Turin, Italy – Luciano Pia, a brilliant architect out of Italy, has a vision of how people and nature can live together in urban environments. He has designed a beautiful 5-story apartment complex that allows residents to feel as though they were living in a giant tree-house.
Every aspect of the building’s creation was taken into consideration. The design was meant to integrate with nature, with asymmetrical shapes and organic architecture throughout. 150 trees sprout from various locations on multiple levels, estimated to absorb 200,000 liters of carbon dioxide in an hour. Not only does the vegetation keep the air clean, it blocks out the sounds and smells of the surrounding city, giving the residents a tranquil retreat.
There are ponds and gardens in the courtyard, offering residents a place to relax during the summer, and during the winter, after the trees have shed their leaves, natural light is able to filter through the building during those darker months.
The building was completed in 2012, and is located at Via Chabera 25 in Turin, Italy.
Original Source: Froelich, Amanda. True Activist. Mar 16, 2015
Fuuuuck… I wish I could live in that. We need those in murka. It would undo a lot of the ills and evils that go on in our cities and hinterlands. It might even help with mental illness, I’d suspect.
It’s “Via Chiabrera” https://www.google.it/maps/@45.045227,7.679821,3a,75y,61.22h,109.12t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sUwlcgKPzYariW-mGodnLsw!2e0!6m1!1e1
Wow. This is really good
I want to know what they are going to do in 10-20+ years when those trees decide to out grow thier nice little planter pots… But it does look nice to live in
Now if the only those were fruiting trees…
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯