By Carey Wedler at theantimedia.org
Atlanta, GA — An Atlanta, Georgia man has sued an off-duty officer who beat him viciously over the incorrect assumption he was stealing a tomato from Walmart. Though he says he was innocent, he was ultimately jailed for three days before the charges against him were dropped. He sustained permanent injuries from the beating.
Tyrone Carnegay was leaving Walmart in October of 2014 when an off-duty police officer working as a security guard approached. Video footage of the incident shows Carnegay attempting to exit the store when Atlanta police officer Trevor King begins questioning him. After no more than a few seconds, King begins beating Carnegay with his baton.
Carnegay says he was never told why he was being questioned, though according to court documents, a manager on duty at the time told the officer he had stolen the tomato.
“He’s giving me a verbal command. As he’s grabbing me, he’s beating me at the same time. ‘Get on the ground.’ Beating me at the same time,” Carnegay said as he re-watched surveillance video with WSB-Atlanta’s Craig Laurie. “My leg started giving out.”
King hit Carnegay at least seven times, ultimately cracking two bones in his leg and rupturing an artery. He now has a titanium rod in his leg and walks with a limp. Carnegay says he was never asked for the receipt — which he says he had. According to Carnegay, after he was on the ground in handcuffs, the officer reached into his pocket and found the receipt — along with his change from paying for the tomato.
Carnegay’s attorney, Craig Jones, said the entire incident could have been avoided with one question. “Somebody could have come up to him and said, ‘Excuse me sir, do you have [a] receipt for that tomato?’ and he would’ve shown him the receipt.”
Instead, Jones says, “The officer went into Robocop mode and beat the crap out of him.” Carnegay claims the cop “found the receipt and stood there like he hadn’t done nothing.”
In spite of this, Carnegay was still sent to jail and charged with simple battery against police, as well as willful obstruction of law enforcement officers. He was first taken to Grady Memorial Hospital, where he was chained to his bed, and then transferred to Fulton County Jail.
He was released after three days and the charges were dropped, but between the false accusations, brutal attack, and subsequent incarceration, Carnegay does not feel justice was served. According to his lawsuit, filed April 6 against Walmart, the manager on duty, and King, he is seeking damages for “pain and suffering, damage to his reputation and legal fees he incurred defending himself,” the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported. The lawsuit could take three years to complete, according to WSB-Atlanta.
Walmart offered a tepid statement on the incident and subsequent lawsuit. “We take the matter seriously. We will review the allegations and respond appropriately with the court,” a representative told WSB-Atlanta.
Atlanta police declined to comment — but the audacity their off-duty officer displayed by brutally attacking a man for not stealing a tomato speaks volumes.
This article (Man Beaten Then Jailed 3 Days for NOT Stealing a Tomato from Walmart) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Carey Wedler andtheAntiMedia.org. Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11 pm Eastern/8 pm Pacific. Screen shot: WSBTV. If you spot a typo, please email the error and name of the article at [email protected].
Cop needs to be fired, Wal-Mart “manager” needs to be fired. Injured gentleman needs to file suit and win several million dollars.
Welcome to America … the Land of … yeah of what !?
The Land of a free beating after paying for stuff you bought.
thats why every usa citizen should carry a gun for bitches like this js
OK, lets say you shoot that prick… then? What? What you think its gonna happen?
If a cop suddenly started beating the person I am walking with in the supermarket with no reason, I don’t care how many uniforms wears, he would have received a long series of fists right in his fucking police face.
When was this recorded? 1996?
America, country of freedom ?lolololol donald trump for president ?lololo
Wake up americans your present country is a shame and the future looks much worst, im glad I dont live in america.
“If this case goes to court, it could take up to three years” Get your tax money ready people. A simple assault case with clear video evidence and verdict is going to be prolonged beyond necessity.
“If the case goes to court, it could take up to three years” Get your tax money ready people. Here’s to another obvious verdict with clear video evidence being prolonged beyond necessity.
Why on earth would anyone want to visit that total wreck of a country. it tortures its own people and totally disregards all national and international laws to further its own ends and has no respect or regard for human life what so ever….. for the leading civilised country in the world… pffft…. it is an abhorrence and should learn that it is nothing but a bully state that the world is getting totally tired of hearing about… being American these days does not mean anything like it used to be, it used to be looked up to and now it is frowned upon and totally hated by more and more people let alone more and more countries….. shame on you USA you have lost the plot and will reap your own karma (
Can’t he press charges against the cop and maybe even the manager?
Anon… So what, the officer notices he has a gun and then what, shit gets even worse, or… he fires the gun at the officer and spends life in jail, a gun would not of helped this man in any situation..
As part of the settlement, the police officer needs to forfeit his entire worldly possessions, be fired publicly and then sent to prison for at least 10 or more years. With no consequences this will continue as more and more bad cops want to get in on the action. The victim should get 8 figures from Wal-Mart (they can easily afford that) to act as a deterrent from this sort of thing continuing to happen.