Sharing photos and videos online is now easier than ever. Internet access is obtainable practically anytime and everywhere, and interconnected wearables and portable devices with photo and video capabilities are almost omnipresent. In such a world, finding damning material posted online can become a significant problem… especially for teenagers not mindful of the repercussions. So how large of a problem is it? In a recent study carried out by Northwestern University, twenty-nine percent of surveyed Facebook users reported losing face after disturbing material was uploaded online… others even take it a step further by uploading so-called “revenge porn” (submitting explicit pictures and video clips of people without their permission). In about 10 percent of broken up couples, at least one former member of the couple has published such materials online, as reported by McAfee in their study. Photographs published online are incredibly hard, almost impossible, to remove. Embarrassing pictures can lead to harassment, termination from work, lowered self-esteem, bad marriages and many other things. Here are some tips that will hopefully help those that have fallen victim to the dreaded, malicious and sinister uploaded content.
Tips To Remove Unwanted Pictures From Facebook:
You’ll find six different options as it pertains to removing photos from Facebook.
1.) As soon as the picture is opened, click “Options” and then either “report photo” or “Remove Tag.”
2.) You can ask the friend who published the picture to get rid of it.
3.) Another alternative is to send an email to [email protected], requesting that the picture be removed.
4.) You may also file a complaint utilizing the Facebook Intellectual Property Infringement Form
5.) Or post a blog in the Help group to get advice from various users and the Facebook team.
6.) If all else fails, you should lodge a complaint using the Facebook Terms Violation Reporting Form.
Tips To Remove Unwanted Pictures From Instagram:
To clean out photos from Instagram, utilize one of the following options:
1.) To de-tag, select “Hide from my profile”
2.) Click on “more options’ and choose ‘Remove me from photo’.
3.) Report that photo as inappropriate.
4.) For further instructions on safety and privacy, we would advise you to click here.
Tips To Remove Unwanted Pictures from Twitter:
To remove photos from Twitter… click here, select the appropriate option, then send the report.
Below is a jolly good graphical version of the above instructions:

SOURCE: FossBytes
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This Article (How To Remove Your Embarrassing Images From Social Media Websites) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
The facebook page “Sinistro 18+” needs to be removed it is murder and death. However the disturbing thing is it has 300+ likes which could influence people to kill. Please with the help of anonymous can we get SINISTRO 18+ REMOVED OFF FACEBOOK IT IS VILE..
P.S i have reported this alot of times and nothing has been done
I just had a look at the page and I’ve reported it too. truly disgusting
Remove the page sinistro 18+
it contains death and murder.
i have report this alot of times but nothing has happend.
it has over 300 likes
Remove this murder page.
It has beheadings and torture
Please Anonymous help remove this page it is disturbing
And when none of these work, find someone having the Fawkes’ mask on (working 100%)
… And none is working ! I officially need your Help guys
What was submitted Nov 03
What issue trying to report
Link (URL) to the content
Link #2
This my endless request for an answer about an event that has been occurring for 3 months now. Targeted religious hate speech about me, using my old profile pictures, my full name, and my phone number to incite people from a specific religious group to call me directly and express their hatred. I have reported these groups for several time to Facebook with no success. So far they have posted 3 successive videos of me. The most recent video is inciting everyone to call me on my mobile +9617100702
What you submitted
Nov 17
Dear John I have tried all the above mentioned reporting tools on Facebook and none is working. The system is broken John and people like me can harmed in no time by bullies and thugs. This is a dangerous place. I work downtown and I can see many eyes focusing on me the past weeks. This has been going on for 3 months now. First bullying me for being Gay now making a video of me that I have insulted Islam and giving away my phone number with my pictures to everyone. See by yourself John my mobile phone is being exchanged by the administration of the page on the same video comments and I am receiving hundreds of phone calls and messages wishing me death and threatening with bad things. This has to stop immediately John please. This a dangerous place. I ve reported everything to the Canadian embassy in Beirut and they advised me to leave the country for my safety.
Nov 18
Dear John , please go through my previous profile which is Gaß Farah, mobile number 96171007027, which is currently blocked from facebook for verification issues (they never got back to me on that since!) and see by yourself the pictures and photos, taken from my previous profile (email [email protected]) and used in this video created solely to promote hate against me and incite a specific religious group to identify me on the street and attack me. At the same time they are using my registered phone number to promote hate calls and threats either by calling me or messaging me. This is getting very serious now, in a country know for religious and ethnic hate. I work downtown and in proximity this specific religious group that they are inciting to call me and threaten me. I have enclosed a sample of the threats and phone I’ve been receiving for the past week and half. This is a rogue country, with no rules and little security and freedoms. You can t jeopardize my life for being unsupportive in this matter. this is not Montreal or Toronto, this is Beirut with extreme levels of testosterone and thugs. murder can be easily done here with little consequences. please please please I am not asking for anything less than my right to remove these videos of me (proofs of ownership and ID sent and resent frequently) from Facebook and going viral . This is a safety issue you will help responsible for ! Thank you
What Should I do next. I desperately need help !