Courtesy of Sweet_An0n @ http://opexposecpsalberta.webs.com/
#OpExposeCPS #StopForcedAdoption #June1st #ChidrensDay #InternationalChildrensDay
June 1st – 5th International Protest Against Child Welfare
June 1st is International Children’s Day and June 5th is the one year anniversary of the first international Operation Expose CPS protest. Children around the world are suffering from a broken child welfare system and have no voice to speak for them. Starting Wednesday June 1st through Sunday June 5th we will be that voice. Expect us!
The Stats
Statistical data demonstrates how poorly children fare under the care of child welfare, telling an indisputable truth. High rates of abuse [i.e. sexual, physical and mental] rape and neglect are rampant amongst children in governmental custody. Parents and children who speak up are often forced to be silent through threats of further alienation, intimidations and/or by gag orders. The family-of-origin is denigrated, diminished, demonized, degraded, and/or discredited by CFSA workers, who are intent on hiding the truth from the public, lest they be held accountable for their actions, or found guilty of charges of malicious negligence, breach-of-fiduciary-duty-of-care, and/or malfeasance.
…children ‘arrested and incarcerated’ into government custody, to be raised by the State are:
- 60% more likely to die while in government custody;
- 6 times more likely to die than if they stayed in an abusive household;
- 5 times more likely to attempt suicide
- 7-8 times more likely to be abused while in government custody;
- 75% of children were abused while in government custody;
- 28 times more likely to be sexually abused while in government custody
- more likely to end up homeless with
- nearly half becoming homeless when they age-out at 18 years
- 1:10 children raised in government ‘custody’, will NEVER AGAIN have a home; more than
- 60% of homeless youths are runaways from government custody, and report being raped, assaulted or robbed
- 24% of the children raised in government custody, age out to be ‘homeless’ for the rest of their lives;
- 7-16% had been diagnosed with PTSD, which is a probability higher than veterans of war; and are
- less likely to recover from that PTSD
- 16% of kids-in-kustody, suffered three or more types of abuse, i.e. abuse [physical &/or verbal], &/or neglect
- 53% of those 16 percent suffered from depression and
- 40% of the above 16%, had full or partial PTSD; the aftermath of which could be seen on their brainscans,
- 6% of those 40 percent above, showed in brain scans that there were changes in two parts of the hippocampus, and
- 4% of the above 40% of the brainscans, showed reductions in regions of the subiculum and presubiculum, when compared with the general population who had NOT been abused
- 30% of antibiotics were prescribed needlessly
- 55% of children with ADHD receive psych services, which could include behavioral therapy; with
- 75% of the above 55% of children with ADHD, receiving a medical prescription for behavior management;
- 7 times more likely to develop an eating disorder while in custody
- 12 times more likely to be given psychotropic medications as other low-income children living with their family
- 85% of kids-in-kustody raised by government custodians have behaviour management problems/disorders;
- 63% of the children who live in government custody, turn to criminal activity
- 60% of youth in government custody, get involved in prostitution or trafficking
- 83% of all ‘runaways’ are children in government custody;
- 20% of kids-in-kustody are more likely to be arrested while in government custody;
- 74% of incarcerated prison inmates have been in government custody as children
- 80% of inmates for life, in our prisons, have been in government custody as children;
- 50% more likely to have below-average grades while in government custody;
- 71% of children raised in government custody become high-school drop outs; less than
- 3% of children in government custody go on to do undergraduate degrees;
- 1 out of 17 child abuse reports is an actual case of abuse, leaving
- 16 innocent families who will suffer the destruction of their family unit for no ‘valid’ reason
- 67% of child abuse reports are false;
- 33% of child abuse complaints are filed in which the children are taken needlessly
- 60-90% of the ‘substantiated’ reports DO NOT MEET statutory definition of abuse or neglect; MORE THAN
- 70% of kids ‘arrested and incarcerated into government custody’ are later discovered to have been wrongfully taken, AND
- 100% of kids, after they age-out from government custody, require mental health support the rest of their life!
When government child welfare and protection civil servants ‘arrest and incarcerate’ innocent children into government custody, the message these civil servants, and all who collude with them, are sending to the family-of-origin, is that ‘strangers’ traumatizing already traumatized children, can do a better job of raising the children — than the family-of-origin, is, can, or ever will be able to.
“It strikes [us] as being problematic when the government takes over the role of a ‘parent’ and then is unable to answer taxpayers, the public and the media with respect to how well these children are doing and how good of a job the government is doing as parents when they remove these children.”
~Nicolas Trocme, Dir. Centre for Research on Children and Families; Prof. of Social Work, McGill University.
Read Full Article Here: http://www.opexposecps.anonresistance.com/Articles/Article019.html#sthash.QshjUSt0.PO9rTMwx.dpbs
*Special thanks to AnonResistance*
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i have good targets for this operation to take down:
ddos them too planet mars or something!
Please help us here in New Mexico, kids are being stolen from good families, and ignored when actual children desprately need help, they leave them there to “show” the community that CPS “is needed” CYFD is CORRUPT. Theyre ripping apart families for money.
Yes they are. I have a 4 yr old nephew who got raped in Cyfd custody. My 8 yr old niece got her arm broke. My 11 yr old nephew was put on meds. Now Cyfd put him in a psychiatric hospital. This is wrong. It is unacceptable. The kids was taken over a dirty house. I step up to take the kids but Cyfd refused to take my application. Everywhere I turned to for help I was told it was either a conflict of interest or they were too busy. Its never going to stop unless us as a society DEMAND it. I had to call Colorado to put a complaint on new Mexico that’s how bad it is here.