Painkiller Death Rate Greater than Heroin


Painkillers are the largest prescribed drug across the globe. Some are on the prescription medication, known for its potency, especially when mixed with other drugs and alcohol, for no medical reason. According to Natural Society, there are 12 million individuals on painkillers in America, however this is nothing compared to the other astounding  figures featured:

Heroin overdoses – 420 (NYC, 2013)

Homicide – 335 (NYC, 2013)

Painkillers – 38,329 deaths (2010)[1]

These figures are based on the United States/Canadian population, where the painkiller statistic is rarely examined. While some medications are used to improve quality of life with incredible results, painkillers are a deadly medication that can trump heroin and cocaine combined in the death statistics. Is it time for the critical watchdog to hold the pharmaceutical companies accountable?


According to The Independent, heroin is the epidemic. “Heroin use is on the rise in the rest of the US as well, leading to more overdoses and more drug busts. In some parts of the country, drug traffickers have begun lacing heroin with fentanyl, a narcotic up to 50 times stronger than heroin.” [2] But what about the accountability of Big Pharma?


[1] Krans, B. (2013, July 2). CDC: Prescription Painkillers More Lethal Than Cocaine and Heroin. [Healthline]. Retrieved from

[2] Guion P. (2015, April 6). Heroin is responsible for more deaths than homicide in New York City. Retrieved from

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  1. The thing is, everyone can get painkillers. If heroin was just as cheap and was legal, I’m sure the numbers would be very different.

    But again, it’s sickening to see how a legal drug can cause so many deaths. Many of the stronger medicines are way worse than many illegal drugs. People gotta wake up and start seeing that chemicals are never good, never. Every damn pill has its side effect, so be cautious and stay as far away from pills. If this world could take their heads out of their ass and understand that this world is nothing, but a corrupt chaos controlled by incredibly fucked up people now-a-days, unless we do something about it.

    At least they’ve started to legalize cannabis around in the world. There’s hope! ( And no, I’m not one of those “LEGALIZE WEED SO WE ALL CAN SMOKE”. )

    • amen brother, get the lying politicians and corporations funding them out, and get some common sense fella in there for once.

    • I had some visceral pain, everyday of my life, from 14 yo to 35 yo. None doctors have understood what I had. At 35 yo I discovered than opioid painkillers can mute it. It had changed my life. Now I laught I’m happy to see people, I don’t leave a torture every day. Maybee it will have side effects, maybee it’s a bomb, but I live and I’m now happy to live thanks to painkillers. So please, don’t say these drugs are evil. We are free and we are adult.

      • I also am able to live with a little help of pain medications. Some days I take em knowing I will be able to get out of bed. Other days I’m wondering how long I will carry this cross.

  2. So I find myself now due to chronic backpain on 20mg oxycodone instant release 3 times a day prescribed by a nurse practitioner. Have to admit, it does work and work well.
    The problem is I haven’t lied to my docs and they know I also smoke a little ganja from time to time to help with the pain and other issues which it does.
    So, here’s the rub… I’ve now been assigned to a Pain Management Doctor who I’ve been informed will not allow the use of these opiates as long as I’m still smoking/vaping.
    Bottom line is that it looks like I’m going to have to make a choice. Either totally give up the weed and stick exclusively with the oxycodone (as she tests for weed) or forget using an effective but somewhat dangerous painkiller that does work when all else fails.
    Given the choice I would prefer to use weed as my frontline pain killer and use the oxy’s as a last resort. This would allow me to avoid the high probability of both addiction and tolerance issues and continuing larger and larger doses over time.
    I’m really in a quandary here as I don’t live in a state with a medical marijuana policy so I can’t speak with a doctor who could perhaps help me find a happy medium.
    Anyone else out there in the same boat? Any advice anyone might be able to throw my way on how to deal with this? Not a very happy camper over this dilemma I have to tell you.

  3. I have bone cancer and I use Oxycodne the fast and OxyContin the slow pill .
    OxyContin aka oxyneo can slow your breathing. So you may need oxygen if you use those


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