Russia’s airstrikes against ISIS seem to be having some sort of an effect; known for their viral beheading videos, ISIS has been fairly creative at terrorizing hapless civilians who lack any means of self defense. When it comes to dealing with an aerial bombardment, while lacking the requisite of anti-air weapons, their inner-MacGyver was kicked into overdrive.
Behold, the Condom Bomb:
I’m not kidding. In their desperation, they have created possibly the least practical and yet most inappropriate of weapons. Why they chose condoms over, say… balloons?!… is beyond me. I would speculate that it was an issue of supply; each fighter probably had brought cases of condoms in anticipation of their promised “rewards”. They would quickly realize, too late, that they were themselves one of the 72 virgins promised in the ISIS recruitment ad.
It’s impossible to say for sure whether the condoms were used.
The plan it seems is to simply inflate the rubbers, stick a mine to them, and float them into the stratosphere as a sort of aerial minefield. There they will sit and await the passage of the next Russian jet, though whether the Russian pilot is supposed to be killed by triggering them or from sheer revulsion is unknown.
Sputnik had a go at the brilliant “plan”:
Left with little recourse in the face of relentless Russian airstrikes, the self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group has apparently resorted to a fairly unique defensive strategy. According a video that surfaced online on Wednesday, the group has begun launching homemade condom bombs, hoping they’ll somehow veer into a Russian bomber.
While Sputnik cannot independently verify the authenticity of the video, it appears to show IS militants creating aerial mines out of condoms, which are then released into the skies over Idlib.
The entire arts-and-crafts project is shown, scored to look like some kind of bizarre extremist music video.
In a desperate move, the contraceptive contraptions are seemingly meant to drift into Russian bombers as they fly overhead. A clever – if fairly ineffective – strategy.
The video shows one of the Condom Bombs blowing up spontaneously mid-flight… questions like “how did they manage to craft those things without killing themselves?” or “what happens when the condom eventually comes back down again? ” will have to remain unanswered.
And that, dear reader, is why the US has had to spend an entire year failing to destroy ISIS… flying condoms.
This Article (ISIS’s Secret Strategy For Defeating Russian Jets: The Condom Bomb) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.
the entertainment value alone of religion meets science is priceless
Whats messed up is that when those balloons helium is gone they will crash back down again, probably on their own heads,lol
america bashing comments in 3,2,1,
Probably inspired by Google Loon.
Funny, not likely to get much explosive power lifted. They’d do better just floating up small pieces of tungsten carbide (cutting/milling bits) – If they were sucked into a jet engine, well, probably destroy it – no explosives required.
Theoretically it will work. how effective I do not know, but must say they are clever
The average IQ of an ISIS fighter must be sub 70
I think the condom bombs are designed to be ignited by getting sucked into the air intake, not by crashing into the aircraft as the article suggests, although the odds of that happening are very low.
You have to admit, if they release hundreds of these into an area where planes are doing airstrikes, they will likely hit a few planes…
So, maybe 50-60k worth of mines, condoms, and hydrogen/helium to take down a plane worth half a billion, aint too shabby!
Condom – the new Small Family device brought to you by ISIS. Patent pending.
At least they will know where to drop bombs now. Just look for the condom clouds and they should be close by.