In 2013, Massachusetts state chemist, Annie Dookhan, pled guilty to falsifying the results of over 40,000 drug tests that ultimately sent thousands of innocent Americans to prison.
It has been more than 7 years since Dookhan’s crimes were uncovered, and yet numerous people are still locked away because of her corruption, many of which have no idea she was the one who brought about their horrid fate.
In this report by Filming Cops:
Imagine being locked in a cell and knowing you’re innocent. Imagine how you’d feel as you watch the prime years of your life taken away from you — all because of a vicious government chemist, along with the low-IQ cops who willingly enforce the corrupt “war on drugs.”
Dookhan had intentionally forged signatures and tampered with evidence to further both her career, as well as many prosecutors who she had close relations with. She would also invent fanciful job titles for herself, such as “special agent of operations” and “on-call terrorism supervisor,” and would then testify in court as an “expert.”

An email provided by the Boston Globe shows the close friendship Dookhan had with one particular prosecutor by the name of George Papachristos:
“Glad we are on the same team,” he once wrote Dookhan — including one day in May 2010 when he told her he needed a marijuana sample to weigh at least 50 pounds so that he could charge the owners with drug trafficking.
“Any help would be greatly appreciated!” he wrote, punctuating each sentence with a long string of exclamation points. “Thank you!”
Two hours later, Dookhan responded: “OK . . . definitely Trafficking, over 80 lbs.” Papachristos thanked her profusely.
Dookhan had sent another email to Papachristos in which she told him she needed a man “to love me and make me laugh.” In other words, some of her victims went to prison because she had a crush on their prosecutor, and what an interesting prison story that makes; what are you in for? A hormonal chemist who was hoping to get laid.
Norfolk County District Attorney, Michael Morrissey, has been set on the task of reviewing thousands of files to determine who was wrongfully prosecuted.
“I don’t think anyone ever perceived that one person was capable of causing this much chaos,” Morrissey stated. “You can see the entire walls full of boxes… in one of these cardboard boxes, there could be hundreds of cases… in each box.”

What does Dookhan have to say for herself?
“I screwed up big time. I messed up. I messed up bad. It’s my fault. I don’t want the lab to get in trouble.”
After sending countless victims to prison, many of which have been behind bars for years, she was only given a three to five year sentence. Anthony Benedetti, chief counsel of the state public defender agency, stated:
“Sadly, the saga continues for the thousands of individuals who have borne the impact of Dookhan’s misdeeds, and the lab’s scandalous management.”
This Article (Meet Annie Dookhan, the Government Chemist Who Purposefully Sent Thousands of Innocent Americans to Prison) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
Death !.
why do you allow these people to infiltrate the best jobs whilst suppressing your own people, because you are afraid of pc. This just pisses me off, bet you she gets off lightly, horrid lying cunt that she is and so too are the others for conspiring with her to give false readings and tell abominable lies, tampering with evidence, miscarriage of justice by them all…..filthy lying no good scum
What do you mean “these people?” Are you insinuating that the race or ethnic background of the perpetrator is important here? That’s just racist. She, and not her entire ethnic group, is responsible for her actions. This should have no bearing on the hiring of people in the future. Unless you’re racist.
Or you’re inventing racist bullshit where none exists because ‘these people’ clearly meant ‘elitist government agents who believe they are above the law.’
Do YOU think that kind of behavior has a racial component Ms. Projection?
Wait, weren’t you JUST ABOUT to defend your decision to lie like a rug by putting words in people’s mouths with your accusation?
No, racist is wrong, bigoted is correct.
If he didn’t mean her race/color/ethnicity he would not have used PC and said this, “why do you allow these people to infiltrate the best jobs whilst suppressing your own people, because you are afraid of pc.”
Yeah, that’s pure bigotry. Oh, and I don’t know what her background is, but it appears to be of far Eastern background, or more specifically, of a group that would be considered more intelligent and educated than the average white American.
not necessarily too intelligent if she was perpetrating this crime, to be educated in some of these far east countries, you have to come from the upper-class, yes, they DO have a CLASS system. and thanks for your own bigotry towards white americans. now go back to your little world of self hate.
these people are muslim bastards. yes ……. muslim and bastards…….. they are in-bread from inside thier own families. it is called incest. in muslim realms it is ok. just like the congress woman ….. remember her? she married her brother…… in iran and came to america.. did you forget//?
Really? You are racist for reading that into that reply. He is talking about CRIMINALS..those people. He does not say anything about RACE… only a racist would assume that so YOU ARE THE RACIST!!!!
I have no idea where you come up with these imaginary thoughts of this statement being racist… I hope all people who are racist die a slow but painful death
what do you mean “these people” is racist? you are a racist for inserting the race and ethnic background into these simple words…you are difinatly racist and no doubt a democrat since they are all racist as hell.
Susan, congratulation on doing exactly as you’ve been indoctrinated to do: ignore the travesty of what this woman has done, the injustice to tens of thousands falsely imprisoned, and get triggered over “these people” which you are compelled to interpret as “racist.” You’re a pathetic specimen, Susan. YOU PEOPLE (indoctrinated, easily triggered Leftists) need to grow up; if that is even possible.
Only Racist cry Racism.
People like you make me sick.
And yes I’m talking to you susan.
You dummy your the only S.O.B. that said a dam thing about race you got to be a dumacrat
You racist cunt. Crawl back into your fucking hole
She needs to do at least as much as the worse sentence given to a falsely accused ex-prisoner , and I’m still soft …
I agree with you.
Take the top three worst sentences, then multiply that time by three – that should be her sentence.
Nah, I agree with the 3 to 5 but it should be for each case that she was a part of and the sentences should run consecutively.
Bond villains have messed up eyes so we should have known.
What punishment was given to George Papachristos? Coconspirators are equally guilty. If she’s doing 3 to 5, he should be too …along with any other prosecutor who asked her for a specific test result. Any prosecutor who submitted anything to that lab, with the understanding that the results would come back ‘enhanced’ to be evidence worthy to convict, should be convicted himself.
Absolutely right!
I agree with rick—Death Penalty and for the Prosecutors too.
Each case should be a charge, 40,000 charges of tampering with evidence would give her, I don’t know, like
50 life’s.
Evil cunt ! Plain and simple ! Pour gas on this wench set her on fire! Her highway to hell has now begun! Peeps do not want to hear your worries ! Burn Bitch!
Only 3 to 5 years??? After falsifying FORTY THOUSAND tests? She ONLY got 3 to 5 for that??? She got a MAJOR sweetheart deal!!! Must be a perk for being on the Prosecutors side.
poppachristos must have represented her….
Interesting how many misogynists there are. It is the actions not the biological gender of this person that are wrong. – and indeed they are. What is even worse is that even once her actions are known the people who have received custodial sentences are still in prison. Land of the free my arse.
The fact that at least some of her actions were a direct result of her attraction to the prosecutor sort of does make her actions partially about gender.
She should have to serve ALL the sentences she falsified on all the cases she forged, concurrently.
Look up concurrently; then replace it with consecutively.
Agreed, it’s the actions that are wrong..
Although, out of the 11 comments. Yours is the only one that makes the fact that she’s a woman an issue..
No one said a word..
Endless number of bad news each day should awake our consciousness,but no…we keep sleeping in the box
Perhaps one of her victims will take care of her!!!!
The woman should be detained and questioned until every last person who is in prison because of her is released and compensated, and every last person who knowingly conspired with her occupies the vacated cells of the people liberated.
idea’s of false security, ideas of justice, so sure it won’t happen to you.
i am so not shocked by the actions of this woman.
she should, she did, etc.. wake up or don’t.
i am ashamed of my selfishness to have brought children into this world… 4/5 were sexually assaulted by 13, statically we are a privileged and educated family, living the dream… too late for coulda shoulda woulda and wish i knew now what i didn’t know then but even knowing back then would not have made me believe, only experience can make one believe.
enough of my random nothingness
So…she pleads guilty in 2013, sentenced 3-5 years…could she be out already (with good behavior)?
Btw, gotta love the racist jab that she was hired because it was pc…kinda like he only got his job because of white privilege.
Who said that?
You mean like the “White Privilege” of Affirmative Action, hiring and promotion quotas based on race, while hypocritically claiming “equal opportunity”?
Fucking gypsy bitch. I hope she meets her victims in prison. That should be fun.
Why is no one asking what happened to all those put away with falsified evidence? Their cases should either be looked at again or at the very least their sentences should be quashed and paid recompense, at the cost of the lab and all those involved in the fraud. Then her and her coconspiritors should be put away for as long as all those she set up have already spent inside combined.
Why are they not releasing these people???
they ALL should get sentenced to the maximum, at the very least equal to the amount of years they stole from these peoples lives
Put her to death for her treachery. The bitch should die for intentionally destroying lives.
Life without parole.
This is appalling! Ruining the lives of 40,000 people at the behest of her so-called “CRUSH?” Under the jail works for me. Every. Every last co-conspirator should join this “heiffer,” ESPECIALLY those in the prosecutor’s office, & every single law enforcement officer who was a participant in ANY way as well…
This type of people should be locked up for life and she should be in general population, this way she can feel what is like to be screw up in life
Well I have one even better comment my husband was one of the people that she tested the evidence for he ended up getting 6 years and the worst part is he is from Haiti he requested an interpreter and never received one and his lawyer was dirty and end up making him sign a waiver saying that he wouldn’t testify or go after Dookhan and now after his six years is over they are deporting him i will never see my husband again in the United States I have contacted several attorneys trying to get this overruled but it never happened if anyone has any advice for me please let me know
Wooooow..dats terrible miss..I hope u find a lawyer dat can & will help u..& definitely see ur hubby again..
Write to President Trump.Maybe, just Maybe-it is worth a try!
perhaps she is to be placed in a cell with a female pschotic ex-murderer with many tattoos, (and note that this cell “mate” has a penis) for about a decade or 2, so she can live out her life in hell as she made it for many others.
Put her in with Jeffrey Epstein’s killer!!!!
50 years
Why is even ONE of the people convicted by her lies still in prison? WHY?
I contend that she’s a scapegoat, higher ups knew (and should be imprisoned first) and whatever measures that are enacted will have loopholes so that an even bigger truck of injustice can drive through.
she should do 5 years plus one year for each case proven that she tampered with. these people have lost so much, there is no real way to pay them back.
Her name literally means: “One who is”
Her name means: One who is:
दुःख duHkha adj. disagreeable
दुःख duHkha adj. unpleasant
दुःख duHkha n. distress
दुःख duHkha n. suffering
दुःख duHkha n. grief
दुःख duHkha n. misery
दुःख duHkha n. sorrow
दुःख duHkha adj. uneasy
दुःख duHkha adj. uncomfortable
दुःख duHkha adj. difficult
दुःख duHkha adj. painful
दुःख duHkha n. trouble
दुःख duHkha n. pain
दुःख duHkha n. to be sad or uneasy
दुःख duHkha n. to cause or feel pain
दुःख duHkha n. to pain
दुःख duHkha n. difficulty
दुःख duHkha n. uneasiness
दुःख duHkha n. it is difficult to or to be
Shut up, you superstitious,,,keep dreaming,,
Evil never puts Innocence first.
This is the common thread with all villains.
I think she needs to be sentenced to prison for as many years as all her victims combined.
This ENTIRE government is nothing but lying corrupted pigs that are beyond evil.
All she got was 3 to 5 years for sending 40,000 people to prison by tampering with evidence to make her self look good. She should have gotten 3 to 5 years for each of the 40,000 people she wrongly had put in prison.
she looks like an angry feminist.
give her the same number of years as ALL the cases combined received….
I would give her the chair, she has ruined so many lives, she doesn’t deserve to keep hers or EVER be free! There are people in prison that have been there longer than 3 to 5 years. I wish for her prison justice!
Imagine all the lawsuits that are about to follow when these innocent people are released, based on this chemist’s greed! Do you think the Government bodies that were involved, will survive? I predict some will have to go into bankruptcy!
Society has to get comfortable eliminating people who are capable of this kind of behavior. Quickly execute them and move on. They won’t be missed.
It should have been 3 to 5 years per each person wrongfully convicted. Even 1 year would have given her 40,000 years, and the prosecutors as well.
One day for every day her victims served.
I think she should at the least get 40 to 50 years prison. That should almost be enough time for her to think about the crap she did to all those people.
She should get the same about of years as the total amount of years that all the innocent victims spent in prison because of her.
i have a couple of problems with this. #1 why haven’t any prosecutors who were shown to have assisted her in falsifying reports charges as conspirators or for aiding and abetting? #2 where does the comment “low I Q cops” come into play when the article does not show any evidence the police were involved? #3 generally once police present evidence to a prosecutor and turn in physical evidence to a crime lab they go onto the next case until called to testify. could it be that the prosecutor’s office(s), being a political entity was so concerned about their political careers they needed a high conviction rate, plus they would never charge another prosecutor. any police officer involved would have been subject to indictment by the prosecutor’s office.
Evrything has it’s reason,,,may be she was hurt all her life as bigotry,,,something is there,,,as soon as she got the Judicial power,, she took the advantage of that power,,,but that is totally unlawful..
Every state has this same corruption, Oklahoma probably has the highest conviction rate on hear-say evidence. Okc da retired before they could convict him on certain charges.
All who she gave evidence against must be released guilty or NOT