Reports were being released claiming the military of Turkey has taken over the country and declared martial law in an attempted coup to overthrow President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Gun fire, military vehicles, tanks, jets, helicopters and troops have been reported entering and flying over the cities of Istanbul and Ankara.
Bridges into the city remain closed and all flights into and out of the country have been cancelled. Police at bogazici bridge were disarmed by the soldiers.
BREAKING: Tanks open fire around Turkish parliament building; gunfire heard at Istanbul airport – Reuters witnesses
— Reuters World (@ReutersWorld) July 15, 2016
Self claimed military leaders were stating they have captured high level members of the government and are now in control of the country. Other leaders of the government have responded by saying this is only an attempted coup, it has not succeeded yet. Right now this is more of a mutiny on behalf of the military, not a full blown revolution. At this point no one was certain who is in control of the country, but the military were saying they are doing this for the people, to restore democracy. Funnily, none of these actions or commands were authorized by real military leaders. Contrary, the presidency of Turkish military staff had been captured by them. So it was not a military coup. Especially, because it was only a very small part of the Turkish military and they were not obeying their supervisors, but someone else.
Also, if they were really doing the coup for the people of Turkey, why would they shoot with military vehicles at people?
VIDEO: Footage of helicopter firing against ground targets in #Ankara #Turkey. – @aletweetsnews pic.twitter.com/myUbtQXnRP
— Conflict News (@Conflicts) July 15, 2016
Speculations say, and most Turkish TV stations, it was a planned coup by Fethullah Gülen, the Islamic leader who was convicted as a traitor by the Turkish government after it was revealed that he was cooperating on a multinational level with the CIA (he had built a cult around himself, claiming things like he is the messiah and that god was talking to him, he had also built a large network of Islamic schools around the world).
The Turkish governmental TV station TRT had been captured by the mutinous soldiers and the news speaker was forced to read the pirated message from the teleprompter. They claimed that they (the military) took over the government, and that Erdogan & co. would be brought to court.
Shortly after that Erdogan made live speech via skype on his smartphone claiming that he is still well and alive and that the soldiers are lying, the government is still in place and operating and he called on the Turkish people to go peacefully on the streets and defend the democracy and shame the soldiers who tried to overthrow the government forcefully with military power and vehicles.
The power of Erdogan at the moment #Turkey #Türkiye #coup #darbe pic.twitter.com/kviLHUPzis
— ISA (@lkrydn) July 15, 2016
Just a couple of minutes later it was aired live on Turkish TV that thousands of Turkish people stormed onto the streets to stop the tanks and helicopters. People were climbing on the tanks and stopping tanks and soldiers, waving Turkish flags, using Turkish flags as barricades in front of the tanks. Shortly after with the help of the people the Turkish police and the real military captured the mutinous soldiers, their tanks and helicopters. One helicoper was even shot by a Turkish military jet.
Astounding footage of Turkish citizens climbing a tank and wrestling weapons away from soldiers pic.twitter.com/PaSs115Tcd
— Iyad El-Baghdadi (@iyad_elbaghdadi) July 16, 2016
This is not the first time a military coup has been attempted in this country. For this reason, starting about four years ago, President Erdogan started a massive campaign to dismantle and weaken corrupt military leaders to prevent something like this from happening. He removed leadership, put soldiers on trial and imprisoned generals. These actions have only speed up and intensified in recent years, but it is still unknown if that was the primary reason for the military coup to overthrow him today – or if it was an (revenge) act of the CIA spy Fethullah Gülen.
But President Erdogan has also angered many citizens within the country, accused of acting more of a dictator than a democratically elected President. As President he has essentially shut down social media a couple of times, imprisoned journalists. Terror attacks in the country have only increased and many people blame this on the poor leadership of Erdogan.
Perhaps the most significant aspect of this whole situation surrounds NATO and the geo-strategic position of Turkey in the War on terror. Turkey is a member nation of NATO, the only Muslim majority country in the world involved in the alliance. Per the rules of NATO, any attack on a member of NATO is an attack on all the members of NATO. The military has stated on Turkish state television that it will uphold all ties and relations to NATO and will uphold their commitments to other member nations.
Members of the Pentagon are drawing similarities of today with the military coup of Egypt in 2013 which saw the removal of Mohammed Morsi. Since his departure, then general and now President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has attempted to repair Egypts relation with the west and has even gone to work trying to dismantle the radical Muslim Brotherhood. By all accounts, US – Egypt relations have done nothing but improve since he took control of the country in 2013.
Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Erdogan have been rivals on several key political issues, chief amount them Erdogan’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood. Though no one is certain who is in control of the country right now, Pentagon analysts are indicating that if a military coup is successful, it may actually be of great benefit the United States and NATO military partners which will help build a stronger partnership between the two countries/the region in general against ISIS and the war on terror.
The US military has an important base in Turkey, regularly conducting missions to Iraq and Syria from here. Turkey is also extremely critical to international politics based on its geographic location, literally bridging the gap between Europe and the Middle East. Turkey also controls sever important shipping lanes throughout the Mediterranean and also controls several crucial oil pipelines throughout the region. The implications of this coup are more far reaching then most people realize.
Turkish sources claim that the main reason for the west to destabilize Turkey is it’s financial growth. Under Erdogan, Turkey tripled the income of the people, the infrastructure has been improved dramatically, mega-structure projects like world-record bridges and airports have been built and are going to be build. And the most mentioned point in Turkish media is the socalled ‘third airport’ in Istanbul that is going to be partly operating in 2017 and fully operating in 2023. This will be a death warrant for the Frankfurt Airport that is a very important point for transnational flights around the world and therefore for Germany which will be losing $billions every year.
Read More: Reuters, Russia Today, BBC,
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‘And the Oscar goes to… Erdogan!’ There are no doubt that this so-called coup was perpetrated by Erdogan and AKP. If anyone remembers the coup of 1980 and other threats of coups in the mid-90’s, then they would be aware that these ‘young’ troops had no idea that a coup was going on.
This whole thing wasn’t planned at all by any military. It was planned by AKP. No one just drives a tank or flies a plane without authorization of the TGS.
BRAVO! Tayyip! You have outdone yourself with this media powerplay.
It can’t only be me to find it ‘suspicious’ that within 24h after the (false flag) coup the Erdogan administration had a list with 3000 names of judges, military and police personal that are associated with the coup?
Clearly Erdogan has waited for it to happen or has orchestrated it himself to get rid of the last bit of opposition.
(Think about it, the Turkish military practically wrote the book on ‘How to do a successful coup’ and historically they are masters at it. And now they forgot the most basic of rules were one would need to capture the leading figure (erdogan) and shame him on national TV? GTFOH!)
It was determined quite some time ago that in order to have complete control, Erdogan would have to suspend the constitution, arrest the judges and remove the powers of prosecuting attorneys, take down the top military echelon (done twice) and then enact Sharia Law…(In the process).
He is far from being a pious Muslim. He has routed all of the money through to his family and friends. Has no college education – relies on the knowledge of cabinet criminals to make decisions for him. As long as he pays the bar tab, everyone will continue to party in his name.
Sacrifice and collateral damage are already figured into the equation for the costs of remaining in control. The loss of 300, was a drop in the bucket compared to the perceived outcome.
The name of Ataturk is slowly being phased out of every village and city, and the name of Necmettin Erbakan (former Prime Minister [Welfare Party – Islamist front] is being put in place.
Currently, Erdogan is planning an even larger airport in order to remove Ataturk Intl. from the map. (I guess the bombing didn’t go over as well as he planned.)
All of this may sound like rubbish to some, but after living there for so damn long, one easily walks away seeing that Turks have no real imagination in politics, since Ataturk, and they get most of their ideas from Hollywood writers.