osama bin Laden (founder of al-Qaeda), and famous pictures of their own militants (Jihadi John and Abu Bakr al Baghdadi).
ISIS has also been found to use various ‘bots’ and apps for other purposes, as of yet unknown. For more details: “THE ISIS TWTTER CENSUS,” by J.M. Berger and Jonathon Morgan.
military contractors are not going to be happy when they see that you are killing their new investment.
Maybe some of the 9% are Filipinoes, coming from MILF?
Maybe some of the 9% are Filipinoes, coming from MILF?
shut them out all !!!!!
R u serious? What proofs do you have you’ve been doing something as well as twitter people have? Like… Ok, some twitter accounts could have been deleted, yed. But you mentioned you’ve helped. How? Is there any material? Did twitter thank you guys for this? This Anonymus thing sounds more like a character from a movie more than real hackers united around the world. Get real.
I run a music site on various platforms including Twitter & FB. I went through 60% of the people who’ve like the FB pg. According to my stats, the majority of my fan base is in the middle east. I’ve found some of the profile pics like the one above & banned them. There are a few with Anon looking pics, which I take as Anon members or take overs and some that have all of a sudden disappeared (most of the middle eastern men). But there are some that I just don’t know. I don’t want to discriminate if the person is innocent but how do I know that they aren’t?
I run a music site on various platforms including Twitter & FB. I went through 60% of the people who’ve like the FB pg. According to my stats, the majority of my fan base is in the middle east. I’ve found some of the profile pics like the one above & banned them. There are a few with Anon looking pics, which I take as Anon members or take overs and some that have all of a sudden disappeared (most of the middle eastern men). But there are some that I just don’t know. I don’t want to discriminate if the person is innocent but how do I know that they aren’t?
Will Anon do something to expose how fake/prefabricated the media is? I’ve seen every major news story from 2014 in 2013. I was disgusted. Also, you should get access to aerial/satellite feeds. They can be used to track terrorists down. I’ve been lucky enough to nail some high level targets, including revealing Jihadi John’s real name and finding Haji Mohamed’s location. I’ve seen all sorts of things… BUK rocket hitting MH17, 120 dogs eating corpses behind a N. Korean courthouse, someone on MH370 downloaded C4 shoe bomb schematics off the deep web, battle plans for the Ukrainian invasion, off-duty crooked cops shooting a person in the back of the head, men gang raping a very young girl and chopping her body up, cartel leaders trying to hide, the inbox of Wang Dong (aka UglyGorilla), a person placing a bomb inside someones mailbox (two people died), Hannah Graham getting disposed of, and much, much, much more… I’ve received death threats on multiple occasions. I don’t have access to those systems anymore. Every time I hear of an Amber Alert I want to get access, but my identity has been compromised. I think the good people at Anon can be doing more than hacking Isis Twitter accounts.
Furthermore, all of those Nigerian schoolgirls are not with us anymore. I had a lock on Boko Haram’s position. Later, I watched Boko Haram killed over 2,000 people. I watched innocent civilians stop moving and stared as their heat signatures faded away to match the environment around them. Boko Haram dispatched vehicles to round up people fleeing the city. The GPS coordinates of their primary base was reported, but nobody avenged their passing. On a side note, I’ve found and erased low-grade nuke schematics on deep websites frequented by Islamic terrorists. The simulations indicated that they were legitimate. The CDC took too long to find those vials of Variola (aka smallpox). That wasn’t the first time smallpox was identified and located in the United States. The people got samples from Virginia Tech and swiped metadata off security videos, too. Benjamin A. Rubin invented the bifurcated vaccination needle used to deliver tiny amounts of smallpox vaccine. Nobody really cares about my stories. Oh yeah, I’m one of the original founders of Anonymous…
Henry go f**k yourself… I’ve risked my life and put some hard, evil a-holes in a jail cell or in the ground. In my honest opinion, this site posts a lot of conspiracy theories. I like looking like a weird conspiracy theorist from time to time. That’s one way I hide and brag about my triumphs without risking the lives of my friends and family. The biggest difference is that my stories are true. Henry, I don’t know how many murders/unnecessary deaths I’ve solved… I estimate somewhere around 3,000 to 5,000. I got my identity exposed and had to face some tough questions from FBI/CIA/NSA agents. At the end of the ordeal, they really liked me. The gov’t got trained on how my analysis works. I don’t promote illegal hacking. I find loopholes, solve crimes, and report the loopholes. I don’t expose gov’t secrets. I don’t release the images, because I don’t want regular people to have PTSD or nightmares. Plus, the U.S. gov’t says that I shouldn’t. I’ve gained access to the world’s most powerful supercomputers, including Tianhe-2, Sequoia, Titan, and Vulcan. I’ve gotten into a hilarious shouting match with Larry David. Talked with a President, Al Gore, McCain, and a few SCotUS justices. Henry, I hope you appreciate the work Anonymous has done. There’s a lot more going on than spreading conspiracy theories. Like Ripley said… Believe it or not!!!
Can’t believe people follow these crazies !
Can’t believe people join them! People are crazy !
crush them all who belongs to ISIS. They are complete against the teachings of Islam.
ISIS is a joke.