If there are any signs of alien life nearby that are intelligent and wish to be found, then the researchers from MIT have finally learned of a new way in approaching, and even solving, our oldest space exploration issue. Instead of continuously searching with the bias of looking for another life similar to that of Earth, now we are beginning to search for every single biosignature molecule that can be chemically possible.
The MIT researchers are also inserting some limitations on their enormous database of hypothetical molecules. As Techworm reports “The core assumption is that any volatile, stable compound can be a potential signature of life and stay there long enough to build up to detectable levels.”
The research conducted on Exoplanet Kepler-452bSo had started to compile a large list of the compounds. The researchers purpose was to algorithmically combine the atoms into every single possible combination until the research discovered all molecules ranging between 2 and 6 non-hydrogen atoms. The combination of such elements as Sulphur, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus and Hydrogen are the keys to a crucial sustainable life.
After the combination management is completed, then the researchers recombine them in different physical arrangements. This process is known as isomers, and thus resulted in tens of thousands of different molecules. Then they are rated how volatile they were in order to sort the good from the bad candidates.
Using this new method to search for life, combined with the intelligent minds from MIT, may now give way for a solid proposal to scan for other life forms in our universe.
Sources: Techworm.
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So let’s say they discover what they believe to be life on some distant world. It will be too far away to communicate with in any meaningful fashion, assuming they/it/whatever were even capable of receiving or understand our efforts. Basically it would amount to little more than a guess, with zero implications to our planet or our species. In other words… a grand waste of time, energy, & resources that could be better spent solving REAL problems here on earth.
what if I were to tell you that its too late to fix the problems here on earth, we already fucked that up a long time ago. so looking for solutions elsewhere isn’t that bad of an idea.