Birke Baehr is 11, but he has the wisdom of someone five times his age. Birke is on a mission at the TEDx Next Generation Asheville conference, to persuade people to eat organic, say no to GMOs and shop at local farmers markets. He explains what GMOs are in a confident and entertaining way. “They might put the DNA of a fish into the DNA of a tomato,” he says. “Don’t get me wrong, I like fish and tomatoes, but this is just creepy.”
“I wanted to be in the NFL”, Birke says. “Now I want to be an organic farmer.” The audience applaud. Birke’s speech is short but full of passion and very entertaining. He covers a lot of ground in just a few minutes, from the contamination of the water supply to GMO cancer cases in animals, false advertising and lies about happy farms with green rolling hills. He also dispels the myth that organic food is expensive, in his own unique way: “Put it this way, we can pay the farmer, or we can pay the hospital.” Well said, Birke. What a bright kid. Did we mention he’s home-schooled?
Watch this little genius performing his amazing speech here:
Source: http://www.trueactivist.com/listen-to-an-11-year-old-boy-educating-adults-about-monsanto/
This boy is amazing Im glad some of the youth understands exactly whats going on with their food.
Yes, he’s a very well trained parrot.
Yes, he’s a very well trained parrot.
Young people are the ones who will change things. It’s great to see this in a world where our children are being bombarded by the satanic media that is bent on brainwashing our youth.
@ Shawn troll somewhere else fool!
It,s all abot how to send an message , the call it PR , mix with AD,s Proof Documentation , it make and release a feeling in what we feel simpaty for such PR presentations , it also explain why the publik so applause , but of course people , do we have any outher ideea how to feed 8 bilion humans in a right way under not to forget (MONETARY) system , the answer is short , NO , ewery fuckin one of us is easy to be corrupted by money , money power is human course and own shit , so just don,t buy anymore coke and peps and kellogs and whatever is under monsanto umbrella corporation !!