Written by Derrick Broze at theantimedia.org
Here at The Anti Media, we have been a bit conflicted with our coverage of the 2016 presidential election. We tend to keep our discussion of presidential candidates to a minimum to avoid aching migraines. When it comes to Donald Trump (someone likely to give a fair amount of the population a migraine) we have tried to point out his flaws, his potential, and to highlight the stories the media ignores while it focuses on Trump’s traveling circus. However, for all the laughs to be had about Trump, one thing is certain: he has the media’s attention. Love him or hate him, he has somehow become the highest polling candidate in the Republican party.
Supporters of Trump like to point out that he is not afraid to be politically incorrect — that he speaks his mind. He is seen as a tough businessman who can get the economy back in shape. Or something like that.
The truth is that Trump is like all other politicians. He is after power and perhaps even believes he could do some good for the United States. That makes him even more dangerous. He believes his radical ideas are going to help unify this already heavily divided nation. Trump says that he would force millions of human beings to leave this country because they were born on the wrong side of a line on a map. Recently, Trump said he gets his military advice from watching television. Still, none of these issues are being ignored by the corporate media, so what exactly is “the question the media won’t ask Donald Trump”?
Why is Donald Trump’s name listed in a known pedophile’s “little black book?”
What is Trump’s role, if any, in the alleged sex rings operated by billionaire Jeffrey Epstein?
In early January of 2015, it was reported by the Daily Mail, then Gawker, and then Newsweek, that Donald Trump was listed among the friends of Jeffrey Epstein. Little is known about exactly how Epstein made his billions, but he is connected to many powerful businessmen — and royalty. Some of his friends include Prince Andrew, Duke of York. Newsweek wrote:
“‘An American woman called Virginia Roberts – now a married, 31-year-old mother of three – has filed an affidavit in a Florida federal court in which she swears in gruesome detail that the late press baron and pension fiddler Robert Maxwell’s daughter Ghislaine recruited her to satisfy the sexual needs of billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein and his friends. Those friends, according to Roberts, included the Duke of York, now fifth in line to the throne, and celebrity lawyer Alan Dershowitz (best known for getting Claus von Bulow’s conviction for murdering his wife overturned). Buckingham Palace have denied everything more than once. Dershowitz is suing. From 1999 onwards, when she was just 15, Virginia spent much of her time on Epstein’s Boeing 727 – nickname, the ‘Lolita Express’ – on an unsavoury kind of world tour that included, she says, an orgy with Andrew on Epstein’s private island of Little St James, or ‘Little St Jeff.’ as it became known.”
Among the friends of Epstein are Stephen Hawking, Kevin Spacey, and even Bill Clinton (perhaps someone should ask Hillary about Epstein). So what exactly happened with “Little St. Jeff?” Newsweek continued:
“Some presidents and princes, having acquired a taste for the trappings of high office or monarchy, find it hard to resist the allure of the private jet. There were obviously other attractions for Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton – the private island in the Caribbean described by former staff as ‘like a five star hotel where nobody paid,’ the pretty girls offering massages, the on-tap chat about theoretical physics – but with his 600 flying hours a year to play with, usually with guests on board – Epstein had a lot of flight leverage. Which is why in this unseemly saga, just as Prince Andrew is being forced to issue what feel like daily denials about accusations of having sex with an underage girl at Mr Epstein’s many houses, eye-popping names surface in the Caribbean sea.”
I am sure you are thinking, “Simply being associated with an accused pedophile does not make one a pedophile,” but allow me to continue before you close this article. Although the Newsweek story only gives Trump a one-line mention, his connection to Epstein still raises questions. The Daily Mail reported in January that it had obtained a copy of Epstein’s address book, which contained the list of all his associates. The address book came from Epstein’s former house manager, Alfredo Rodriguez, who was arrested in 2009 after attempting to sell it. Following the Daily Mail’s report, Gawker released a copy of the address book. Gawker reported:
“According to an FBI affidavit, Rodriguez described the address book and the information contained within it as the ‘Holy Grail’ or ‘Golden Nugget’ to unraveling Epstein’s sprawling child-sex network. But despite having been subpoenaed for everything he had on his former boss, Rodriguez didn’t share it with the FBI or Palm Beach Police Department detectives investigating Epstein. Instead, he tried to make a $50,000 score by covertly peddling the black book to one of the attorneys launching lawsuits at Epstein on behalf of his victims.
The plot backfired when the attorney reported Rodriguez to the FBI, and he was promptly charged with obstruction of justice. But not before he had, according to the FBI affidavit laying out the crime, marked up the book and an accompanying notepad with ‘handwritten notes’ that contained ‘information material to the underlying investigation that would have been extremely useful in investigating and prosecuting the case, including the names and contact information of material witnesses and additional victims.’”
Rodriguez would spend 18 months in prison before he died in December. He was never able to speak out publicly about the true importance of the names. About 50 names were circled by Rodriguez, including Courtney Love and Donald Trump. Other names listed in the address book included Barbara Walters, Alec Baldwin, Sir Richard Branson, actress Elizabeth Hurley, designer Tom Ford, John Cleese, Minnie Driver, Dustin Hoffman, Bobby Kennedy Jr., Senator Edward Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Maria Shriver, Rupert Murdoch, and models Janice Dickinson, Marie Helvin, and Angie Everhart.
When the story broke, Trump’s spokesman told Gawker, “Mr. Trump only knew Mr. Epstein as Mr. Trump owns the hottest and most luxurious club in Palm Beach, and Mr. Epstein would go there on occasion.” With that, the media backed off the story and forgot about the Trump connection. The Donald officially launched his campaign on June 16, 2015. By that point, the topic had long since been buried under more sensationalist headlines and talking points. Hopefully, someone out there on the campaign trail will have the courage to ask Donald Trump to clarify his connection to this despicable situation. For what it’s worth, I encourage everyone to ask ALL the candidates tough questions and stop accepting their words as gospel.
For those interested in diving further down the rabbit hole of global sex slave rings and pedophile networks, I suggest further research on the royal families of Europe and the many reports that have surfaced over the years. Check this link (it is in Danish but there are English links at the bottom).
Don’t be fooled into thinking that all the vulgarity is reserved for the European authorities. American politicians also have a long, sordid history with these activities. One particular story worth knowing is called the Franklin Scandal. In short, it involves allegations of a child sex ring involving members of the Nebraska Republican Party from 1988 to 1991. The allegations led to investigations of Lawrence E. King Jr., who worked for the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union (FCFCU) in Omaha, Nebraska. Eventually, a grand jury would find that the stories were false, and the result of a vindictive former employee.
However, Nick Bryant, author of The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal, said the story does not end there. As he told the American Commentary blog, “In the Washington DC section of the book I show — through the grand jury documentation I acquired about 200 of Lawrence King’s flight receipts.”
He continued: “And the vast majority of them go to Washington DC. And in DC there was a pedophilic pimp named Craig Spence, and he was also a CIA asset. And he said he was a CIA asset, and then I found other sources to corroborate that. And a lot of these pedophile parties went down in Craig Spence’s home. Spence’s guest lists were a veritable who’s who of people in congress, people in the upper echelon of the Reagan administration, the upper echelon of what would become the Bush administration, the upper echelon of the judiciary.”
Bryant also discusses the now legendary documentary, Conspiracy of Silence. “It was going to be shown in the UK by the Discovery Channel, but they pulled the plug on it before it was finished. But someone in the production of this documentary felt it was so important that they leaked a copy of this documentary,” American Commentary noted. Bryant hosts a copy of Conspiracy of Silence on his website. For further studies, I also recommend The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska by John DeCamp, a former Republican member of the Nebraska Legislature.
This article (One Question the Media Refuses to Ask Donald Trump) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TheAntiMedia.org. Tune in! The Anti-Media radio show airs Monday through Friday @ 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific. Help us fix our typos: [email protected]
So ummm One rich guy has another rich guys phone number. Thank you MR Oriely for that wonderful gossip
SERIOUSLY???? Sure there’s an explanation.
Funny how these people are not reporting on Hillary Clinton’s crimes but have no problem going after Trump. I guess the neutral claims are a lie. if you are truly neutral then call out all of the politicians and their crimes
In the late 80s and early 90s, as an activist, then a reporter, then a politician, I frequently had my name on numerous flight manifests – to Washington, DC, To Seattle, to Dallas, to Houston, to New Orleans – all places where pedophiles live. I might even have met one, or stayed in the same hotel as one! So I guess, I, too, might be in someone’s “little black book”, maybe even a pedophile’s.
As a reporter, I find your allusions and insinuations to be infantile and disingenuous. Some day, when you grow up and decide that you want to be a reporter, maybe you should take a journalism class, and learn the definition of the words “fact” and “proof”.
anyhow, i heard the name was changed to melman
omg that’s the best they can do to try to beat Donald Trump !!!!
Your reporting is quite frankly idiotic!!!!
then why block it? i mean read it? lol
Reporters are afraid to ask Trump tough questions because he’ll either harass them, throw them out or both.
This is nothing. Let’s ask Trump about “Trump University” and what exactly all that was about.
Let’s ask him about his wife’s claims that he raped him, and why he has her under gag order.
Let’s ask him about why he preferred to file bankruptcy four times, running four companies into the ground, rather than have to pay his debt.
Let’s ask him about why he hired, and continues to hire illegals to do his work, and then publicly calls them “rapist murderers.”
Let’s ask him how he can both outsource jobs to Mexico and China, and simultaneously claim he’ll “bring jobs back.”
Let’s ask him how he thinks he can criticize John McCain for being a POW even though he strategically dodged the draft FIVE TIMES.
Let’s ask him why he can’t answer a single question concretely instead of going off on meaningless tangents about “making America great again.”
Sorry folks, the more you read into this Trump guy the more you find out what an actual con he actually is.
You’re being played.
All politicians can make empty promises.
Anyone can talk the talk. Has he walked the walk?
Read into it.
He’s not the guy you think he is.
His history reveals him to be a professional con artist.
He is staging the greatest con of his life, and sadly, it’s working.
Ask him. He’ll actually tell you. Careful what you ask for, though.
Obama’s got known terrorist supporters in his…where’s the outrage? He’s giving away our country at an alarming rate in order to help his Muslim brethren…where’s the outrage?
Thanks for your opinion, Rush.
That is not an opinion. Huma Abedin is known to have parents who have worked for the Muslim Brotherhood. Huma Abedin worked in Obama’s administration. So, Obama’s got known terrorist supporters in his Administration (obviously, that IS where Gary Brackney was going with this).
“He’s giving away our country at an alarming rate in order to help his Muslim brethren…”
Obama has publicly stated, “We Muslims…”. It is now difficult for me to believe that he does not consider himself to be Muslim, after this.
So that leaves, “He’s giving away our country at an alarming rate in order to help his Muslim brethren”.
Do you want to argue about that?
Let’s hear more about OBama’s crimes against this country and his Muslim connections because we MUsT stop HIS ACTIVITY BEFORE HE TOTALLY DESTROYS OUR BELOVED LAND.
We’re almost there, buddy!
Unfortunately, that is BOTH him destroying our beloved land, and, stopping his activity (end of his term).
We’ll have to see which happens first.
SERIOUSLY, where’s the OUTRAGE indeed, it’s here in me and all the people I know and that listen to Mr Trump. Make America Great again seems to outrage the commies, libs, and the rest of the mindless population with their hands out for a free ride. Put your energy into INSISTING our leaders IMPEACH this president before it’s forever too late.
Being a non-affiliate of the voting system. Republican, democrat, no matter who’s in office snickering about whatever topic, both sides see $$$.. then more $$$. I believe it’s all rigged for the rich to get richer and the poor to be enslaved in debt. You can ask all the questions you like; blog, you tube, smoke signal.. JLC981 is right about Trump; on the flipside, you could ask the Bush family why they funded Hitler’s army before, during, and after the WWII?
Please kill yourself. You are not intelligent enough to be hear with the rest of us.
No vote yourself off the planet, conspiracy boy.
Insults, yet, you show no intellect or intelligence yourself. I wish you both prosperity.
I wish you prosperity.
“…Trump is like all other politicians.”
Hmm. I was never aware that Trump IS, or ever was, a politician. Must be another thing that the media is afraid to tell us.
This site must be run by amateurs.
“…Trump is like all other politicians.”
Trump is not now, never has been, and may never be, a politician.
“[Trump] believes his radical ideas…”
Protecting our border? Controlling entry to our country? Saving precious American jobs for legal residents? Tightening up up on H1-B technology visas so those of us in the IT field can quit having to teach our foreign replacements how to do our jobs before we get laid off? Ending anchor babies. Deporting illegal-immigrant gang members.
These ideas would be considered radical only to a progressive. Every other country in the world already does all this. Yet for a presidential candidate in the United States to consider this, the idea is now “radical”.
It is not too difficult to consider just who is the real radical, here. And it isn’t Trump!
Ya this story is crap. But…
Trump can make all the promises he wants but he has no clue how to do it. Who is going to pay for this Great Wall he wants to build? Who is going to build it? How are we going to pay to man it? Do you know that most illegal immigrants come over here with legal visas and just fail to go home? When asked (multiple times) how he was going to pay for this wall his response was “I’m going to manage it, that’s how I’ll pay for it, managing”. Coming from someone who has also “managed” before, YOU CANT GROW MONEY WHERE THERE ISNT ANY!!
As far as “saving American jobs”… That’s even more laughable coming from Trumps mouth. He himself sends his work over seas. He doesn’t want to pay American wages either. So how exactly does he stand for keeping American jobs in America when he doesn’t do it himself?!
Anchor babies… That’s funny. What exactly makes YOU an American? Being born in America! If a child is born here than it is American PERIOD! What do you suggest we do? Send the parents wherever they came from and put a child into foster care? So now each state has 1000’s more children to pay for that had loving homes but their parents just happened to be born on the wrong side of a border? Talk about a drain on an already weak and economically struggling government.
As for deporting illegal gang members. We already do that! Yes, there are “sanctuary” cities that don’t check ones status if they get arrested. Do I agree with that? No…
Can you tell me how or who is supposed to pay for a huge wall at our border, pay to man it, pay to deport MILLIONS of people from this country, and pay for the born American “anchor babies” that are left behind when we can afford to feed or house the American poor right here on our own soil?
We have born American children that live on the streets and can get housing. We have budget cuts in children and women’s health care. We have VA benefits being slashed making it even harder for them to receive benefits that they EARNED. We have people going broke trying to get an education so that they can try and elevate themselves. We have a war on the poor in this country, instead of the “war on poverty” that was implemented so many years ago.
Can you pfbooney answer these questions? Has Trump answered them? I haven’t heard him try yet… Someone can make all the promises they want but without a plan they are just talking out their ass, again.
Typical Liberal hack hit piece. You guys have done nothing but Eff this country up and now somebody is going to stand up to you and your bullsh!t and you are scared to death….and you should be. Go ahead and lie like you do, the jig is up, nobody believes you anymore. Better start packing cause you are all through.
Thats all you got? really !…