Microsoft is Challenging Google Cardboard in VR Kits


It is no surprise by now that the “founder” of mobile virtual reality kits, is Google. However, Microsoft obviously hates competition. So in Microsoft’s defense they are releasing their own version of their VR kits.

Microsoft is now inviting developers to attend a HackAThon in Russia, in order to start developing new VR applications to aid them in the race against VR technology. The HackAThon was held last October. Let it be known, Microsoft VR Kit is nothing like the new rising HoloLens.

Cardboard VR Kit

During history, we have seen Google Cardboard actually make the specifications in order for people to cut out their own designs of the cardboard, and be able to use their own smartphones. We are expecting Microsoft to go along the same path that Google has done.

Now Microsoft is presenting Windows 10 as a single use O.S. standard on all devices, from mobile to computer, and yes…their VR kits, as well. They will be providing a simple and cheap VR applications in which will be easy to fit inside the pictures.

As of now, there is not much more to report on Microsoft’s VR Kits, as I believe their main focus right now is on their HoloLens.

Sources: FossBytes.Com

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