It seems the Operation Foal Eagle hasn’t gone down well with North Korea. An enraged North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has told the army to prepare for war against America and its allies in order “to tear to pieces the Stars and Stripes” referring to the US flag.
The sudden urge to fight an old foe is a result of a joint naval drill involving 10 South Korean warships and a US Aegis destroyer conducted on February 27. The two countries will start the eight-week Operation Foal Eagle, a large-scale joint military exercise, on March 2. Operation Foal Eagle involves around 200,000 South Korean troops and 3,700 US personnel, spread over land, sea and air. A week-long, largely computer-simulated joint drill, Key Resolve, also gets under way Monday.
“The prevailing situation where a great war for national reunification is at hand requires all the KPA (Korean People’s Army) units to become (elite) Guard Units fully prepared for war politically and ideologically, in military technique and materially”, Kim was quoted by the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) as saying. He made these remarks while opening a new hall at the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum in Pyongyang.
“The DPRK will wage a merciless sacred war against the US now that the latter has chosen confrontation. Nuclear weapons are not a monopoly of the US. The US is seriously mistaken if it thinks its mainland is safe,” KCNA further stated.
North Korea says these drills are rehearsal for war against them, and has therefore stepped up its own air, sea and ground military exercises. Seoul and Washington insist the exercises are defense-based, but they are condemned by Pyongyang as provocative rehearsals for invasion.
The world does not need a war. US must avoid a war for the sake of humanity.
As a European, I’d say if the US want war, a war on their own soil instead of all their proxy wars in Europe & the Middle East works for us.
You mean like that pesky proxy war went had to fight to save you from Germany? Twice!
(Enter mum joke here)
Yea you European puss bags your welcome
50 containers with nukes waiting for you dumb yank.
@t Fuck europe ; your ancesters are European and you`re a Immigrant same like mexicans how`s that feel for you ??
A traitor that flee from Europe to bully minor civilisations
You are an outcast and should not have a right to live in US …
Are you honestly wishing death on millions of our innocent civilians because you think we’re bloodthirsty and arrogant? Think about that for a second.
Your flagrant nationalism is boring. I always enjoy how even hardcore European leftists turn into such jingoistic nationalists when they’re forced to examine their modern inferiority complex with the United States.
And I have no idea where you’re from, but in terms of importance on the world stage, your country is goddamned boring too. If given a choice when reincarnated, I would choose to be born in America every time. It’s sleek, streamlined, fun and I’m even technically a form of cyborg now. So you go throw your wooden shoes into the gears of industry and seize the means of production or something, maybe someday you guys can invent your own internet and quit leaching off our vast entertainment industry, but we’ll still be the country that invented Batman, rock & roll and even played golf on the friggin’ Moon.
I wouldn’t say I’m proud to be an American, I only take pride in accomplishments that I had an active part in, but I am HAPPY to be an American.
So frankly, you can go straight to hell, or stay exactly where you are, whichever is worse.
The US didn’t even get involved in the war until 1942.. so I’d say they had the leat to do with the Allies winning out of all of us.. PS. Go Canada!
So I’m from New Zealand, we went over to fight for the allies, sure we are part of the commonwealth but we could have just sat on our arses, split the atom and let you all kill each other however our soldiers helped out and we don’t take ANY credit. Everybody needs to chill the fuck out, we are human beings, not Americans, british, Dutch etc. the sooner we all learn that the sooner we can focus on what really matters.
Im sorry we just have the best elite force in the WORLD! Yanno the S.A.S. I have no hate against yanks buts its pricks like this that need a airstrike located on his house
I don’t think that we should go to war with anybody as I’m concerned. It’s only been 50 or 60 years since the first Korean war. I doubt we need anymore.
It is not because he is european that his country was automatically in the world war…
It is not because he is european that his country was in the World War, learn about the world outside your own little world before commenting.
That pesky WW2 was directed and financed by a Jew called Rothshield and his fellow villain rockefeller and for you to know because it is already 75 years ago that pesky war …When the first yankee set foot in France , the frenchman had to teach the yankee how to use a riffle …watch more Discovery than you learn something from history and main fact is that most nazi`s found shelter in USA for making the A – Bomb and the nuclair bomb..so in fact you defend a criminal organisation that uses you and all good fellow citizens as dispossal for their grieves and wars …for me Steven you`re a dumbass that with the slightiest lie or propaganda drag yourself into a coffen.. … and another news for you …WW1 is set up by king Wilhelm from Ostria to kill serbian muslims and by this whole europe went into war ..
@Dutch Patriot well said mate, im glad someone has a brain on here.
The first yankees that fought with French were US military rejects. So you taught someone not good enough for the US military how to shoot. Also it is spelled nuclear.
Bring it over rover. 80% of Americans are armed as well as the military. The fucking gang bangers over here alone are going to be kicking some ass. A war on American soil will fail. We are all armed to the teeth over here.
if you really think that “gang bangers” would help the US in this situation, i think you are very misinformed. why would they want to help? if anything i see them independent factions (i guess they kinda already are, but maybe a little more organized or something). fighting against both sides of the conflict, and protecting their own territories and people. so that would just leave the US with their military, police, and other people with guns. so still pretty decent, but i highly doubt “gang bangers” would down for the cause.
you didnt help us in that war…. oh right, yeah you did. sorry i forgot you dropped nukes on civilians. thanks for that. tell you what why dont you take all the Nazi scientists after the war and build yourself a nice big NASA.
You sure seem to be enjoying the Internet that our friggin’ military built.
You are a fool if you think that. The Americans only joined the wars when the likes of the Bernsteins,Goldman and Sachs thought they would make most profit. As when any war is started it is for profit.
Germany is part of Europe…
America didn’t save anyone, they came in at the end with a fresh army when everyone was at their wits end
I gess you forgot america helped ww1 plus ww2 or else germany would have won
Your filthy country funded them wars.
@t Josh landing .. :)))) sooooo True !!!!!!!!
Come get some.No you sit behind a keyboard talking about our “filthy country” because you are spineless.
It’s embarrassing to be an American any more. Any American citizen that has any clue about how out government actually works gets spit on by every other ignorant citizen in this country. Don’t hate us all there are a lot of us that want this bullshit to end.
@eko I know how you feel mate, my country follows the US and does what eva England says too, hence how they sent thousands of our soilders to death because England fucked up the landing point.
hell our government funded the terrorists for 9/11 and trained them of course our government is using us only people know about this is the people that arent brain washed
Russia would have won ww2 with or without help from us.I shouldn’t have to and don’t have the energy to explain this to you because it is history and you should know it.
You are a fucking moron if you think pethitic russia would have won on your own. If you are talking shit on america you are cleary fucking retarted.Nothing else to it.every time you dumb fucks get in a petty argument some one takes over 90% of europe and we have to come in and save your prthitic asses. Russia was next to useless in WW2. Nothing but a large distraction. And fuck japan. Id drop another nuke on them. If you talk shit then you should get beat the fuck down. If you wanna peacful world then mind your own damn busines.. or get fucked by the US. (Most powerful nation in the world. And obviously the smartest.
the Russian had the advantage at the east front before USA joined the war.
I am pretty sure the Soviets did more work involving Europe than America, you might need to retake a history class over WWII.
We don’t want war, our government does not represent the interest of our people
You mean after the US stopped supplying them with weapon technology, metal and oil after they lost Africa.
oh and btw Russia stormed berlin after countless years of front line fighting.
We are all subjects to cruel governments that have many secrets. Thers nothing we can do about it. I wish that people would realize the things that go on behind closed doors there is a lot of corruption and evidence that people have to dig for.something big is bound to hope sooner or later and it’s going to be very bad for lots of people because all governments want is power and control. And if they don’t have that then they get scared of the bigger one. But I’ll be damned if I go down without a fight for my home and the people I love against foreign and domestic enemies although there at be more domestic enemies than well think.
For the people that dont know this .. The U.S is a monster waiting to be awaken . Korea is a peninsula we could just surround it and drive in
For the people that dont know this .. The U.S is a monster waiting to be awaken . Korea is a peninsula we could just surround it and drive in
Completely agreed.
Clearly you have no idea how things work in America…between corporate media brainwashing the majority of the population and the government basically ignoring our rights/wishes/interests,the wars that are fought under our flag are no fault of our citizens. Granted, some Americans are just ignorant as shit and think it’s cool to “kill Arabs”, but there again, that comes from the lies and propaganda spewed by corporate media. If you want to point fingers and name call, then call out those truly at fault. The government. Also, let’s not forget the role the EU plays in the wars you apparently believe are the sole fault of “Americans”, as if we’re all sitting at massive round table plotting against the rest of the world.
The US government couldn’t care less about saving the human race. So, they don’t give a fuck about the sake of humanity.
‘Us must avoid a war’. LOL!! that shit country is the one who create a war, alongside Israel.
Dirty American swine here, I believe that North Koreas people will up rise from within. so much information hooks movies etc are smuggled in the people there are finally getting to see that the american people aren’t their enemies. I was reading that about 40 percent of the country has been exposed to the outside world. With kim Jong uns health problems they are beginning to realize that his lineage is not godly. if north Koreans want to over throw their government its going to need to come from within. If you get caught trying to escape to north korea your family 3 generations back are punished as well. So its the use of fear tactics like this that the citizens are kept in line. Yet people still risk their “freedom” to learn the truth about the outside world. Give it 10 years and North Korea will be no more. Instead of putting people down because of their race, economic background, or country of origin why not judge a person just on their opinions. That goes to all of you.
Some Americans are retards are likes to provocative nations,
First Funding Pakistan Military (which supports terrorism activities)
Second they pissed Russia and what happens Russia pulls out from ISS Program, which already did the damage to US and now they want North Korea?
Seriously not again, we did expect the change ever since Mr. Obama was elected but not the same bullshit again and again.
As an American soldier. I do not wish to engage in any unnecessary military engagement, but we go where our orders take us. We have the bigger stick. We are the most well trained and vicious fighters that the world has ever seen. As such a formidable force, we’ll give them a fight they won’t forget.
I am an American soldier, I am an expert and a proffesional, I will never accept defeat, I will never quit, and I will never leave a fallen comrade.
I’m going to steal the Declaration of Independence.
This comment…
Think they need a holiday ,and take a trip to the Arctic and relax or something ….
It wouldn’t be us Korea is the one that is declaring war with us if we do/don’t want it it doesn’t matter we owe them a lot of money so yea
I need a teacher can you help me find some?
If Korea would manage to declare a war to the US, then Korea wouldn’t stand alone in that war, keep in mind there are powerful countries surrounding North Korea.
If North Korea is ready to start a war with the US, I think China will give them the smack down before we lift a finger. China might have them on a long leash, but they are still on a leash.
fuck you USA710. i’m an american but don’t want a fucking war. it is people like you who make our country such a shitty place to live as an american.
nunyabusiness … finaly one yankee that has an open mind hahahaaha HI5
tell USA710 hes an warmongor Hillbilly and should throw his keyboard out of the window for his comment ^_^
Why does a dutch person care so much about USA going to war with North Korea? Also fuck you man, half of the shit that’s spewed out of your mouth in this chat forum consists of lies and bullshit. If you deny america’s help in WW2 then you’re an ungrateful idiot. I can’t wait for Putin to come into Europe and kill you all, so you can beg for USA’s help again. But I guarantee after we liberate your shithole country for the 3rd time you’d still say you hate us. Lol
Holy shit nunyabusiness, is your brain operational? This planet needs a war. Humanity is not Civilization. Civilization does not exist in this world, and never will if drastic change isn’t brought about. What our beloved USA normally do to feuding parties? Supplies them both and watch them slaughter each other in decades long war. It’s the peoples turn to sit around and watch these worthless bastards whom “represent” our country to defend their own ideals themselves. They either change their ways, or can get blown the fuck up. If my life ends, I just hope the corruption of evil ends along with it. If not, then it will be my duty, as a TRUE AMERICAN, to resurrect the country AT ALL COSTS. As it is also all of you NATURAL BORN AMERICAN CITIZENS duty. Our representatives, speakers, legislators, and leaders FAIL TO UPHOLD OUR CONSTITUTION every day.. Which they are only in their positions because they swore to uphold it!!
He’ll Dickinson Ya man you are the shit! Lol have you heard of Alex Jones? If not look him up on YouTube.
“natural born Americans” define that for me please
l’Amérique c’est de la merde, c’est à cause de vous des sionistes et des illuminati qui veulent diriger le monde qu’il y a des guerres, je serais président français j’irais vous botter le cul sur vos terres bande d’ingrat! Vous avez fait trop coulé de sang
You don’t want a war. N. Korea wants a war. They want to kill you on your front porch. If they make it here, how much more of a shitty place will the U.S.A be? p.s. Yes the citizens of N. Korea hate your guts for being an American.
You guys are torturing the English language, even the Americans. This thread is arduous to read through.
Look, apparently the South Koreans just roll their eyes at this kind of macho posturing after 60+ years of it, I think only the west takes it even remotely seriously. We shouldn’t be afraid of a bunch of untrained 5’6″ tall kids in aging Russian T-72 tanks, or the one nuclear missile they *almost sorta* got to work, we could theoretically turn their entire country into vulcanized glass with a single submarines payload. But let me ask you, would we have the moral high-ground? Their average citizen is picking grass to eat. They’re not monsters, they are people *trapped* in a failed State.
I don’t want to bomb them. I want to buy them a burger, maybe watch a movie, and show them how the world works for the rest of us. I mean, outside of their carefully controlled environment insulated from any unplanned influences. The whole thing is one big sad, grey gulag. Reunifying the countries now would just be a terrible burden on South Korea.
I had hoped Kim Jong-Un would be a more moderating influence, given that he was educated for a while himself in Europe and is interested in various forms of American pop-culture. But He’s still stuck with his fathers appointed Generals, and could honestly only open the country up so much before there was a military coup. He has to maintain the strong arm tactics and cult of personality around him, because he is stuck in his role as much as any of them.
Is it even worth the cost of the fissile material to kill these people? Christ, we should be dropping rice and magazines on them instead.
Right I don’t want war. I live in America, and I don’t agree with our government. they don’t talk for me. I think it’s time for change but not in a violent manner.
j your a fucking moron no fighting never solves any thing your the one that needs to open your fucking mind once we get into a war there won’t be a earth no more theres barely any ozone now you fucking stupid ass whole
Just napalm them and force submission, the United States has taken lightly to the situation, shut the little bastard up once and for all
Didn’t work so well in Vietnam did it?
It’s a shame if this actually happen’s That man is crazier then a june bug bouncing on a screen in the summer.. Alot of north korean’s will die because they fear him and his crazy regime. I dont approve of violence except as a last resort, but i’m thing lil mister kim need’s a surgical strike, anyone agree?
Kim Jong is always shooting his mouth off…no biggie.
Why war? Is there any real good reason? I like peace much better. Can’t they enjoy their lives? Why to throw all away?
As a resident of the US I acknowledge that this country is seriously egotistical, selfish, materialistic, unempathetic and over all generally fucked up. I think the masses are sheep but not all of the civilians are like USA710. There are innocent people here who despise the way their country is (mis)managed. In our collapsing economy violence is inevitable; please keep in mind there are a growing number of people who are fighting against the Corporate run America to change it from the inside out.
Agreed, and well said.
@t Toleco …you got my back in this .. We all want a better construction and a government that are and is for the people …
All these liars and jesuits will going to face a life prison on the moon outcasted from humanity and who have blood on their hands will be killed ..
I fucking hate our government and obama already fucked this country up even more
Korea maby do not the Best for there own People.
The US destroy forein Staats and After the War they leeve the People alone with the terrorist. In this faild Staats the IS grow and grow.
What in the hell did you just say?
Yeah, Can we speak English today?
Not everyone should speak English. Don’t be them lame-ass ignorant bitches. You can understand perfectly what he’s saying. There are other languages in the world. Why don’t we all speak Chinese since this is the most spoken language in the world…
Gagarin is right too. You American nit-wits go raise hell in places were you don’t fucking belong and then leave the people to rot. In doing so, you make a nice little nest for the terrorists which you can later attack in the name of ‘freedom’.
The USA is the worst state in the world.
While I’m at it, the guys stating that you saved Europe twice should try taking a history-class. In WWI the English and French did loads more then you did to help us. In the second, Churchill came up with a good plan and you just tagged along, using Australians/Canadians/Blacks and other not-white ‘Americans’ to just run into the Atlantik Wall Hitler created. After that, you had to be quick to reach Berlin before the Russians did. You failed and got there at the same time.
After the war you just took all of Europes great minds in the brain-drain and used those people, who got schooled in Europe, for your benefit. And let’s not forget all the Nazi’s that you took under your wings, protecting them from our justice-systems.
Ow yeah, you only beat the Japs with bombs created by Germans…
Please let there be a fucking no-brain to try and tell me i’m wrong!!
I forgot to say thank you for creating a cold war. It was lovely , living in fear of a nucleair war on our turf…
You’re so fucking wrong. You don’t know shit about world history.
Please, enlighten me then?
It’s easy telling someone is wrong, without giving any new info…
The above roughly states what happened, wether you like it or not, knobhead…
Yea we’re the nit wits?? You just called USA a state. Imbacile. You all speak so terribly about Americans but unless you’ve been here, you can’t speak. Not everyone is like the idiots you see on TV. We’re embarrassed by them too.
My translation wasn’t perfect indeed, should’ve called it a nation. In Dutch “een staat” is a nation. Excuse me for the confusion… nit-wit.. At least I do speak English… Si tu veux on continue en francais… O en espagnol, digame hijo…
I’ve been in LA, LAs Vegas, New York, Death Valley, San Francisco, Miami,.. What’s your point? I only gave you a history-lesson, i never generalized in the comment above so why don’t you just swallow it…
Here’s the thing, our country had anti-war movements in both cases that vehemently tried to keep us out of the war, because at the time it was seen as a strictly *European* war, and as something you guys started, we had no business helping to end it in the first place. We were, for once, taking the moral high-ground.
In the case of WWII, we recognized the danger of the expansionist German and Japanese Empires and helped our allies through lend-lease agreements with insane amounts of material goods. That included giving both England and Russia more tanks and subsidiary vehicles than they had so far built themselves, which a lot of civilian merchant sailors had to lose their lives to get there. And in the case of Japan, a crippling oil and steel embargo. Had we not been bombed as a result and been dragged into the war, the allies would not have won. Likewise, without England, the allies would not have won, and without Russia, the allies would not have won. That’s how a World War worked. You don’t need to downplay our part in allowing Germany’s enemies to continue fighting, likewise, you don’t need to downplay our part in ultimately ending those wars.
For better or worse, the U.S. is very, very good at war. If you feel war is an insidious waste of human lives and resources, that may not sit well with you. But we are a vast, capacious nation with every viable resource or natural climate and a large, diverse population. Since fighting those wars, we have maintained a fairly comprehensive propaganda machine because we saw an opening to become the world leader as Europe and Asia’s former empires crumbled in their wake, and Russia chose an economic and despotic system that turned out to be nonviable in the long run.
War is something humans still do. Your countries history isn’t spotless, regardless of where you live. Sometimes we don’t get much out of it more than some gung-ho realistic drama movies and video game settings. Whereas sometimes the subsidiary benefits of our scientific developments give us things like the space program and the Internet. The same Internet you abstruse Nationalists use to denounce us over. And sometimes we get to write a countries entire constitution (in the case of Japan) and help them become more prosperous than they ever could have by military means.
I don’t want to go to war with ISIS or North Korea either, so hey, don’t blame me, it isn’t like I have Congress or the friggin’ President on speed-dial. But if *they* drag us into it, we can’t possibly lose. Even if it becomes a quagmire that we can’t exactly win in any concrete terms, THEY can still lose.
Simply don’t drag the United States of America into a war, even if our more hawkish politicians seem to be goading you into it in their patriotic fervor. Because once our military is awakened, your people and infrastructure will be devastated and your proud leader will be hiding in a spider-hole.
I’m not downplaying the part USA played, I’m grateful for the intervention that eventually came. I’m telling the guys above that it isn’t only your doing that liberated Europe. I can’t say you are wrong on a lot of points, because lots of them depend on the angle from which you look at it.
I mean, it sounds very nice, saying that you helped us with embargo’s and lend-lease deals. From my point of view however, those actions seem to benefit the American economy. There’s nothing really wrong with that, until some people act as if it were an altruistic act of heroism. Btw, didn’t the English warn you for incoming Jap planes before Pearl Harbor? Could’ve just prepared for it. Thought i read that somewhere, not sure if it’s true…
USA has got a true warmachine, can’t dispute that. But wars are changing, what if you find an adversary that is capable of using nucleair power, even if it doesn’t reach your shores. The planet will be doomed. I can’t help but notice that most Americans think they’re invincible. You seem smart enough to realize that acting that way, got rid of many great civilizations. On the other hand they easily forget that Vietnam wasn’t really a walk in the park. Saying Afghanistan was a succes would also be a lie. The guys you were fighting there, were ‘on the same side’ against Assad in Syria for a brief moment. Not to mention the lies that were used for rectifying the invasion of Iraq. The Iraq you later left to rot, giving extremists a chance to create ISIS.
USA isn’t the center of our world concerning power anymore, not economic, nor militaristic (or however you say that in English). China is becoming more powerful in a lot of ways. I don’t suppose that’ll be better. I’d rather have Americans in control. Just stop invading countries in the middle-east, start some environmental program, teach (less biased) history and stop selling guns to everyone and anyone… 😛
I also want to clarify the fact that i’m not denouncing you guys. I’m not that hateful. I just think many of you should read more non-American media, just to be able to put yourself in another persons place, a non-American person that is. There is a reason why you have to defend your views to almost everyone else…
There’s a lot more to discuss, but it’s 3 a.m. here and i’m tired.
no not everyone but i can’t understand this and i have a high school deploma
We shouldn’t all pay for 60% of the idiots here in America that support what they are told and have no idea what our country does when we go to these countries. They do not get it..not all of us deserve to die because some are ignorant. Not fair..or none of our countries deserve remaining. Many of us are trying to stop this..we do not get a voice like they make it appear. No videos world wide,our people will just come in and kill you. Make it look like murder-suicide…secretly..that is what have us in this mess!
I don’t know why the U.S. and other allies don’t just kill Kim with a strategic airstrike we have proven already that we can infultraye their country using stealth technology and let the North Koreans handle the rest.
Yeah, it only took you a decade to trace Osama.
Good proof! You can’t even proof that with a body. Probably because he was already dead 5 years earlier…
Bring it… dont sing it…
They have a war with United States? But against who? Or are thry against each other?
I got an idea. Why don’t we send over a couple of CIA operatives posing as news reporters to interview Kim Jong-Un. They could use one of those slow acting poisonous stickers and put it on their hand so when they first meet and shake Kim Jong Un’s hand it will release the poison to kill him.
I got an idea, cuz those nuked up containers sitting in your portswill be set off killing you as well as innocent people.
If the current trend for deaths caused in major conflicts continues to decline for a few more decades then we can safely say that war is obsolete. If these tensions amount to something then that ultimate goal will be shattered. I see so much potential and optimism for the future from different global statistical trends these days. Countries are finally coming together to end problems such as global warming, which 100 years ago such collaboration would seem impossible. Believe it or not but war is almost a thing of the past. Don’t fuck it up US and North Korea.
The only problem is that we need the major states to collaborate, not all the small ones.
USA, Russia and China don’t really do anything considering the environment for example and they are still weaponizing. How can you even believe what you say? Don’t get me wrong, I hope you’re not mistaken. 😉
i think a war between korea and USA would be less bad than a war between USA+eurpoe and russia – one destroying probably less than 1/3 of the world, the other one capable of destroying mankind once and for all
Kim Jong will not hesitate to use nuclear power. Europe would and on USA and Russia i’m not really sure. So I think korea and USA going at it, could also mean the end of humanity.
BTW, what makes you think we would support US against Russia?
If it were up to me, we wouldn’t support any of you. Both of you cannot be trusted…
The concept of war in America has been a fear of mine since the beginning of this bullshit current war in Iraq. Our president is currently disarming all Americans so some country can invade ezly. If someone does invade, I’ll fight for my family, my country, and my Corp.
Dude, you are like the only people with more then one gun / capita. It’s about fucking time you got disarmed. You Americans are all so scared of everything that might happen.
Do you even realize you should be afraid of all those guns? Every city has it’s unstable personalities, in Europe, in US, in Russia.. Making it easy for them to get guns, that is scary. How many schools must be lit up with firepower in US before you guys get it?
I get flabbergasted every single time i read such ignorance…
No need to fear guns, just stupid people.
That’s why you should fear those guns. There are a lot of stupid people in this world, making it easy for them to get one is like a suicidal tendency…
The U.S does not want a war with NK , China, and Russia…
war it up.. US is not as vicious and the koreans (asians). but it will take another Hiroshima incident to let them know who’s boss. the war should happen on US soil. i’d be a part of that.
You dumb idiots. No one needs an intercontinental ballistic missile to nuke the US and all your cities at once, you just need some containers that have been sitting in: New York, LA, Miami, Washington, etc… Etc. for the last decade as an insurance policy. With the correct isotope and construction your FBI could not detect shit. Your dumb bully boy Yankee Doodle asses blown the fuck up……you yanks are already fucked and you don’t even know it. Do you think N. Korea, Syria, Iran, Russia, South America don’t have an insurance policy. You thick fucks think that missiles rule and Raptors,, fleets of war ships, star wars, the military tech is pathetic. Your pathetic military are no match for 50 strategic converted nuke bomb containers. You pathetic war mongering commercially bought political military industrial complex could be wiped off the face of the planet and most of the world would rejoice and laugh at your idiotic childlike war mongering senator’s. Who the fuck needs an intercontinental missile, and an army equipped with trillions to nuke your big fat ass. LOLZ @ your homeland security and corrupt country. If you’re a sane person you should leave that hell hole USA ASAP.
hahahahaahahhahaha @t Josh you make me laugh today awesome 😛 😛
so they nuke us ports most of the military bases are inland so you kill a bunch of regular people trust me if that were to happen shit would get real and idiots like you will die in the aftermath there is a reason why we normally either win or are second or third place in the olympic games and its because we are the greatest place on earth and represent all thats good and bad right and wrong plus every kind of person on this planet so if you don’t like and your jealous its cool we probably hate you too fucker 😉
You didn’t get a word of what he wrote, did you?
First of all, look up the stats for the last olympic games, YOU ARE WRONG (loved to write that).
And then one more thing. You sound like Hitler, calling your countrymen superior to others. I hope you get that last one, If not, read ‘Mein Kampf’, it’ll probably become your favorite book, fascist!
i have just had the longest face palm reading all these comments from my american brethren. half of them are just parroting what our schools have taught them in our US is great edited version. i love my country i served in the military ive seen the real pains of war. ill defend her from whom ever may threaten her for my families sake. But really? guys like kevin are truly dipshits drinking the kool-aid our backasswards mainstream media has fed him. he may say he is a patriot, i say hes a misguided jack ass. i want the ameraica our fore fathers set forth. not this corrupt money hungry, war mongering, sheep hearding, gutless government we have now. also a populous that is’nt lazy and actually puts an effort into making our country into a great one.
The weapons your country manufactures kill 1000’s of innocent children and their parents per day, so who gives a fuck about USA innocnets now?
Were not all blind idiots. I can’t stand the way out country operates and in all honesty I know we’re eventually going to get hit hard. It’s bullshit that everyone has to suffer for what our fucked up government and media has done to a lot of out country. I’m not down.
As an American i fucking hate my country, i want to leave so bad. Its such a fucked up country its unreal
any one that is in favor of any war starting anywhere for any reason is a heartless, psychotic moron. Wars are the most despicable of all human behaviors. Mainly because of the stupidity of the male gender.
Egypt was a matriarch society, they waged wars as well. It’s just human stupidity, don’t make it a male issue…
KIM -JONG is addicted for show and marlboro`s , he loves Hollywood ..what the you all talking about ??
2 countries provoke 1 country by trainings and 1 country say Boehh and all hair jumps up …. red alert red alert Kim JUNG is coming to america ..
get your act together ..the only treath is the Illuminati with their plan to convert all people under 1 religion and put chips in all of us ,so we are tracable at all cost for their NWO … and for most who are uselless eaters will die or face death …that simple it is as you have might and power ..
Clearly you people never listen to news, they always talk about how Nort Korea’s nukes can’t even reach North America, the shockwave maybe but not catastrophic damages. They say the biggest nuke they have only travels some 2000-3000kilometers and North America is over 4000 kilometres away… The only North American soil that could be affected is possibly Alaska and certainly Hawaii. Get your information straight if you’re going to complain.
Theres something called moving the launch site that I feel you do not understand. America’s bombs used in world war two weren’t even propelled and those hit target with ease. Also Alaska is very under populated so infiltrating there first with the WMD would probably be their first goal.
Or you could just state that American media suggests that it is not possible, to calm you people down. After all there is no free media in US of fuckin’ A. And if there is/was, I don’t think you’re watching the correct channel…
Gentlement,please,think a little.If a war began, nothing on this planet will be spare. We have weapons that can wipe the planet several times.There are nuclear,biologic,and others that I even don’t want to think off.
So,war is not the solution.
On my way to see, if this korean guy don’t like americans,the solution is simple:
Put Kim Jong-Un and Obama on a empty house,and fight to death.
On every war, million of people died but who started the war,never had putted there his feets.
They want war,that’s their problem,not ours.
That’s enough death arround the world.We don’t need more.
(Sorry my bad english)
Brilliant, lets the the USA drag us all into another war in their desperate attempts to keep hold of their dwindling power. The US should keep it’s nose out of European and world affairs, they are NOT the worlds police, a good proportion of their population can’t even place North Korea or Europe on a map, their so called ‘culture’ already pervades society like a disease. Stick to your own continent and maybe address your own social injustices and inequalities before trying to dictate to the rest of the world. It’s funny to think that the US actually avoided conflict in both the world wars until they were dragged into them kicking and screaming. Now they just can’t seem to get enough.
Damn calm down…you’re saying that we should keep our nose out of european and world affairs? You know we actually would really love that, but we have no say in what the government does whether we are against it or not. And if anyone can’t place North korea on a map, then they have to be complete morons. There’s not a single person I know that can’t do that. Don’t hate an entire population based off the few stupid people. They get their voices heard more often the the rest of us with common sense.
He’s just right. Who put your government there in the first place?
Way to generalize and make a bigoted anti-statement. Your opinion on Americans is irrelevant, as is most likely your role in society. While we’re generalizing, do you Europeans beat your wives and shower once weekly?
The US would DESTROY North Korea. I can’t believe they would actually threaten war. Is this some kind of joke?
As a sane person (or at least as sane as one can be living here) living in the United States, I cannot express how awful it is to be aware of the things your government is doing- yet be unable to influence/ change its actions. The majority of Americans seem to care very little about much of anything. They let the government do whatever (poison our air, water and food- push other nations around- take away any future we may have had as a country- etc). No one even questions how ridiculous the media is here… they take it without question and ignorantly hate ‘the enemy’ the news appoints monthly without knowing or caring to know the objective facts. There is a minority of Americans that are upset and outraged by government actions against the people of the US as well as other nations; but I am sad to say they are few. I do not see hope here. Leaving seems to be the only real answer.
This is my first visit to this website. It’s my last as well.
and what about Canada and Mexico? Why do we have to pay for the fools mistake?
I would just like to apologize for my fellow American commenters above this post. A lot of Americans are not tolerant or educated very well by our flawed systems and poor culture. I am a college student who was put into military programs at the age of 15 by my parents in hopes to scare me out of my dream to join the army. They were wrong, I loved it but got seriously injured forcing me to not enlist. This issue of North Korea should be taken seriously, mainly from the fact that we have no idea what their pyrotechnic capacities are or what sciences have they been researching. The fact that only few people have been there since the war proves that we do not know anything at this time although our space technologies and war machines are obviously more advanced. Was it ever proved that North Korea hacked SONY pictures during the making of that hilariously offensive movie? Nevertheless any threat of war should be taken seriously just from an ethical stand point under just the possibility of millions of lives would be in danger.
I also wanted to apologize to the European commenters for this cyber abuse coming from America. Not all of us are intolerant or disrespectful. I love all of European culture and lifestyle. Your education is great and your country is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. Especially London and Germany by far the greatest time of my life traveling there and even visiting universities. You’re country is incredible and I wish mine was as tolerant as yours.
I don’t understand why everyone has to get so butthurt over something one person says, everybody has there different views, Josh hates Americans, big deal. This is the internet, if he wants to come on here and bash us, then let him. Let him be ignorant. But i with Jessica a lot. It seems that a lot of us Americans have the power to influence anything relating to a change in any part of the government. I also agree that we should not be the worlds policeman, i hate knowing that we have to go and fight somebody else’s war and i cant do anything about stopping it. I believe that if America would go to war with North Korea then it would be like another Vietnam war but would take something drastic like nuclear strikes or something as drastic. I am against all the deaths this war could cause and i certainly hope it doesnt happen. Now if anyone wants to bitch at me about how im a stupid American or something then go ahead, im a grown ass man who can deal with being put down. So go right ahead.
Well, I’m an American. I really hate it here :(. I’ve studied how shit made our country moved up to be. The government of America wants us dead in FEMA camps. They don’t care about us citizens. They care about “money”. I wish someone from like Great Brittan would take me to there county so I can live a better life. Because I know are government don’t give a shit
A week-long, largely computer-simulated joint drill, Key Resolve, also gets under way Monday.
There is no greater evil then the inaction of good men, there is no greater tragedy then those men thinking they were right in their choice to do nothing.
All countries are equal, love is enuf to reach all people, making war it will take away many innocent lifes, think before war, doing war in future nobody will be alive in this earth
We don’t need another war..
if nothing happens, thank god. if something happens, bring it on.
I don´t think the MiG 21 is outdated, even though it is from the 50s. It is fast as hell and has a great range.
Don’t you guys find it funny how Americans get all hyped up and threaten everyone with their technologies that they just hear about or see in movies and its considered a human right while we do that against occupying countries in the middle east and we are called terrorists. Keep watching CNN and BBC news like zombies and trust your governments till they suck the life out of both you and us. We have suffered one war after another all in the sake of “National American Security” they keep bullshitting u about. I am sure most Americans just want to live in peace but they are afraid of the big bad wolves they keep scaring you with on tv. Wake up people.. You know what they say..Keep knocking on devil’s door and someone will eventually open. We are used to wars and deaths, and trust me its not something you should look forward to. Educate yourselves and start using your brains rather than keeping it as an expensive decoration. you will never find peace if you keep meddling in other people’s lives and business.
All you guys up there are so fucking stupid, why are all of you whining, each of us has are own fucking opinion and we all helped each other out, U.S. may not have a good government but we sure has hell helped you guys out in Europe during ww1 and ww2, why are you guys fucking bitching like little girls, we’re all fucking allies, I ain’t gonna make fun of nobody but really if your calling us, AMERICANS, swine and shit, were the ones that are doing shit around the world helping other country’s, we may not fix things but we try, I’m sure if your fucking country was about to be in a war that America will help, and if they do try to attack on are soil we’ll be don’t know what there getting into, stop fucking bitching
Okay. First, calm down with the profanities. Second, if you’re going to scream and insult something or someone, user the proper grammar, for crying out loud!
thaha North Korea is like shit . it stinks and u can flush it away easly
Bottom line… America is numero uno. We will prevail just like always. YOU JUST CANT FUCK WITH THE U.S.A…. bitches
Bottom line… America is numero uno. Always have been since becoming a country and until proven otherwise, always will be. The U.S.A. will prevail. Get over it Euro whiny bitches… Sheesh
sorry you European fucks but how does it feel to know that you have to and WILL fight for us whenever we want you to?? Perks of being the big kid on the block running the show!!! I know it sucks but yes you will fight when we tell you to… Maybe you should have been smart enough to not let us win our independence and punk yall around… As we do now! Hahahahah
Okay you idiot,,,fuck you and fuck america ,,,you are concidered for the most retarded nation in world…and reading comments like yours..it just proofs what i said ….(sorry for bad english)
A trollol! Or is it? #Readmoreafterthebreak
I was reading some of this and just thinking, China owns the American economy, Germany owns the European economy, Russia owns Ukraine and other economies and a bunch of people here are about to “kill” each other….
….. and what about the North Koreans that started all this argument. They laughing at all this.
No wonder the world is in a mess and WW3 being fought on every single continent. The Illuminati must be rubbing their hands in glee.
America: back to back war champs!
North Koria is not a threat, nor is any country…
Sorry to the Brits, but the Australian SAS is actually a better force than your British SAS.
“your welcome pussbags”??? Like you did anything to help in 1942. Easy to act important from behind your computer screen, but nobody’s thanking you funny guy.
Also much of Americas heritage it from Europe….And alot of American entertainment is taken from britian and redone. You may have given us Batman, but you also gave us reality t.v. and constant world war. So mybe you shoudnt be patting yoursef on the american back just yet.
“relax it’s north korea, the nation-state equivalent of the short bus”……all that needs to be said
You complain about us fighting on Europe during World War II yet we weren’t directly involved until 1941 when Japan attacked us. We weren’t going to sit around and wait for Hitler take over Europe and then bring the fight to us. We took the fight to them. In the middle east, we started fighting because we were attacked by AL Quaida. We don’t let terrorists attack us and get away with it. Another reason why we don’t fight wars here is because we have the right to bear arms. A lot of states have very little gun laws and so a lot of people have them. Do you really think someone is going to try and wage a ground war with us on our turf when there is a weapon behind every blade of grass?
Ffs and I bet us English will be dragged into this. We always get involved with USAs wars they start and can’t bloody finish them self. In my opinion I think that the English government should just stay clear of this one and just let then two country’s sort it out them selfs
North Korea doesn’t gave even a chance against anything nuclear weapons? They pony have one city with power they cannot produce even a medium sized arsenal of nuclear weapons let alone ballistic missiles.