Another day, another case of police committing yet another heinous act. New York- A man was killed by an errant police bullet during a domestic altercation. His family filed a $25 million lawsuit against the New York Police Department on Tuesday. According to the lawsuit, police put Rafael Laureano, 51, into the middle of a dangerous situation, seriously breaching police protocol.
Officers asked Laureano, a bodybuilder, to break down a door so they could get into an apartment and stop an attack by a crazed knife-wielding ex-boyfriend. Francisco Carvajal, was attempting to cut through a bathroom door with knives to attack Katarzyna Russo, and her two children. Laureano was a friend of Russo, and this seemed like a perfectly innocent request.
Instead of doing the hardest and most volatile part of the job themselves, either with a battering ram or with assistance from their Emergency Service Unit, the cowards had Laureano, who had no bulletproof vest, no gun, and no support, breach the door with a knife-wielding maniac waiting inside. Allegedly, when Laureano got through, Carvajal rushed at the newcomers with his knives. Instantly, the cowards opened fire, as they often do.
18 bullets were fired, nine struck Carvajal and killed him. One bullet hit Laureano in the back; an autopsy has confirmed that the bullet was the cause of his death. This was no ricochet, though that would have been bad enough. Our cowards in blue executed an innocent man during a hasty attempt to save their own useless lives.
As usual, they tried to cover it up: the hospital and the police informed Laureano’s son, Rafael Laureano, Jr., that his father had been stabbed “multiple times” to death.
“When I got to scene I asked three cops what happened to my father, no one wanted to tell me anything,” said Laureano, Jr.
However, a few days later the city medical examiners- who were actually doing the right thing, their jobs- found that Laureano had not been stabbed, instead, he had been shot in the back by the NYPD.
Lying cowards.
“The NYPD and the city has yet to provide the Laureano family with the truth of what led to [their father’s] death,” said Abe George, Laureano, Jr.’s lawyer.
NYPD officials claim that shortly after the officers had forced open the door, Laureano ran into the apartment. That scenario seems far less likely; the NYPD’s history of lies and corruption are not unknown to us.
An internal investigation is pending. I predict that one officer will be sentenced to a paid holiday and a “cop of the year” award. Sadly, America has lost one more real hero; the police probably figure that killing off the real heroes will protect their jobs.
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This Article (Police Ask Samaritan Body Builder To Break Down Door For Them. Return Kindness By Shooting Him In The Back) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
A goodcopisadeadcop
sadly it seems legit!
Why dont you try to live in a world without cops and see how that would work out?
Try living in a world where cops don’t want to kill you for doing their job for them. They asked him to breach the apartment, he kindly agreed and in turn gets shot in the back and they lied about how he died. We need cops that can do their job without killing us off for reasons.
I have lived in a world without cops, actually they were a minimum of an hour away, and nothing happened. Why are you so brainwashed in believing cops are necessary? The aren’t, in fact , we would be better off without them. Let me ask you this, You are driving down the street and a cop pulls behind you. DO you feel safer or do you feel anxious?
You feel anxious because you associate it with a bad thing, being pulled over, if you look at it in a logical thought you’d notice the cop is just driving behind you
Don’t bother calling the police if your life is ever threatened or you’re robbed. With a mindset like that, I’d be surprised if any considered it their civil duty to protect and serve. But hey, one small group of baddies make the whole group, right? All black people are pot smoking gangbangers, all white people whip black people and tell them to pick cotton, all Mexicans eat corn flour tortillas for lunch, all Jews hoard money, all Muslims kill people, all dogs are pit bulls because every breed is capable of murdering a human when pushed too far. Go fuck yourself with a cactus.
All black people smoke pot, steal, and shoot up neighborhoods. All Hispanics are on food stamps, all Jews hoard money. All white people whip black people and force them to pick cotton.
That’s how idiotic you sound, generalizing all cops like I just generalized quite a few different groups of people based on stereotypes that are either entirely false or haven’t been true for centuries. But hey, you’ve got the same misconstrued mindset that Anonymous have, so you do fit right in with the rest of those idiots.
Yeah good point, getting rid of the real heroes that could help in a revolution.
Win win for the government.
What USA wants, USA gets, How they want it, When they want it.
That is the truth.
They dont care about what is true or lie, they will make the lie into truth!
Like the Nazi’s did “if you repeat a lie enough times it becomes truth” German propaganda minister.
How do you know what actually happened if no one will supposedly tell the “truth”..? -_- And why is this article so hateful? Been losing a lot of respect for Anonymous lately. So sad.
Wow, their actions were clearly out of line, is a terrible injustice that an innocent man was killed, but labeling all police as cowards and their LIVES AS USELESS is a little strong to say the least.. This seems much like the propaganda of the mainstream to me.
Of course it seems like mainstream propaganda, that’s all Anonymous is known for now. Their videos show an obvious lack of research being done, and they misconstrue information constantly. This group is nothing but a bunch of tin foil hat wearers nowadays and aren’t worth paying any attention to.
You can easily die from friendly fire. This guy knowingly put himself in a dangerous situation and sadly, died. You don’t want to get hurt, stay away and pray!
I’m more disturbed at the fact that you can take something like this and turn it into a fire for some kind of revolution. You are the ones that are borderline criminals, not people who accidentally kill friendly foes!
You are pussies who would coward away from an armed conflict. The same idiots that ask for peace while others are waiting to murder you for who you are! If I’ve learned one thing all this time is that first you act your lizard instincts then you talk about peace! You won’t solve anything anyway, but at least this way you can keep your own kind safe for a while!
They are true cowards to the max i will wonder how those cops would last if it came down to booting doors in Iraq. Bet they probably get guys from the U.N to do the knocking for them
This article is pretty one sided, what would you do if you saw a crazy guy running at you with knives. I know what i would do, i would shoot him… duh. Also if the police hadnt shot him, he would have been stabbed to death by the crazy guy, and they too would have been killed.
the problem with the police everywere, not all but many of them is the way they are trained, comparing to the military standarts, if u see how a soldier and a cop acts is completelly different, and also how they see the world! military see themself humbly as a servant of the nations of the people that go fight a war to protect them and still they come home a give their seat to an old lady even if they are tierd and in pain for the training they had and the hundred of sleepless nights, they build not just fisical power but also a emotional one and the sence of comunity and service, making them see the world and people as their preciouse things they need to protect and serv, there is no rage no hate..that all goes away in that hard training putting it into good use like carring a friend in their back pulling with it a last breath to fight another day and save your friend and ultimatelly your nation, well in the other hand u have the cops that their training is mostly to seat in a chair lerning laws andshooting in a target practice with a nice chair and confortable programs s they dont sweat toomuch.. treated like kings getting awards just for doing their normal job thing that a contruction worker also does and gets a low pay check, they are brainwashed to believe that they re the law and the rest is just people… that they have the power and we dont, like animals in the jungle they are in the top food chain.. im sure they hav some hard training aswell sometimes its a bugger not to go home for one week and eat in plastic plates…or stay in the rain.. well dont compare the months our of home and despair and pain of a soldier that does its duty without wanting anything in return just to see hes hers family again… and this «operational cops» that train hard… yes they train hard but not hard emotionally just fisicly and they become like big muscly beasts with no brain just the sence of power and wanting to show what they can do..like a dog basicly… solution? train cops like soldiers and break their will to be a good humble servant not a god allmighty and everything would be fine..and likei said..not all of them are like this.. some had good education at home.
All police are cowards? So whoever wrote this is fucking ridiculous. Their life is worthless, not the police’s. Now there are plenty of bad police to go around. And whoever lied about his death, sucks. However shooting is what you would have done, giving a lunatic is trying to kill you. Also, having him to their job for them is stupid, however You would have shot to. If you have a gun, and your life is being threatened, you kill the threat. I think you’re the coward in this scenario, with your bullshit propaganda, CoNN. How about you tell us your name, coward. Go fuck yourself, and have a wonderful day.
in Detroit, Michigan, USA… we have whats called V.I.P.E.R.S. which is a bunch of people that can be for hire, or if you don’t have the funds, they will do it for free… they act as protection in every sort of way. they will walk with you to anywhere, armed, but they will not engage unless it is desperately needed. they also go to police stations and show cops 100 different ways of handling situations before shooting. this is what the rest of the world needs.