Robin Hollyson, serving 24 years for 29 child sex abuse offences including multiple rapes of an 11-month-old boy, killed himself in his cell after he was taken off suicide watch at Horfield prison in Bristol.
The 31-year-old IT expert was part of a pedophile ring of seven men that drugged and raped babies, toddlers and pre-school children and broadcast the sexual abuse live on the Internet – the gang, branded ‘monsters in disguise’, was jailed for a total of 78 years at Bristol Crown Court in September 2015.
There’s a warm welcome in Hell waiting for baby rapist Robin Hollysonhttps://t.co/ehflxZo6Xt
— Total Crime (@totalcrime) January 20, 2016
A spokesman for the Ministry of Justice said Hollyson, who had changed his name to James King, had been found hanging in his cell.
“HMP Bristol prisoner James King (04/07/84) was found unresponsive in his cell on Friday 15 January. Prison staff attempted CPR and paramedics attended, but he died in hospital on Sunday 17 January. As with all deaths in custody, the independent Prisons and Probation Ombudsman will conduct an investigation.”
Hollyson pleaded guilty to three counts of raping a child under the age of 13. He also admitted three counts of conspiracy to rape a child under 13, sexual assault of a child under 13, and taking, showing, possessing indecent images of children and extreme pornography.
He further admitted to raping a boy from the age of three months and filmed himself doing it, after befriending his parents who allowed him to babysit the boy, between December 2013 and January 2014. In May 2014, Hollyson and two others took turns to rape and sexually assault the boy, while sharing footage online.
Baby rapist found dead in his cell – Robin Hollyson groomed a mother and father before their baby was even born… https://t.co/xtjcU1UreK
— Amy ღ ☢ ★★★ (@amy_baker22) January 20, 2016
Sentencing Hollyson to 24 years behind bars last September, an appalled Judge Julian Lambert told him:
“You determined cruelly and callously to exploit a family and prey on their baby for your perverted sexual purposes. You were keen to involve others in your deviant sexual activity. You determined to share the abuse of the baby with other perverted men and to publish your corrupt sexual exploits in the darkest parts of cyberspace.”
Sentencing the other six pedophiles, Lambert was aghast:
“In the worst nightmare, from the very deepest recesses of the mind, at the darkest hour of the night, few can have imagined the terrifying depravity which you men admit. What you contemplated and what you did, involved the most horrific abuse of a baby and very young children.
“Your thoughts and your deeds are beyond human instinct and reason, and are evil beyond rational understanding. You men indulged yourself in some of the most depraved and grossly deviant behaviour imaginable. The depth to which you sank is astounding and highly shocking to all decent people.
“What you did is contrary to all nature and humanity and you each appear to have a chilling tendency to centre the world on yourselves and your depraved desires without regard for the innocent and vulnerable.”
This Article (One Of Britain’s Most Notorious Pedophiles, Serving 24-Year Jail Term, Kills Himself) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
Monsters in Disguise
Please note that animals are getting raped, particularly dogs, all over the world causing extreme suffering for long periods of time and eventual death. They deserve to be recognized as sentient beings and their sick abusers need to be handed sentenced as stiff as those who molest children. Defenseless beings are defenseless, human or animal.
“They deserve to be recognized as sentient beings and their sick abusers need to be handed sentenced as stiff as those who molest children.”
Really?! You extreme animal lovers are sick and twisted. Ya’ll must be democrats.
I think Brian fucks animals.
You’re exactly right, Carole. Rape Is rape. It’s been proven, time and again, the link between animal abuse and child abuse, particularly sexual assaults. To stop them when they begin assaulting animals is to also protect children, invalids and defenseless living beings they will encounter in the future. As Dog Mom of 4 years to a rape survivor, I’ve heard, first hand, jokes,cruel and disgusting remarks,some telling me he is just a dog, those that refuse to take the issue seriously or even hear about it. Not a lot of support for the furry rape victims in this world, that has been made abundantly clear. It really means a lot those of us that give a damn to know others take the fight against beastiality just as seriously as we do. Jubal and I thank you for being his voice.
It’s more likely he was murdered by a cell mate but either way he got what he deserved
I agree 100% with you
I mean he had it coming..
No he would of been on rule 45 he would of been on a wing with just other nonce’s the general population would not have a chance to get to them much except Meal times when some would get an occasional slap but not much as the officers would have to stop it as witnesses where there and very rarely on things like visits it would be times someone would cross paths with them and get a good few slaps in before the officers had time to react of course when taken by surprise it can take some time to react 😉
But this would of more than likely been suicide he may (and more than likely) got pushed in the right direction mentally by the officers and a few inmates but whatever justice has been served
I’m sickened by what I have just read,these beasts need castrated. As for him dying was too good for him,he’s a coward and death was his get away,he should have been on suicide watch so he suffered every day in a prison full of greedy for justice.
I hope they made his death as painful as possible, the amount of crap cops, guards etc get away with when it comes to the innocent, I pray they used their above-the-law-bravado to torture him.
I don’t understand why paedophiles are given protection, they cause near irreversible trauma to their victims, they don’t deserve anything less than a taste of their own medicine, to suffer worse than their victims.
There is justice after all what of the other turds can someone in their prisons cut off their dicks and let them bleed slowly to death pleAse
There is a special place in hell reserved for these fuckers. I hope they feel the pain and torment far worse than what they dished out to these poor children.
I have a feeling the perpetrators of these crimes were also the victims of them. I don’t think this comes from no where. Maybe Michael Aquino and his Illuminati friends raped these guys when they were babies or infants and it is passed on.
I take it you don’t know many people who were molested? cause that’s the cuntiest thing iv’e heard!! they had it happen too them and passed it on?? SERIOUSLY?? you have something like that happen to you so you automatically want to conflict such shit on others…well it’s quite the opposite…if anything you spend your entire life being so paranoid and overly protective of little ones in your life…and well people who do molest are just a whole breed of their own…and those who claim they done it cause it happened too them are just full of shit and fucked in the head too begin with.
Yes, justice was served, but how can we expect the officiers of the law to exert their crusader complexes only when it’s “justified”. I’m sure most of them feel justified evey time they demoralize and degrade an innocent person too. If the people wanted him to kill himself, then the people should have rallied up, and psychologically tormented him to the breaking point. His suicide or the verbal thrashing that brought him to that point does make the children whole again,and it certainly doesn’t mean the police are heroes. Real hero’s (most hactivists)stop these people where they start, and make sure that the world knows these ugly truths, small scale and large, so that we might collectively solve these issues. What pushed him to that darkness? What took his tormentors’ empathy and remorse? These are questions we should be asking to understand evil in any person or party.
It’s a shame. He doesn’t suffer anymore.
he deserved to die a long excruciating death! they are vile pathetic creatures who need to suffer for the rest of their wasted existance. suffer like the victim’s and be shamed like their victim’s.
poor children.
I wanna hope the babies are doing well..
With having two children and a step child I wouldn’t have let a man watch my children but once I found out I would have murdered this man. There wouldn’t have been time for “justice”
Ok the victims are those who matter! This is the sickest shit I’ve ever read! I cried thinking about how these victims were tortured and I desperately hope they are ok….. now for these good for nothing pieces of shit, this is what it’s wrong w the system!! They should keep them on suicide watch, and w the rest of the population! The inmates should be able to give them what they deserve!! They shouldn’t be able to die….. they should be beaten and raped every day, bc these victims will live w this forever. These rapists need to know what it’s like to be powerless. I don’t care what the names are of the rapists, they aren’t worth remembering.