
Written by: AnonScarlett
This (picture below) is a printer used in a process known as 3 dementional printing. It sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie right? I said the same thing when I was told about it. This one is industrial sized used for large scale printing but you…yes you can also own one. From at home use to mass production in factories to prosthetics in the medical field, 3D printing is changing the face of how we make things.
What is it exactly?!
The good news is Attack of the Clone isn’t happening just yet. So what IS 3D printing? 3D printing also known as additive manufacturing, is the process of making three dimensional solid objects from a file. So it’s just like printing your resume that’s saved as a file on your computer or thumb drive,except instead of using ink on paper it uses layers of plastic polymers,metals or a combination of both. While the the technology seems like something that has only come to pass in recent times, the materials and equipment were actually first developed in the ’80s. The first big step for 3D printing was made by Chuck Hull in 1984. While founding 3D System Corporation he invented a process known as stereolithography . Since the printers require a special file type, Hull also developed the STL file format which is still the preferred file type for 3D printing software, as well as the digital slicing and infill strategies common to many processes today. Some call him the grandfather of 3D printing.
Though all 3D printers print three dementional objects, not all 3D printers use the same technology to do it. In fact there are several ways to do it. Some methods use melting or softening material to produce the layers. Selective laser sintering (SLS) and fused deposition modeling (FDM) are the most common technologies using this way of printing. Another method of printing is to lay liquid materials that are made using alternative technologies . The most common technology using this method is still the stereolithography method developed by Hull back in the ’80s.
How we’re using them today
There are countless industries that have benefited from the dawn of the 3D printer but the most promising is the medical fields. Scientists are already on track to printing hearts! It may sound far fetched but, at team at the University of Louisville has already printed a heart valve as well as blood vessels, the latter of which have already been successfully tested in mice.
They hope to eventually piece together an fully functioning human heart. Science hasn’t stopped at hearts though, earlier in the year the first living, functioning and transplantable 3D printed kidneys were produced. Though they are miniature in size a good 90% of the cells in them are alive, they can perform all of the same functions a full sized kidneys and afterwards, they can survive for up to four months in a lab thanks to a rich nutrient gel. They’ve also produced other body parts like an ear that can hear better than a human one, a cast that has the potential to speed bone healing, a pelvis , and an artificial skull received by a woman in the Netherlands.
3D printing innovations are also helping the medical sector make literal strides by printing prosthetic limbs like legs. Echo is already producing athletic ones and a number of companies offer customized legs. Victims of spinal injuries have joined the club too! Earlier this month surgeons at Peking University, in Beijing successfully implanted an artificial, 3D printed vertebra replacement in a 12 year old boy with bone cancer.
This operation is the first if its kind. It’s designed to mimic the shape of the child’s original vertebra, it doesn’t need help staying in place in place like traditional spinal implants; healing should go a lot faster, too. The vertebra is full of miniature holes that will let natural bone grow inside, eventually becoming a permanent, stable part of the spine as the boy grows. This eliminates the need for any replacements or adjustments down the road.
3D partial face prosthetic for cancer patient.
Read More: http://www.trueactivist.com/3d-printed-innovations-that-can-heal-improve-or-save-lives/
Needless to say 3D printing is definitely leading us in some promising directions. If you’d like to hop on the 3D selfie bandwagon that’s going on in Britain , you can buy one of the at home printers for $500. Before you know it your wife could be printing dinner.
HELP ME watch this video – He had sold his kidney to be able to pay taxes. And now Equitalia has sued for defamation. This is the incredible story of Mauro Merlin, a former entrepreneur of 40 years and father of the family for which, unfortunately, the armed wing of the Revenue showed no mercy. It does not matter if the man is already in a situation of extreme difficulty, his company went bankrupt, is unemployed and does not know how to provide for his family, the collectors of the “taxman friend” showed the thumbs down and drag him to court . So the poor will also have to pay legal costs. A story unprecedented therefore deserves to be told from the beginning.
His company, in Modena, fails because of the crisis, taxes and bureaucracy about two years ago. The usual sad script, in fact. At that point, Merlin tries to re-enter the labor market, but finds only door in the face and to limit some casual employment. In two years, six changing jobs but not adding them all up to two months of actual work. Meanwhile, taxes strangle. Vistosi lost, she decides to scream his anger and launch a media campaign deliberately provocative to know his story and be heard. “I put on sale my kidney to pay taxes to the state,” is his slogan. The initiative, started on youtube, and taken up by the press in a short time become viral. Merlin becomes an icon of the struggle against the excessive tax burden. And evidently the former entrepreneur must have hit the mark if Equitalia decided to terminate it. Recently, in fact, Merlin has received notification of the decision against him by his lawyer. But contrary to what one would expect, did not take it bad at all. “For many it would be a tragedy – writes in a message on Facebook – but for me it will be a great opportunity to be able to tell him in his face what I think.” And his judgment is clear: “To hang your head now would sully the memory of those who died strangled by lace and blackmail of the state.” Finally a thought for his children: “I will address this with a smile. The smile of a child after me will live as a free man and conscious when Italy was wonderful and no longer ruled by thieves. ”
Needless to say that we’re on his side. Needless to say, it would take many people with the courage to Mauro Merlin in Italy. But you can not expect to have nothing more to lose by pulling out the nails. At that point it will be too late, you will already have taken everything. The amorality of taxes and tassatori has already written beautifully Professor Marco Bassani and do not need to add more. Perhaps to change all that it would take a really magic. On the other hand it was not called that perhaps Merlin the magician who favored the birth of the great King Arthur and the mythical kingdom of Camelot? Aveva messo in vendita il proprio rene per riuscire a pagare le tasse. E ora Equitalia lo ha denunciato per diffamazione. È l’incredibile storia di Mauro Merlino, un ex imprenditore di 40 anni e padre di famiglia per cui, purtroppo, il braccio armato dell’Agenzia delle Entrate non ha mostrato alcuna pietà. Non importa se l’uomo si trova già in una situazione di estrema difficoltà, la sua impresa è fallita, è disoccupato e non sa come provvedere alla sua famiglia, gli esattori del “fisco amico” hanno mostrato il pollice verso e lo trascineranno in tribunale. Così il poveretto dovrà anche pagarsi le spese legali. Una vicenda senza precedenti che merita dunque di essere raccontata dall’inizio.
La sua azienda, nel modenese, fallisce per colpa della crisi, delle tasse e della burocrazia circa due anni fa. Il solito triste copione, insomma. A quel punto Merlino prova a rientrare nel mercato del lavoro, ma trova solo porte in faccia e al limite qualche impiego saltuario. In due anni cambia sei lavoretti ma sommandoli tutti non arriva a due mesi di lavoro effettivo. Nel frattempo, le tasse lo strangolano. Vistosi perso, decide di urlare tutta la sua rabbia e di lanciare una campagna mediatica volutamente provocatoria per far conoscere la sua storia e farsi ascoltare. «Metto in vendita il mio rene per pagare le tasse allo Stato», è il suo slogan. L’iniziativa, partita su youtube, e ripresa dalla stampa in poco tempo diventa virale. Merlino diventa un’icona della lotta contro l’eccessiva pressione fiscale. Ed evidentemente l’ex imprenditore deve aver colto nel segno se Equitalia ha deciso di denunciarlo. Recentemente, infatti, Merlino ha ricevuto la notifica del provvedimento a suo carico da parte del suo avvocato. Ma contrariamente a quanto ci si aspetterebbe, non l’ha presa affatto male. «Per molti sarebbe una tragedia – scrive in un messaggio su Facebook – ma per me invece sarà una grande opportunità per riuscire a dirgli in faccia quello che penso». E il suo giudizio è netto: «Chinare ora la testa significherebbe macchiare la memoria di chi è morto strangolato da pizzi e ricatti di Stato». Infine un pensiero anche per i suoi figli: «Affronterò tutto questo con un sorriso. Il sorriso di un bambino che dopo di me vivrà da uomo libero e consapevole in un’Italia meravigliosa e non più governata da ladri».
Inutile dire che noi stiamo dalla sua parte. Inutile dire che ci vorrebbero tante persone con il coraggio di Mauro Merlino in Italia. Ma non si può aspettare di non aver più nulla da perdere per tirar fuori le unghie. A quel punto sarà troppo tardi, si saranno già presi tutto. Della amoralità di tasse e tassatori ha già scritto splendidamente il professor Marco Bassani e non c’è bisogno di aggiungere altro. Forse per cambiare tutto questo ci vorrebbe davvero una magia. D’altra parte non si chiamava forse Merlino quel mago che favorì la nascita del grande Re Artù e del mitico regno di Camelot?
Condividi questo articolo!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlZbzbPo0bQ
shut the fuck up
OMG I know this guy! — http://nypost.com/2017/03/10/spider-man-treks-nearly-300-miles-to-italy-earthquake-site/
The Venus project says that a large version of this 3D printing could build a house in nest to not time…think about it all this could be possible now but whom every runs the planet has another agenda of inslaving us instead of freeing us and building a utopia…instead welcome to hell people!
I’ve heard of 3-D printers before, but damn…
i found this guy who is ranting above, Merlino, and now he is dressing as Spiderman. always in a mask i see. This time for an even greater cause fighting the squares of italy trying to get earthquake money to the people. wow. anonymous superhero? https://mauromerlino.com funny he is in Italy but made international news via New York Post, Italian tribune and journals in the USA even gay blogs and women’s blogs love him. Maybe i need to trade in my guy fawkes mask for a superman? Maybe so. Masks work.