Sunday_Account, the username of a Redditor who wished to remain anonymous, spilled coffee on his laptop one day and opened Craigslist to find a cheap option. He found a random listing for a Samsung ATIV with i5 processor for $300, and went to meet the ‘crackhead’ shaky owner. He sealed the deal for $250 and came back home happy.
“I met the guy at a coffee shop. He was shaky. He was well-dressed but something wasn’t right about the kid. I fired up his laptop, it booted instantly…I checked the HDD space, memory, CPU, etc. Everything was fine. Creepy guy looked like he was in a rush so I did a speed negotiate with him and walked out the door with his computer for $250. Yeah! I saved $50,” he wrote on TIFU subreddit.
Sunday_Account was working for a company which worked for a federal agency. So when next day when he went to attend a briefing on a new project at a new government agency, he was handcuffed and shoved into jail. During the security screening process, the authorities found illegal adult material on his HDD. He was allowed bail for three days.
His lawyer had a PI track down the guy who had made the listing on Craigslist. It turned out that the person who had made the listing was a registered sex offender. It took a month for all the charges against Sunday_Account to be dropped, and his arrest record to be erased. The $250 laptop cost him $12,000 in legal bills. What a bargain!
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This is just pure injustice! It wasn’t his fault! It was the crackhead’s fault for selling it! How was he supposed to know that there was illegal stuff on it!? Cmon…what is wrong with the American Justice system? Those who are guilty get set free, and those who are not guilty and who had nothing to do with it are put in jail…really?
Ignorance is not innocence, buy a crack heads laptop, be prepared to find something illegal on there!
Only a tard would think otherwise
You’re stupid
Exactly, never trust those damn crack heads with all of those illegalities! It’s a proven fact that being addicted to substances makes you a terrible person in every way!
Nobody could see that happen. You could think that he’s going to spend the money on more crack, sure
Actually ignorance is innocence. Just not in the eyes of the law. Think about what you just said. What if it was you? Would you feel less innocent because you didn’t know ?
Actually ignorance is innocence. Just not in the eyes of the law. Think about what you just said. What if it was you? Would you feel less innocent because you didn’t know ?
Think of the big picture, if ignorance means that you go free it basicly means ANYONE who gets arrested for posetion of stolen goods will just say “i bought this off a shady guy who i dont know the name of.
Its the risk you take when buying stuff secondhand. Make sure you get a reciept, and if your buying a PC, make sure you format it.
Its for reasons like this I wipe everything completely when I get a PC, new HDD, or any other type of data storage device. You never know what was on it and can easily get screwed.
Nothing was on the hard drive. The government just found remainents of what used to be on there. When you delete a file off of your hard drive, it doesn’t completely disappear, it only marks that spot on the hard drive as available and gets rid of the directories for the file. The file is only truly gone when other stuff is saved over top of it.
My old man always sais: I’m not rich enough to buy cheep things”.
I live by this comment
WOW!!! Every used computer I’ve ever purchased I’ve either replaced the HD with an SSHD (in laptops for sure, longer battery life faster I/O rates) or BIOS formatted the existing one followed by a DOD 5220.22 disk wipe and in all cases I’ve re installed the OS. Just because I didn’t want to fuss with all that ex user muck and I like the way I install an OS. This is the worse case scenario, I never imagined this happening to anyone. I feel so bad for this guy, I’m sure he was treated like a pedophile while in custody. And it cost him $12000 to prove his innocence, ouch!
Buyer Beware…
Hirem’s Boot CD? DOD level 3 wipe? Did he take his laptop to work with him and let them scan it? Something is missing from this story lol.
Never buy used computers from people you never met outside of an I.P. address. And never trust anything that says anything but you can’t see where it’s brain is. -Molly Weaselly
cam we not start a campaign and take down a couple websites until they reimburse his legal bills #justiceforsunday_account ?