In November 2013, researchers discovered an entirely new species of hominin currently strange to modern science. The genome analysis of a finger bone and two teeth found in a Siberian cave suggested there was interbreeding between modern humans, Neanderthals, Denisovans and an unknown archaic population.
The genome from a Neanderthal was also analyzed from the excavation, and the results suggested that interbreeding was common in human evolution and occurred among members of multiple ancient human-like groups in Europe and Asia more than 30,000 years ago. After our direct ancestors expanded out of Africa, they interbred with both Neanderthals and Denisovans contributing to the genetic diversity of many people today.
In July 2014, scientists found that Tibetans were able to adapt to high altitudes thanks to EPAS1, a gene they acquired when their ancestors bred with Denisovans – a mysterious group of prehistoric hominins that went extinct around 45,000 years ago.
In February 2015, researchers in Germany identified a gene that is only present in humans, making human brains three times bigger and complex than other species. The gene, called ARHGAP11B, is found in modern-day humans and our ancient relatives, Neanderthals and Denisovans, but not in chimpanzees.
Scientists believe that ARHGAP11B played a key role in the evolutionary expansion of the human neocortex and that during evolution human genome must have changed in order to trigger such a massive brain growth – from 30 cubic inches in volume around 3.8 million ago to 85 cubic inches when Neanderthals and Denisovans arrived.
The reptilians are now known as the jews….
Its genoms not religion, you sad sad man…i guess you didnt get all right ggenoms.
The Jews claim to be their own race.
Since when do jews claim to be their own race? You’re saying all jews collectively decided this? No, I was raised jewish by jewish parents, my dad is white (race), my mom is latina (race) they are both jewish (a belief). Race is in your genes, your DNA, anyone can convert to judaism if they so wish, you cannot convert to black.
Jewish is a religion and a race, u even sadder sadder man……. I hate ur when people bash others when they don’t even have their facts straight……
When Jews claim to be their own race, and you claim they are actually a race themselves (which reminds me somehow of eugenics, by the way)… were is the problem of someone joking about them being decendents of repilians? uuuh jew joke lets get torches and pitchforks. Bark at Seth McFarlane for a while dude…
Around 800 years ago Khazarians took a religion from a group of people from Judea and then called themselves “Jews”. They are more aptly referred to as “The Serpent People” from that time. Read “The Garden of Aton” by Nora Boyles, she has done excellent research on the subject of “lost” races. “Jewish” is not a race or a religion, it is a Creed. The Khazarians of today are the Zionists who have been methodically taking over the world (NWO). Read “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” If you can’t see that what was written has/is taking place then you just don’t get it. Incidentally, the good Jewish people that we all know are not aware of this either and they will be foresaken just as the rest of us when the hammer really comes down. Do you seek more truth? Read the Phoenix Journals. There are 115 of them and they can be read in pdf form for FREE. They are the word of God which has been prophesied to be spread to the four corners of the world in the end times. Here it is, doin’t miss it. http://www.phoenixsourcedistributors.com
Fuck the Jews.
I thought it was funny
No sense of humour found here. Must be the descendants of our missing link.
I like that “facts” are coming from people who can’t even spell.
yes i would the femail one`s anyway
to anon Am I missing something here ????? The reptilians are now known as the jews… WTF
You dense mofo, it was an anonymous person commenting not”Anonymous”…
The reptilians are a supposed ancient alien race that mated with humans thousands of years ago, some believe. Watch some ancient aliens episodes.
Well, you’re a useless cunt. Feel free to stop breathing any time.
And per norm another racist pig posts annon. Coward!
Annunaki? Conspiracy theories starting to be proven true…
Inter breeding or inter rape
Time travel
Agreed aliens
*Ancient Aliens™
Macaroni and cheese
Mmm mac and cheese… I’m sorry Evo what now? Oh you mean the story scientists tell us, yeah how many times have they been proven wrong? Just in their own fields of study, not even religion and such
So this gene can make things more intelligent? Wonder if someone will try to put it into other animals and over time will evolve into new inteligent species.
Wouldn’t surprise me if its already been done, and we don’t know it yet.
Well it would explain Republicans existence.
This.. sounds awesome. Scary, but awesome.
Let’s hope they put it in the government
Wouldn’t surprise me if its already been done, and we just don’t know it yet.
Thats why my dog has been saying shit!
No, that would be the drugs.
lay off the LSD
Don’t listen to them Mike. Do all the drugs you want.
Hey you should share that shit, probably be the most intelligent conversation I’ve had in a while
its more misdirection quick turn your head or you’ll miss it again
I don’t see how they can know all this just because of the finger bone and the tooth. As far as I am concerned it is just a bunch of crap and I doubt this sort of thing is real. Personally I think it is a farce and just a ploy to get people scared and/or excited about the possibility. Yes I am very skeptical and doubtful that it is true.
Just because you dont understand the science which is not suprising doesn’t make it false. People like you who don’t understand so write it off are the same people who believe in fantasy and who create problems in this world.
I’d dare say it’s satan trying to test our faith to black ‘merican jesus.
You also have never taken a college biology class.
You just blow in from Stupidtown?
Just because you are ignorant about the tools that are used, does not mean that they are lying. It’s not like they are pondering over a bone and a tooth and speculating. Derp. Go back to the cave where your ideas are safe.
They don’t tell from the bone, they tell from the DNA signatures inside the bone. Didn’t you read the article? Do you know what a genome is?
Hopefully they come up with something to make South africas government more intelligent
South Africa’s? Jump off a tall building, asshole.
Time to rewrite history all of it. !
Catfolk! Petty Peeese! >@.@<
uhhhh, no, “Jew” is not a creed you fuckin moron. Judaism is a religion. A PRACTICED religion… Haha
Try to be humble and find your own truth, reading stories from 1st-2nd-3rd-4th parties wont help you become a better being… clam your mouths, focus and try to stop all your thinking, stop The minds control, when you succeed doing that you can trust the insights coming from your heart… You’ll know where to go and what you want, the balance between your mind and your heart is crucial, I myself try to only follow the insights from my heart and let the mind solute the situation.
Say we are 25 different intelligent species on the Earth we wont be able to change it, however we have to change our perception to make it truthful, can you change your perception?
Wow, the most amazing thing about all of this is how people want to string up those who are trying to seek truth. As far as your genome issues, we have already started manipulating genetics people, how about the RH factor in pregnancy? We have fixed it so that the negative blood types can mate with positive ones and you are not even considering this?
I would like to point out to those of you who missed it….but when referring to the Jewish religion, its Judaism, not jewish….idiotic moron.
The real mistery is why the bloody hell they died?
Their brain is three times bigger right?so they should be able to survive.
If you people want to solve this mistery you should use your logic more and do a lot of investigation.i think i already solve it.
ok it doesnt matter, if ur going by todays bibles they ARE all false , meaning they have been rewritten by man so much nothing origanal is there, if this the bible is true ,food for thought jewish religion states the people shall stay within the sect (marry ur own kind)state of mind jewish marry jewish .Well if true that noah was jewish and his wife is jewish ,here daughter and son married to jewish that made the ark jewish peoplefamily run ,correct, so when the world flooded, and was cleared ,that means that jews repoped the world, making us ALL jewish , making all the CHOSEN ONES,……UMMMM