When Melania Trump made her speech at the Republican National Convention, a sensation of déjà vu gripped the nation. Shortly after, video’s highlighting the similarities between Melania’s speech and a 2008 Michelle Obama speech began to circulate online.
However, although it most certainly looks like Melania Trump lifted passages out of Michelle Obama’s speech, it is not uncommon for politicians to plagiarize content. As the Free Thought Project notes, “the President, Vice President, Presidential candidates, senators, and congresspersons alike have all been caught plagiarizing content.”
In light of this fact, Corbett Report decided to make a compilation video (featured below), which highlights incidents of plagiarism within the political sphere.
Writers Write the Words for the Politician Who Speaks Them
While this is no surprise to both Americans and the rest of the world, the evidence demonstrates that most – if not all – politicians are merely puppets; controlled by the interests of banking and industry elites.
In addition, it is also important to note that a politician rarely writes their own speeches. Instead, ghost writers assume the responsibility of captivating and brainwashing an audience. Their words – not the politican’s, sway the audience into believing that the speaker is serving their best interests.
However, in reality, with each new election comes a new generation of teleprompter serving leaders. This results in content regularly recycled during speeches. After all, many party and world leaders do serve the interests of the same people.
Image: Flickr, (ABC/ Fred Watkins)
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This is always the case.