This month is Easter. Christians use the occasion to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians generally believe that Jesus gave up his life in order to save mankind. It is believed that He [Jesus] was crucified on the cross, died, and was resurrected on the third day, subsequently ascending to heaven.
The crucifixion of Jesus is very crucial for Christians. It is believed that the bloodshed during Jesus’ crucifixion is the thing that saved mankind from eternal sin. For some religious experts in academia, the biblical narrative of the death of Jesus should be substantiated with physical evidence, however.
Therefore, a great deal of investigation has been undertaken by many religious experts who are trying to establish physical evidence to support or refute the narrative of the death of Jesus. In the past, some religious experts have claimed to have found the original nails that were used to crucify Jesus.
However, the latest on the crucifixion of Jesus, is that a lecturer in biblical and religious studies at the UK University Of Sheffield, Meredith Warren, has critically analyzed some artifacts, suggesting that Jesus might have not been nailed to the cross as widely believed my Christians.
According to Meredith, despite the fact that the four Gospel accounts [Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John] all agreed that Jesus was put on the cross, none of them described the actual procedure, as to whether nails were used in the process, or not.
In a special article published by the Conversation, Meredith said “Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, all include the crucifixion event in their own slightly different ways. None of the Gospels in the New Testament mention whether Jesus was nailed or tied to the cross. However, the Gospel of John reports wounds in the risen Jesus’ hands. It is this passage, perhaps, that has led to the overwhelming tradition that Jesus’ hands and feet were nailed to the cross, rather than tied to it.”
She said further, that the early Christians took some time to accept the image of Jesus on the cross, because crucifixion was a humiliating way for somebody to die through.
“It isn’t surprising that Christians took a while to embrace the image of Christ on the cross, given that crucifixion was a humiliating way to die. What is surprising is what the earliest image of the crucifixion turns out to be. Rather than the devotional icons with which we are familiar – pictures that glorify Jesus’ death – this earliest image appears to be some late second-century graffiti mocking Christians. Called the Alexamenos Graffito, the image shows a figure with the head of a donkey on a cross with the words: ‘Alexamenos worships his God’,” she said.
Using the Constanza gemstone with the depiction of crucified Christ, surrounded by 12 apostles, Meredith made some critical analysis of the crucifixion of Jesus.
“Gemstones, some used for magical purposes, also provide some of our earliest depictions of the crucified Jesus. This second or third century piece of carved jasper depicts a man on a cross surrounded by magic words. Another very early image of the crucifixion is found carved into the face of a carnelian gemstone made into a ring. Scholars think that the Constanza gemstone, as it is known, dates from the fourth century CE. In this depiction, Jesus’s hands do not appear to be nailed to the cross, since they fall naturally, as if he is tied at the wrists,” Meredith wrote.
After Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, he abolished crucifixion as a method of execution. Constantine did this out of respect for Jesus, who he had accepted.
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No proof !!! Just as proof of evolution is based on theory
So an ancient book proves that there is a God instead of solid proof such as science? The Evangelical Masters are now saying God produced the Big Bang, so whats that all about?
“proof is based on theory”?!? You misunderstand how science works. First you find evidence, that leads you to a theory. Then more evidence if found that either supports a theory or does not. If the evidence does not support a theory then a new theory is developed. Evidence is the proof of the theory, not the other way around. Though, i agree, the article is garbage, as it is likely Jesus didnt even exist. Unlike evolution, there is little evidence that supports the Jesus theory.
Show me one kind transforming into another kind.
No need, yes there’s evidence of animals evolving, but you can witness it over minuits, your pupils dilate to evolve and adapt to sunlight, skin darkens to protect against uv rays in direct sunlight, there are many many examples I could list off the top of my head
It’s called (look it up yourself and stop asking other people to educate you)
Google speciation for a start and if you want to see a transitional form, look in the mirror.
Tbh, Idc what anyone thinks about anything. Still a good read, and atleast us humans are still trying to find the truth. I think we’ve already found some of it. Maybe some of it is right in front of us and we’re just being blind.
Well, hope no one gets ranty and throws a tanty.
This article is stupid, and has no useful information. We know from numerous historical sources how crucifixion worked, and that no one was actually nailed in the “hand”, but the wrist, which was still considered hand. The reason it was the wrist is because there is a nerve in the wrist that causes extreme pain when weight is put on it, which happens in crucifixion when lifting yourself by the wrists to breathe (crucifixion kills by suffocation, not blood loss). Thank you for wasting all of our time. Learn some history. Romanan records say what they did to Jesus, you don’t even need a Bible to see.
There’s more evidence for Christ’s existence than of lots of historic figures such as Cromwell or Columbus, which when you look into them and their works,it requires no action on the part of the reader.The difference with Christ is when you learn of him, action is required to completely turn one’s life around and head in an opposite direction. Denial of the truth is as childish as sticking one’s fingers in your ears along with spouting the lies as loud as one can so as not to listen to truth. Man-ing up is required fora truth seeker!
Seriously? Evolution is not a theory it’s a fact, the evidence is unequivocal. But as they say you can’t argue with a fool.
Just like you can’t prove that the flyring spaghetti monster doesn’t exist
FSM definitely exists. All you have to do is have faith and He will be in your heart.
evolution is a theory just like gravity is one!
Come to think of it, whatever happened to the Christianity thing anyway? Come to think of it, although the whole business appeared to be taken pretty seriously in my Grandparents day it has all gone sort of quiet since that. No doubt a great many Christians slaughterd each other during WW2. but even after making allowances, the survivors seem to have very little to say for themselves at the present time. You know! The illegal wars, the endless slaughter of civilians, the desperate refugees and so on and so on.
As I said, scarceley a peep of protest.
Well actually it clearly shows alot of christians believe he was nailed at the wrist not through the hands which would explain the hands falling in these artifacts. Stupid article
Good it`s about jesus Christ and not something about Mohammed. Or else there would be riot`s all over the world, and a shit load of innocent people who have died. Due to muslim felling offended…… But still, Islam is a peaceful religion……… Yeah…….
@ Showman in black – Huh??? your remark is confusing since Muslim religion says to respect the teachings of Jesus Christ as true. Its infidels and mislead Christians that go out and kill Muslims in huge numbers buddy! And of course those that then abandon being Muslim and become Daesh or Jihad and then go kill infidels and Christians in response…
keep it straight!
Sorry but Im not taking any beliefs seriously from the Roman days . I cant take on someone elses beliefs especially from way back then when everything unexplainable was a GOD to them . Yours Truely , I think for myself .
To Dean Biddle who wrote “show me one kind transforming into another”
Your a retard, this isn’t Pokemon that’s not how it works.
Evolution is about genetic mutation.
I’d explain it to you but your resposne would probably be similar to; “No, that’s not right because GOD and Jesus duhh.”
A dogma is a dogma.. you have to keep this as a proof of faith.
Abrahamic religions are part of a secret agenda for some really fucked up stuff, they are fraudulent with much negativity aimed at the destruction and separation of he human species for control and power.
I’m the Antichrist
nice to “meat” you 😀
The truth of the mater is you don’t know you cant know. you were not there to experience it.
To each…their own…We are all entitled to our own opinions and beliefs. Whatever works for one, may not work for another. Peace to all. Namaste. Hail. Good day. Love everyone.
religion:a carbuncle on the ass of humanity. prey pray.
This article is quite disappointing. It doesn’t say anything … … There is enough material out there that some of it can even almost get labelled as actual proof. It is clear somebody hasn’t done its own homework first.
Few weeks ago I came across a very interesting doc. Highlights the fact that we, so far, we have absorbed (biblical) history as such: location and location’s events. Not as whilst this was happening over here, this was happening over there. Therefore one can’t but ask itself… what if those two facts are actually related? Human history has started from the Middle East, and all around that zone all events that made who we are today. Overlapping the facts has produced very interesting and plausible theory…too long to explain and unfortunately I can’t find the (utube) link.
Going back to the death of Yeusha, he couldn’t have died on the cross at all, as Sundays Jews don’t work and also who was crucifix, was taken down for this reason.
The type of cross and body nailing to it not only don’t match but don’t make sense due to some laws of physic. In the Quran there is a conversation among the followers (don’t quote) of the prophet, that say (more or less) “…he didn’t die on the cross, they thought he did, but he didn’t. …”. What this man was able to disclose about our human history video he was able to watch in the hall of records of the Bugeci Mountains, says that there were fair few odd tall men kneeing at the cross, that were dressed like one would dress then, but that they were not from there. He says, they just appeared from nowhere, and disappeared soon after the crucified died in the arms of one of the women’arms.
Apparently these were evil creatures sent to witness/make sure? his death. But apparently he wasn’t him who died, but his stepbrother, who did look just like Yeusha, in fact they could have passed for twins indeed.
And so on and so on and so on… One thing, whoever Yeusha was, not only seems more and more that he was really the son of God, but that he was really a revolutionary!
Can’t be lazy on this subject 🙂 whatever the truth may be.