Japan Govt OKs Blatant Release of Radioactive Water Into The Ocean


Fukushima keeps on getting more and more Fuk-ed up, with radiated-material-contaminated water continuously building up and “accidents” regarding the improper usage of radiation measuring instruments which had led to a severe underestimation of the level of radiation in the water… or “accidents” leading to the water getting released all over the place and into the ocean.

Now the Japanese government is rolling out plans this month to release “decontaminated” water into the ocean on purpose. There was no explanation given as to how this water was “decontaminated”, because “trust” is an essential ingredient to wishing away a radiation problem. Just like how this Japanese medical scientist who was made the RADIATION RISK MANAGEMENT ADVISER to the Fukushima prefecture told you that the secret to becoming immune to radiation poisoning is to SMILE.

Basically, the Japanese govt just said “we got no more space to store this crap. And we’re running out of convenient “accidents” to cover up for expelling the stuff. So now we’re not even gonna hide it and just eject it into the ocean so it becomes YOUR problem.”

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