Nazi Patrols at US-Mexican Border


Short, sharp and to the point. Brave New Films released a clip in late 2014 documenting the US-Mexico Borders. [1]Harry Hughes is interviewed about his position as regional director with the National Socialist Movement. What the National Socialist Movement (NSM) claims responsibility for amongst other things is patrol the US-Mexico borders for immigrants. Watching the short four and a half minute clip, Hughes declares passionately his views about the immigration policy in the United States; challenging the position of the government, and discussing how the immigrants from Mexico and other nations are “disposable, throw away people.”

Brave New Films challenges Hughes with questions pertaining to the United States being a nation of immigrants. It’s the running theme of the clip as Hughes takes the camera crew around to proudly show them the burnt wooden swastika, a symbol of the party he is a member of, while inaccurately sprouting historical facts.

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The self-proclaimed civil rights movement is steadfast in their beliefs. Hughes’s unwavering opinion about other races – any race – is reminiscent of the 30s and 40s white supremacy regime. Armed with a sidearm and in military fatigues, Hughes declares the immigrant a “cold-blooded people,” and in the same breath, acknowledges he is a supporter of white supremacy.


What isn’t mentioned in the size of the Nationalist Socialist Movement, the full extent of their agenda, and the other activities participated in to prevent and/or hinder immigration of any kind. But according to the official website, the NSM claim that they are the “political party for every patriotic white American.” They declare they are one with the Nazi regime, and providing you’re a “non-Semitic, heterosexual of European descent,” you’ll be welcomed to join their family friendly group with open arms.[2]


The fact they quote William B. Jennings, an anti-imperialist, pacifist, “The Great Commoner” who was an outspoken advocate for democracy for all, at the end of their site, is an irony not lost.

[1] Brave New Films Website. Retrieved from (2015)

[2] NSM Website. Retrieved from (2015)


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  1. Do they realize that Hitler heavily disliked America as a country?
    Hitler’s words “America is a decayed country run by Jews and filled with Negros. I prefer an Englishman 1000 times more than an American.”
    Hitler had his exceptions like Henry Ford but he hated America in general. LOL

    • and hey Hitler was right with America wasnt he…. American sheeps.
      Take a look at America its much worse than Hitler Germany fuck off.
      U loosers still love ur facist Country.


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