When you look at gun statistics in America, one can not help but connect the number of guns in society directly with the number of gun related deaths and injuries. While guns are responsible for some 30,000 deaths in the US per year, countless others are left maimed at the hands of careless gun owners. Such is the case of a preschool aged child in Troy, Michigan, who reportedly shot himself while his parents gun while his mother was loading groceries outside of a supermarket. It would appear that not only does the US have too many guns floating around, it has too many people who do not take the time to use proper gun safety.
The incident occurred at a Kroger Grocery Store in Troy, Michigan at around 1:18 pm on November 6. Troy Police Captain Robert Redmond reported to the press that the mother of the injured child did in fact have a legal conceal carry permit, however the firearm was left unsecured in the vehicle’s center console. The unnamed child was rushed to a nearby hospital when he was admitted for a gunshot wound to the rear of his leg. The child will survive but due to the nature of the injury, will most likely require surgery. According to police, it is unclear who left the firearm in the vehicle as both parents are pointing the finger at each other.
People have been talking about gun control for years with no resolution, however rarely do you hear about gun responsibility. While the number of guns on the street has a direct impact on the number of gun related deaths and injuries, the other half of the equation is responsible decision making. The latter is something we seem to lack in significant quantities here in the US. According to http://www.gunviolencearchive.org, the US has had over 45, 198 incidents of gun violence including 11,385 deaths and 23,170 injuries. The number of children and teens killed or injured totals 2,869.
In 2014, gun deaths among young people were projected to surpass motor vehicle deaths for the first time since 1994. The reason for this is simple. For the last few decades, large amounts of money and effort have been spent on research into vehicle safety, education, and legislation. Campaigns on television to deter DUI, seat belt violations and texting while driving have paid off resulting in lower vehicle related deaths in this demographic. Politicians have no problem coming together when it comes to important issues such as vehicle safety, but due to the overwhelming gun lobby, any attempt to negotiate similar safety and education legislation, goes nowhere.
Many out there call for more gun control and stricter standards for purchasing a firearm. I myself am not sure. Common sense measures like background checks should not even be a debate but alas, we will continue to hear about it in the news. Regardless of what laws are put in place to curb gun violence, you just can’t legislate good decision making. That is the common theme you will find throughout the many incidents like this one in Troy. When you have rational people making sound decisions, guns can be safe. The rational decision here would have been to not leave the gun within the reach of a helpless child. The problem here is not the gun itself, but the failure to use due care by its owner. If we want to stop situations like this from plaguing our society, there needs to be a balance between legislation and education resulting in rational decision making. Only then will we be able to look at these incidents as distant reminders of our once savage history.
I was raised in a family that have owned and used guns for generations. I am horrified by the gun violence thats happening today!How can people who grew up w/ no knowledge or respect for firearms be responsible w/ them?! Those of us who were shouldn’t have to lose our rights because of it. The solution is a cultural change,not a legal one. Parents teach their children to look both ways before they cross the street and not to talk to strangers. I believe they leave out gun safety, not out of lack of concern, but from personal ignorance. There is a legitemate safety issue w/ firearms in this country…Why aren’t we educating everyone about gun safety like we do about strangers, bullying and addiction?!
But Kelly we have limits to our 1st amendment. you can’t walk into a crowded room and yell fire with some repercussions. A person can be sued for defamation of character, isn’t that a limit on freedom of speech.
So why some changes to the 2nd amendment?
Why does anyone need an assault rifle?
Why does anyone need body armor?
Why can one person be in possession of over 4,000 rifles?
An answer better then “because we can” would be great.
Mike, think of this. If an other terror attack happened in the U.S.(and im saying this because i live in san bernardino where the latest one happened) and not one person has an assault rifle nor body armor, whats going to happen? you cant say that the police are going to be there that second. it took over 5 minutes for any cop in the area to react to the situation. now you may be wondering what my point is. the point is if no one can protect themselves then people die. example: Hitler pushed gun control and what happened to the people who couldn’t defend themselves? other example: its been proven that there is more gun violence in countries that have banned guns than in counties where everyone owns one. so there is your answer. go educate yourself. *Mic Drop*
Read my name. You are exactly what is wrong with the society of today. A standard typical US citizen which doesn’t know shit and yet talks like the rules your shitty country makes are great and says there are other countries where they have banned guns which have more gun violence.. Instead of reading bullcrap which you don’t even know what the source of the information comes from.Think about it, only China and India have more habitants then the US. USA Has 318,9 milion citizens. Now i don’t know exactly in what state you can have guns or you can’t have them. But let’s cut it through half sayin 150 million can have guns. Let me start by telling you that is more citizens with guns then Russia has citizens intotal ( they are nr 8 leading in how many habitants their country has ). So your basicly telling me that, with all the low / horrible education in the USA your having, all the criminality and poverty rapidly increasing over the USA, the gun kill count rapidly improving over the last years in the USA, it has less gun violence then different countries? I Really feel bad for the citizens of the US that everyone has gotten so stupid and just braindamaged over there that people can’t even start thinking for their selves now. I am from the Netherlands, and to be hearing that you actually want people to have guns and body armor. It makes me sick to my stomach. If shit like this would ever get legal here, im out of this country because it will turn into a hell hole where eventually people will start making abuse of the fact that they can own weapons for their wellbeing. Oh and for the record, if someone gets shot here , it will be a great shock to everyone, since this BARELY EVER occures in Netherlands. So pick that mic of your up and walk from the stage full of shame and think before you speak next time. I know it is difficult for you but atleast try… Peace
now there gonna sham on the mum
well here we have it the goverment itself is on anonhq or atleast some really fucking ignorant dipshit trying to gather anons to help with the gun controll agenda fuck you and this article you bitch
hey mike you retard maybe so the goverment cant round us up like they did the jews before they took there guns u fucking asshole
yoareanidiot all i have to say to you have fun being rounded up yah sheep.
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