You’ve got to give it to him. Keanu Reeves is an actor who continues to impress—and not necessarily on the basis of his acting skills but by just how, well, normal the man is.
For an actor whose net worth is an estimated $360 million it’s no small feat. One could easily expect Reeves to be surrounded by a massive entourage and bodyguards keeping his fans at bay, but it’s simply not the case. Keanu insists on living as normally as possible.
Keanu, who shot to fame following his roles in the Bill & Ted films, is arguably now at the peak of his career. And fans are lapping up every little bit of Keanu they can get.
Such was the case when the 55-year-old actor was filmed by a fan eating an ice cream cone as he sat alone on a concrete planter outside of a Baskin-Robbins in Alameda, California. He then graciously posed for a photograph with the fan, who has been identified by NBC Bay Area as Yahoska Martinez. Martinez later said:
“He was super humble and super nice!! Very chill dude.”
— Moy (@happynibbamoy) January 7, 2020
According to KVTU, workers at the Bay Area ice cream franchise were star-struck when the actor came in to buy a scoop of ice cream. One employee said that her co-worker “freaked out after he served him. He didn’t know how to act.”
Naturally, Keanu left a tip that was reportedly very generous. After all, this is a man who gifted the stunt crew of The Matrix series with brand-new Harley-Davidson motorcycles just because he wanted “to give a bigger thank-you to all these guys” who made the film such a success.
It’s also believed that Keanu was in the Greater San Francisco area because filming has begun for the third sequel in the wildly popular Matrix series. Variety reports that production was slated to begin at the beginning of 2020, and the San Francisco Film Commission also records that a major film project with the working title “Project Ice Cream”—we kid you not—has scheduled shoots in February.
Keanu has expressed his enthusiasm for the project to Entertainment Tonight, telling the publication, “It’s very ambitious. As it should be!”
Write and director Lana Wachowski will also be returning alongside fellow Matrix star Carrie-Anne Moss.
Wachowski was a co-director of the first three films with her sister Lilly.
In a statement, Lana said:
“Many of the ideas Lilly and I explored 20 years ago about our reality are even more relevant now. I’m very happy to have these characters back in my life and grateful for another chance to work with my brilliant friends.“
We’re definitely excited for the new Matrix film … but we’ve got to admit, we’re also interested in seeing where the notoriously private star will turn up next!
That time when your flight out from #GDC almost crashes and you have to emergency land in a remote airport but at least Keanu Reeves is having as bad a day as you are. pic.twitter.com/XSPa1wlNuO
— Amir Blum [Unboxed] (@CheesyJedi) March 24, 2019
By Elias Marat | Creative Commons | TheMindUnleashed.com