By: -A-sh F@wkes of AnonResistence
#OpIcarus #ProjectMayhem
Hours ago Anonymous announced Phase 3 of their now infamous Operation Icarus. Participants are calling it Project Mayhem, a throwback to an older 2012 operation and a reference to the Hollywood blockbuster Fightclub. The press release mirrors the message of the movie as well, with heavy transcendentalist overtones. The principle target of the group during this phase appears to be the global stock exchange market. A statement released by the group reads as follows:
Imagine the corrupts’ start to fear us. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny, but when the government fears the people, there is liberty. People shouldn’t fear their government. Governments should fear their people.
Four billion years of evolutionary success encoded deep within the fabric of every strand of our dna. Four billion years of evolutionary success has brought us here. A turning point for humanity, into a new aeon. An age where light has pierced into darkness illuminating all things.. We are all absolutely FREE! there are no rulers, there are no masters, there is no elite. The time to take control of our reality is now. This is the time to wake up, this is the time to expose all lies, this is the time we ascend from darkness.
Imagine we finally find the COURAGE needed to BECOME THE CHANGE WE WISH TO SEE in the World.
Imagine we conquer Freedom by beginning to be Free.
Imagine we conquer Justice by beginning to do Fair.
Imagine we conquer Truth by beginning to do and be True to ourselves.
Imagine the System is built upon lies.
Imagine we shut it all down.
Einstein said there are two infinite things, the universe and humans stupidity, the latter end is for us to prove the contrary. Ultimately, What is the purpose of a science capable of sending a man to the moon, but unable to put a piece of bread on the table of every human. Humans now has enough technology to make happy each person on the planet. You agree the social degradation because you’ve never known anything else.Our planet does not belong to anyone. Our planet is our house to all, the sky is our roof, humanity and all life forms are our family. We must all help to show the right path to each brother and sister of our big family humankind. Stop the division among ourselves, stop being selfish, live for all of us we are a big family.
Now it’s to you to choose the future you wish leave to your children. there are two possibilities, either you continue as now and one day the human being will destroy itself or you become conscious of you are a big family, and it’s time to rebuild a better world than now. Now it is for the majority to retake control of the planet. We do not want violence, and it must not happen because there can be no loser. You will all win. It can never be a perfect world, but it is easy to make a better and more just one.
Behind the clouds, there’s always the sun, we are the sun, we are Anonymous. We will not forgive. We will not forget. Anonymous is for Freedom
“You’re not your job. You’re not how much money you have in the bank. You’re not the car you drive. You’re not the contents of your wallet. You’re not your fucking khakis. You’re the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.“
Target List: http://www.stock-trading-infocentre.com/list-of-stock-exchanges.html
We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We are the Resistance
We are an Army of Ideas
We are the Voice of the Voiceless
We can not be Stopped
We can forgive
Though we never forget
You Should Have Expected Us
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Đurden Loves You.
this is what we all want.!
I do NOT like “lyes” on my hands
i hate this disparity that humans build around themselves.
that creates a divide in every human being.
where so many children die of hunger everyday and riches fly in personal jets.
makes me go FUKING crazy.!
hate this money based economy system…just fuking hate it.