Yes, even Obama, the president of the United States of America is just a human being like everyone else.
He is a Politician, yes, he makes mistakes, yes, and he may be just a “puppet” of lobbies, corporations or whatever, but at least he still has humour and is able not to take himself too seriously. Especially we at AnonHQ blame him, his government and Intelligence Agencies for a lot of ‘sad’ situations not only in US, but all around the world. Maybe he is really trying his best and is unknowingly used by higher powers / lobbies, maybe he is not. At least he has the courage to read the mean and appalling things people write about him on Twitter.
Looks like anonymous, or at least anonhq, has been infiltrated.
Looks like anonymous, or at least anonhq, has been infiltrated.
Heh, too bad he didn’t tell the “real” mean tweets. Its always about him and not the people he is supposed to serve. Yeah he is human, but he knows exactly what he is doing. He is no puppet, his administration are the puppets. And I believe he is doing what he planned.. systematically destroying this country bit by bit… like the frog in boiling water analogy… he didn’t start right out making “changes” he did it bit by bit and as the people got comfortable he would do a bit more… he thinks he is untouchable.. as does his administration (Clinton et al) and above the law… just look how they put on the smug face each time they do something against the constitution and our laws…
Totally – Agree – Concurr – With – JUSTME – POST – HELP US ! -God –
obama is little more than a shoeshine boy for the CIA ..here he is still doing the Bo jangles thing ..on account of his lack of tap dancing abilities…quite sad what the system does to people…he cldve made a difference..but hey he took the money…lets hope he can run..probably was semi decent somewhere in the past
Dont be fooled by his set up propaganda.
He is a comedian and actor more than anything else.
It is what it takes to be president, when everybody around you tell you what to say.